
SharePoint lookup column across site-collection boundary

The basic situation is that I have a list of company contacts that exist in one site that I would like to share. The contacts are referenced from a list within that site, and I would also like to be able to reference them from a list in another site collection. Lookup columns can only lookup values from a list within a site, but this is ...

ASP.NET Application Architecture

Hey all, My company is going to be "breaking ground" on a (large!) ASP.NET application in the near future here. We're currently in the design phase and most of the ASP.NET application's I've developed in the past were relatively small -- less than a few dozen pages and 1 or 2 developers. Can anyone point out any resources, either onlin...

Architecture/Design of a pipeline-based system. How to improve this code?

I have a pipeline-based application that analyzes text in different languages (say, english and chinese). My goal is to have a system that can work on both languages, in a transparent way. NOTE: This question is long because it has many simple code snippets. The pipeline is composed of three components (lets call them A, B, and C), and ...

Linq to entities and business logic

Hi, Whenever I read an article on linq to entities, I sounds like I should embed my business logic in the generated entity-classes. This would means that the "user" of the business-objects (controller, service-layer, ...) would have to know about the datacontext-object that's needed to use linq. It would also mean that the DAL-logic a...

Does Android castrate the ARM's Jazelle technology?

The justification that I've seen for shall we say "Bastardizing" the Java bytecodes in Android was performance. (I suspect there is another reason.) However by changing the byte codes haven't they made hardware excelleration technologies such as Jazelle moot, and thus actually degraded the performance available for a Mobile Java platfo...

What ASP.NET external libraries to consider for new project?

Consider the following scenario which I'm due to find myself in shortly: You're to begin coding a new project that will be a "community website" in ASP.NET and you have a completely blank canvas to work from. You have free reign to consider and evaluate (not necessarily use) any libraries and ways of working to try and produce the most e...

how best to refactor two classes with lots of conditional logic?

hi! I have an Event class which holds start and end times for an event. Each Event object can have a number of associated ChildEvent objects representing each recurrence of the parent Event. Each of those classes needs to take a different action based on how they are being edited e.g. Deleting just one Event: Event: make the first ch...

Architectural best practices - where to put non-REST actions?

I'm making my first real Rails app, and am learning about REST architecture and how it fits into Rails apps. My controllers don't really seem to map logically to an individual resource, so it's tough for me to implement strict REST. For instance, I have a "catalog", "checkout" and "admin" controller, not a "products", "categories", "orde...

Automatically print a new order from web application

A fast paced foodservice company is wanting me to develop a web order form so customers can place orders online for pickup or delivery. One of requested requirements is to automatically print a newly generated order to the service counter. I'm using c#,, SQL on 3rd party hosted server. What type (web, console, winforms) of app...

jquery javascript module architecture on a website

I want to write a module on one html site - I will never leave the site I think about two possible concurrent basic approaches: We go into the module by use only a specific function (with specific params - everything which will happen, happen there - logic, exception handling etc) We go in by using one handler-fct, which manages some ...

Architecting medium size asp mvc - using ninject and creating objects

Hello, I'm designing medium-size website using mvc technology. All business logic is organized into IServices (like IDomainService, IUserService, IAuthService, ITrainingService). All services are using IRepositories. I'm using Ninject 1.5 to wire services with controllers and it seems working perfectly. There is so far one subj...

Handling lat/long and mysql spatial points in rails

There have been a decent amount of questions about mysql spatial datatypes, however mine is more specific to how best to deal with them within a rails MVC architecture. I have an input form where an admin user can create a new point of interest, let's say, a restaurant and input some information. They can also input a human-readable ...

Designing Web services for AJAX Consumption

We are in the process of designing/creating restful web services that will be consumed client side using XHR calls from various web pages. These web pages will contain components that will be populated by the data retrieved from the web services. My question is, is it best to design the return data of the web services to match specific...

How to validate software design?

I am pretty alone at my workplace when it comes to thinking about the overall design of the applications we're building. I don't have anybody to discuss the pros and cons with different frameworks, technologies, patterns, layering and so on with. The other programmers either don't care or thinks "the old way" is fine, which it isn't beca...

Is it possible to have architecture guidelines? If so what should be in them?

In the same way we have coding standards, can there be things such as architecture standards? These would be high level principals that we can pass to our less experienced programmers so when they start designing changes or small applications they know what we expect to see without the more experienced programmers having to correct them...

Archive Builder PHP

Before i start id like to say ive posted this question as more of a discussion rather than Problem Question. In my Database i have news posts lets say with 3 columns (Id, title, date). Wher Id and title are self Explanitory the date is stored in mktime() values, in other words the number of seconds passed since 1 January 1970. Now what...

Rating System in PHP and MySQL

If we look at the stackoverflow website we have votes. But the question is what is the bestway to store who has voted and who has not. Lets also simplify this even more and say that we can only vote Up, and we can only Remove the Up vote. I was thinking having the table to be in such form question - Id(INT) | userId(INT) | title(TEX...

Sizes of structs on 32 bit and 64 bit

In the .NET struct design guidelines, it gives the maximum sensible size of a struct as 16 bytes. How do you determine how large your struct is, and is it affected by the architecture your program is running on? Is this value 32-bit only, or for both archs? ...

effective methods for "editioning" your software in .net

Given a single .net codebase for a piece of software (let's use C# for argument's sake), and I want to break this software down into different editions based on functionality (like a basic edition and an advanced edition), what is the best way to go about this? Would I have to factor this into my software architecture? ...

Reporting tools and architecture

Hello everybody, I'm doing some research on reporting tools and architecture. Can you give me a starting point to where to start looking at, or point some resources about it? Thank you very much. Sebastian ...