
Architecture for WinForms applications?

I have started a WinForms project a few weeks ago and as I did not really know what features I wanted, I just added them along the way. This now caused a horrible mess where my MainForm is a big ball of mud and where for example some important state changes are triggered by UI elements to the point I have to call the OnChange Event of a ...

Proper app architecture for integrating with built-in apps.

I would like to receive mail message data via a menu item from the messenger application. I understand how this works with the RIM API. After registering a menu item with the RIM app, when a user clicks on the menu item, a new process of MyApp gets started and passed the appropriate object. I'd like to know the best way to pass the in...

Windows Forms Chart Controls and Automatic Build

I ask about where and how to add those controls to a Windows Forms Project. I want to know if is considerable to create interfaces and static classes for call methods for build these controls and use extenders for data binding. Note the namespace assigned for that class : namespace SResocentroAnalytics.Controls.WinForms.Chart { ///...

An architecture question

Hi guys, I got a general architecture question, hope guys can help me. So some basic background first. I have a midsize customer base using my flagship product, which is mainly a crm accounting software. Its a windows based product and they host the data on their servers (usually at their offices). I have a clickonce application that u...

A lost programmer seeking for advices...

Hi. I'm a programmer with high knowledge of Delphi and Borland's tools. I'm currently in a turn over learning C# and .NET. I'm planning a total rewrite of my commercialized application. With all thoses technologies available with Microsoft tools, I'm totally lost. Which way to go? WinForms? WPF? WCF? Asp.NET? Using Microsoft Ajax? JQ...

ASP.NET MVC Architecture

I'm curious about the architecture in ASP.NET MVC. How I should get data from a database? The ASP.NET videos and tutorials shows that all data should be handled in the Models, so I thought this was the way to go. I've started at a new job and here they prefer to get data in the Controllers. What is the most correct way to go? I know th...

Web interface for SQL Server database

I have been working on VB6 database desktop programming, but now a client is asking for a simple web interface (some inserts into SQL Server db used by a desktop application). The question is: Which approach is better? 1)creating project, connected directly to the SQL Server database; 2)creating separate (simple) mysql datab...

DDD Repository Awareness of Other Repositories

Is it generally acceptable that one repository can access another repository? Specifically in this case, I have one aggregate root that uses another aggregate root to determine what entities to add. It falls along the lines of an Item/Item Type relationship. The reason that the Item Type is an aggregate root is that they are separatel...

N tier architecture and ASP.NET datasources

In sense of separation tiers from each other,is it properly to use a datasource in the ASP web appliaction(presentation tier)? ...

ASP.NET RAD Controls in an Enterprise Level App

Ive always been against RAD controls because I wanted to do everything grammatically in the code, but I need my projects to speed up. I recently downloaded a project that used a layered architecture and had a ObjectDataSource control in the presentation page. I was accessing types in the DAL and didn't have a connection string in it, so ...

What is an excellent software architecture?

I know my question is too inaccurate to answer but let me give you some background information. Last year I got a new job as a software manager which I thought could do well. I am experienced in many different programming domain, like GUI, web, RIA, network application. I am a good problem solver. Generally I know how to organize cod...

Best way to store muti-type field

Let's say we have a field that can be in more than one type, for instance: string or date or XML datatypes. Now we have two methods to store this in a database 1- using a string typed field + field defining type: losing "type-aware" sorting capabilities, needs casting 2- separate tables (StringValues,DateValues,Decimal,XML ...etc):a f...

Employee Limitations

I am writing a C# program to handle scheduling. Now each employee needs the ability have limitations on their schedule for ex: Sally can only work Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 9am-3pm Billy can only work Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday from 5pm-9pm Sally can only work Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 9am-3pm until so and so date and then s...

Custom reflection functionality in .Net

Is it possible to override reflection functionality ? ...

documented Architecture/design for open source projects

In order to learn about the architecture/design from the open source project I was looking for such documents in each opensource project I explored. For e.g. Google chrome gives following documentation which is really helpful for the developer. http://dev.c...

Is it fine to copy the mediawiki database architecture to design your own wiki?

In the highscalability blog, Todd Hoff talks about the wiki architecture SO adopted (initially), crunches that followed and mentions the painful refactoring needed to get back on track. To quote: Stack Overflow copied a key part of the Wikipedia database design. This turned out to be a mistake which will need massive and pai...

Architecting Silverlight 3 applications

Hi all, I'm bumbling my way through creating a Silverlight 3 application. I need some high level guidance for the following scenario. I have a page where a user fills out a bunch of information. At the bottom of the page there is basically a submit button. When clicked, it commits the info to the database (via ria services), and then ...

Should Rich Client Arch be used in Multi Tier Enterprise Systems

We have a fairly large enterprise, multi-tier, multi-layer solution built on .Net 3.5. The system is a Service Oriented Architecture (WCF Services) with an ASP.Net MVC User interface fronting it all. Some of the guys in the team are working on Tooling for the system, and are implementing these as WPF Rich Client Architectures that conne...

Google Earth - Rich Client or Rich Internet Architecture?

Is Google Earth a Thick Client (Rich Client) application or a Rich Internet Application? If you read the Microsoft Architecture Guide 2.0, they seem to thing GE is a Thick Client, along with any application which is not rendered in a web browser, or on a mobile device? I think GE is a perfect example of a RIA, together with Microsoft's ...

Determine a process's architecture

Is there a programmatic way to find out what architecture another process is running as on Mac OS X 10.5 and later? Examining the process's image file is not a solution, as the image is likely to contain multiple architectures, and between arch(1) and the “Open in Rosetta” and “Open in 32-bit mode” checkboxes, there's no way to tell fro...