
Elegant and safe way to determine if architecture is 32bit or 64bit

As title says, is there any elegant and safe way to determine if architecture is 32bit or 64bit. By elegant, you can think of precise, correct, short, clean, and smart way. By safe, think of safe in term of standard, C89/C99, and operating system independence. ...

MVC/MVP/MVVM - How to organize business logic

This post is similar to, but I'm looking for more detail. I've bought into the Model as the place where the vast majority of business logic should reside. However, the Model, as far as I understand has a lot going on inside it: application st...

EAI/middleware: Huge messages inline or by reference

Are there good practices for processing messages or requests/responses dealing with huge amounts of data (MBytes? GBytes?) via an middleware or an EAI system, assunming that the middleware transports but does not process the huge data blobs? Transport the data with the message in order to keep coherence but probably several times copy ...

Lifestream in Rails

I'm currently building a "Lifesteam" style website in Rails. A lifestream usually is an aggregate of public content (usually received via APIs). I'm currently confused about the database structure. There will be a Users table (as users will be able to sign up and have their own lifestream). I'm wondering whether I should also have a S...

Rails: the better app infrastructure

I'm trying to make a comment system, identical to the stackoverslow's one. There's a 1-st level comment, and a bunch of a second level comments, attached to it. The first straightforward idea that came up in order to do that, was to create a separate model, sub_comment. But I still got this feeling, that I should inherit the initial comm...

Web App architecture questions

Background: I am an intermediate web app developer working on the .Net Platform. Most of my work has been defined pretty well for me by my peers or superiors and I have no problem following instructions and getting the job done. The task at hand: I was recently asked by an old friend to redo his web app from scratch. His app is extreme...

How does Google serve results so fast?

Time and again when I search for a topic on Google, Google returns me the results and also prints out some stats like "Results 1 - 10 of about 8,850,000 for j2me. (0.24 seconds)" I notice that the seconds taken by Google to serve the results are in fraction of a second range. How does Google serve pages so fast, what kind of database ...

Jboss for a 3-layered client server architecture

I'm designing a system where I have 2 nodes: 1 node with a web server that serves JSP pages, and forwards requests to web services in another node. In this other node, these webservices forward the eequests to the business logic layer, which then interacts with a DBAcccess layer. Is JBoss suitable for this layout? Will I have to deplo...

Making an enterprise application more robust - ASP.NET/C#

I am working with a team of 10 developers in enhancing an enterprise app built on .NET/C# and SQL Server 2005. The application is mature and large but there are lots of opportunities for improvement in terms of reusability, scalability and performance. I would like to help in making the application more robust and would like to know wh...

In what tier should my web service references be?

I have the following structure in my web solution: Domain DataAccess ApplicationServices Web Tests I have some application services that I am using to abstract some web services that I am using. (Specifically, I am bundling some shipping web services together into a single application service.) Should my Application Services laye...

Separating Business Rules from Business Processes

Hi, how do I externalize the business rules from the business processes so that I can add rules without touching the business process logic? For example, I have two business processes, say "Add Product" and "Update Product", there are a few common rules that these 2 processes share, and rules can keep getting added later. I intend to w...

Stategies for Rebuilding Legacy Applications

I have a new assignment coming up shortly where I have re-architect some legacy COM applications in .Net WPF. If possible I need to re-use functionality or existiing code however I suspect the scope for this is limited. I need to replicate existing functionality but need to achieve it using a modern and extensible architecture. Does a...

When do Categories exist as part of a domain or core of an application?

Previously whenever I've designed an application I've always treated categories as a major "top-level" piece of the design. But after becoming more interested in domain driven design and as database as "not" the model I'm not seeing categories in the same light anymore. To me categories exist as a UI batch processing helper for navigat...

Is there a name for this architectural pattern?

Suppose you have a web site consisting of: A web server serving your various users requests A DB for persistence A separate server asynchronously doing background stuff - preparing the data on the DB, updating it according to changes, etc. - regardless of what's going on in the main server. You can easily translate this into another ...

What strategies can an ORM use to cache data while minimizing complexity?

If the application asks for a similar result set to one that has recently been requested, how might the ORM keep track of which results are stale and which can be reused from before without using too many resources (memory) or creating too much architectural complexity? ...

What's the best ORM for DDD?

I'd prefer a commercial solution. So not NHibernate. Now i'm playing with LLBLGen pro and i like it but it doesn't seem be DDD friendly. ...

Which programming technique helps you most to avoid or resolve bugs before they come into production

I don't mean external tools. I think of architectural patterns, language constructs, habits. I am mostly interested in C++ ...

Architecture for dynamic business rules

I am creating a payroll application in .NET. One of the requirements is that the attendance and deduction rules should be dynamic and flexible to the most extent. The user should be able to define his own rules, where every employee will be bound to an attendance rule. One solution is to compile C# code on the fly where the code to eve...

C# class size calculation

In C# (.NET) how exactly methods (virtual, static, non-virtual) impact on class size? ...

Ok to use memcache in this way? or need a system re-architecture?

Hi all, I have a "score" i need to calculate for multiple items for multiple users. Each user has many many scores unique to them, and calculating can be time/processor intensive. (the slowness isn't on the database end). To deal with this, I'm making extensive use of memcached. Without memcache some pages would take 10 seconds to lo...