
C++ plus VS plus WORKFLOW ?

Hello, I have seen there is Workflow Foundation for .NET. Is there some kind of a tool for creating work flow with C++ on VS? Or there maybe there are similar tools which helps to architect application business processes? Thanks in advance ! :) ...

Architecture: Maintaining order history

I am working on a new domain model for an application that will have order processing for items built in (well, too keep it simple for this question anyway). I have a class "VendorItem" that represents items that can be ordered. Originally the "Order" class was going to have a list of VendorItems associated with it, but I have come acr...

One method shared by several classes

I have just one method that I need several different classes to access and it just seems lame to make a utility class for just one method. The classes that need to use this method are already inheriting an abstract class so I can't use inheritance. What would you guys do in this situation? ...

Terminology: What's the difference between a class and a component?

Within the OO paradigm, we choose to use classes because they help us to break the system down, and provide nice side benefits such as encapsulation, separation of responsibilities, inheritance, modularity, etc. If we look at a software system at the component level, can we simply treat components in the same conceptual way, i.e. a comp...

Difference between library and application code?

This question sprung from a web application, although it should be valid for other types of applications too. I am using MVC. I have both application code (modeles, views, controllers, forms, helpers, etc.) and library code (external libraries and an internal library with self-written database mappers, json converters etc.). I wonder w...

Web Service / Forms: Architecture and Framework Question

We have the following architecture in mind: To an existing application, we would like to add a web service front end. The web service will be used from a web portal, which runs on a different web server. So, we will not use a database on this different web server and just forward entries from the web portal to the web service and show...

Who need to save data in session

Hi, i build a small application with mvc framework. I have one question. I built n-layer structure (controller -> service layer -> repository layer) of app and created a wizzard for collect data from user. Some data which comes from repository(data layer) need to save for next step(for example when user press back button on wizza...

.net application architecture

I'm currently trying to design an application and I'm having trouble trying to decide on the architecture to use for it. This will be a .net application and essentially what this application will have is a server running some specific software that this application will interact with. On this server there needs to be a provisioning ser...

How does YouTube's flash player retrieve its media?

I'm trying to build a flash widget which will grab videos stored on my server. How does one do this to allow for maximum scalability? I want to emulate what YouTube does. Does it make a SOAP request? What kind of server is it talking to? An application server? A server that only serves videos? ...

Programming design architecture for my application

I have the need from an web site to send out many SMS messages at once, and also poll a POP3 account for an incoming mail, and then SMS that out to many recipients, one at a time. The way I am thinking of doing this is a windows service that would connect to my sql back-end to see if there are SMS messages to be sent out, like e...

Where to go to learn about web architecture? Youtube example?

I'm trying to build a web application that is similar to Youtube (it's not a knock off), but I guess I don't know how video is served on the internet very well. I know how to build regular database driven web applications, but nothing like the scalability of Youtube. All of the applications I have built before have all been run on one s...

type fidelity using WCF/WPF over internet

We are trying to come up with an architecture approach for designing an application where front end runs as a browser based xaml app. this app contacts services on the web server that are built using wcf, the wcf services host domain model that uses nhibernate for persistence (so it is hibernate aware by using interfaces for lists and s...

Complex View in WPF

Hello Guys, I am working on a personal project. I started with a previous post ( Trying to Use- repository - service and View Modal - View approach Please see the attached image file. Most of my windows will have multiple views. My Questions are...

Why are different types of software architecure important in the software industry?

As I read about software architecture (MVC, SOA, etc.), I had some questions: Why are so many architectures needed? What are the advantages of these architectures? How can I select an appropriate architecture for my projects? What are the guidelines I need to follow? I read the blog of scottGu and he specified that MVC will help in sea...

Do I have to design my app architecture keeping Azure in mind?

Hi, I am currently designing architecture for my new project. This has ASP.Net MVC web client and WCF web services for third party integration as front-end. Currently this application will be hosted by us on rented rack space in datacenter, but in future we might move it to Microsoft Azure. Do I have to do specific planning for Azure ...

What does "Core" mean in the Context of Library Design?

I often see other developers naming libraries with "CORE". What does it actually mean? ...

ASP.Net excessive use of User Controls

Hi, I'm investigating an web application that extensively uses User Controls on each page. Most pages contain around 10-20 user controls. The User controls seem to be the visual representation of the business objects (if that makes sense), although at a finer granularity such as each tab of a tab control having its contents in a...

Which pattern for adding a comment to a wiki page?

Which pattern could be used in web projects? I am developing a wiki project with ASP.NET. In my structure every wiki entry could have comments. Which way is the best : wikiEntry.AddComments(newComment); wikiEntry.Comments.Add(newComment); entryManager.AddComment(wikiEntry, newComment); ...

Best data/display choice for 'simple' address book application

I've started hacking together a little application for managing a list of addresses and contacts. I fancied going the way of using XmlSerialization on custom objects, but have come up against a first hurdle in that I can't sort a DataGridView on a custom object collection without implementing BindingList. Which has got me wondering whet...

Backward vs Forward Architecture

Does the title definitions means something? I have here some notes I took a while ago and the only thing I wrote is forward == simpler backward == harder to grow Anyone? ...