
ASP.NET MVC 2 Preview 1 - what is the best way to implement areas?

In the latest release of ASP.NET MVC 2 they have launched the concept of areas as supported by MS. However to perform this areas concept one has to create multiple separate projects. One project per area. In ASP.NET MVC 1 there were many other ways out there to support areas where you would still be working within the same project. T...

Ajax Architecture - MVC? Other?

Hey all, I'm looking at building an ajax-heavy site, and I'm trying to spend some time upfront thinking through the architecture. I'm using Code Igniter and jquery. My initial thought process was to figure out how to replicate MVC on the javascript side, but it seems the M and the C don't really have much of a place. A lot of the JS w...

Is this ASP.NET Inherited Shared Function practice acceptable?

I have a bunch of different forms that I would like to create a base MustInherit class for. One function I would like them all to contain is a shared function called GetForms(). I know that you can't declare a shared function MustOverride so I did the following in my abstract class: Public Shared Function GetForms() As List(Of OrderForm...

Multiple language components/classes [OOP/Patterns/IoC/DI]

I have several components for which there exists different versions, depending on the language used by the system (configurable, and can be changed at runtime). For example, I have an interface ("component") for Tokenizer, and two concrete implementations for english and chinese, like so: public interface Tokenizer { List<String> to...

.Net and plugin architectures

Following on from Jeff and Joel's discussions of plugin architectures. Plugins in C++ (using runtime loaded dlls) are always a bit of a pain. You have to do a lot of ground work to enable them and then the plugin must also be written in C++, often even with the same compiler. COM objects and ActiveX solved some of these problems but int...

What is the best architecture for content oriented website/portal?

What is the best architecture for content-oriented website/portal? ...

What is the best way to design big WCF Duplex Services with a Silverlight application?

Hello, I am currently working on a silverlight application, more precisely a game, that has 2 states : Lobby and Game. I created my service application to reflect that structure. I created a LobbyService to handle all lobby related operations and a GameService to handle all actual game operations. On top of that, I have a third service...

How to save a half-completed form

I am working on a project where we would like to give the user the ability to save their half-completed form so they can come back later and complete it. I'm struggling with figuring out exactly how I want to do this. Do I save them in the same pool with the completed applications, only with a special status? I don't really want to sa...

wcf and Factory\plugin pattern

I have an architectural question for you :) In my new project i'm developing a wcf service that has a "driverName" string input parameter and for that name the service must create a "driverType" class that implements an "IDriver interface" and execute a method. The application will be extensible and i want put other assembly with other d...

What's a pushlock?

Pushlocks are used internally by windows as synchronization primitives for some of its operations, specifically as part of the memory manager. What exactly is a pushlock? How is it different from a spinlock? ...

Architecture for one database and several apps

If five applications are using the same database, and these apps need to be released at different times, what type of architecture or configuration accommodates that scenario? The main concern is: Any of the five applications are allowed to change the database, which can then break any of the four apps in production. ...

Architecture Considerations

Hi, I'm currently designing a web application and I'm considering using python-django for the front end and C#-WCF-Entity Framework at the back end. My core competence is C#, hence the choice of back end technologies. I, however, do not want to use C# at the front end because I prefer django's clean design vs ASP.NET plus the flexibilit...

Advantage of creating a generic repository vs. specific repository for each object?

We are developing an ASP.NET MVC application, and are now building the repository/service classes. I'm wondering if there are any major advantages to creating a generic IRepository interface that all repositories implement, vs. each Repository having its own unique interface and set of methods. For example: a generic IRepository interf...

EFPocoAdapter use

Hello after much debating between nhibernate and EF, our team has decided to go for EntityFramework with EFPoocoAdapter to solve the POCO problem with EF. Wondering if there are projects (> 400 db tables) being developed using this adapter, and if there are things that we should be aware of while using it. many thanks ...

What's your recommendation for architecting GWT applications? MVC, MVP or custom messaging solution?

Hello, I just started a new GWT project for a client and I'm interested in hearing people's experience with various GWT MVC architectures. On a recent project, I used both GXT MVC, as well as a custom messaging solution (based on Appcelerator's MQ). GXT MVC worked OK, but it seemed like overkill for GWT and was hard to make work with br...

Any good methods to evaluate a design before any code is implemented?

Are there any heuristic methods out there used to figure out if there are flaws in a design? Or is it pretty much a subjective skill that comes with experience? Often I see engineers go for the first design that comes to their head and then adjust according to the results, this gets the job done, but it's time consuming. I'd like to know...

What are some ways to test an architecture?

How does one test an architecture? Are there test-related things that can be done while the architecture is still being pounded into shape? I plan to iterate but I don't want to wait to have an entire architecture done (even if it's very rough) before I start thinking about testing. Update: I'm using the word architecture the way it's ...

How should I architect my Silverlight Application?

So far I have been creating Silverlight apps with all logic crunched into a single xap file. But as the application grows in size, I seriously think I should break my Silverlight application into smaller multiple independent applications. I would like to know how others solve this increasing size problem?? Thanks... ...

iPhone Platform Constraints

Hello, I'm analyzing the iPhone platform (for a paper). I've made a list with issues, developers/architects have to consider, before working with the iPhone SDK. The questions aims at people, who want to release iPhone software. What constraints restrict them in comparsion to other mobile platforms, such as Android, Windows Mobile, S...

Massive MySQL Query

If we have table such as this message: Id (INT) | message(TEXT) | date(TIMSTAMP) And lets imagine that there is constantly data comming into this table. For example 1, 'Hello World', 12345678; 2, 'Yoooo Whats Up', 12345679; 3, 'My name is Hal!', 12345680; Now this table is huge and is never deleted SELECT * FROM ar...