
Can Ado Data Services replace my webservices which i use in ajax calls in my websites?

I used to create normal webservices in my websites, and call these services from javascript to make ajax calls. Now i am learning about Ado Data Services, My question is: Does this Ado Data Services can replace my normal webservice in new sites i will create? And if Yes, Can i put these Ado Data Services in a separate project "local o...

where to put the connection string in a n-tier app?

I've created a DAL using the entity framwerok. I've also created a business service layer and a presentation layer(web app). My common sence is telling me the connection string should by only in the DAL but the presentation layer needs the connection string too. So what's the best-practice for this situation ? Is there any way to have ...

Wpf Prism application architechture with the MVVM pattern

I'm currently introducing Prism to a new Wpf application, and am using the MVVM pattern. My initial approach of structuring the Wpf application was to add one project to hold the model classes, one to hold the viewmodel classes, etc. These might be split at a later time to avoid having different logical components in the same project. Ho...

where i can find ServerConnectionManager/indexing server open source to learn

Hello i need to learn and later to implement Server Connection Manager to be used by peer to peer turn based game is there any resource to learn how to implement such architecture ? ...

Better way to architect this function?

I have a function that consists mainly of a massive amount of calls (50+) to another function which inserts data into an array, with logic here and there dictating various conditions to insert various items into the array (plus a little bit on the end that writes the contents of the array out to a file). I'm wondering if there isn't a be...

What are techniques for increasing cohesion while maintaining loose coupling?

Loose coupling, high cohesion for a maintainable application This is the battle-cry that I hear over and over. There is plenty of advice on how to loosely couple components. Base on interfaces and inject all dependencies Use events Use a service bus etc. However, I feel like I've never really heard any specific suggestions fo...

RESTful Authorization

I'm building a community-based site in Rails for the members of a real-world organization. I'm trying to adhere to the best practices of RESTful design, and most of it is more or less by-the-book. The issue that's making my brain run in neat RESTful circles is that of authorization. Authentication is an easy, long-solved problem with wid...

How to determine OS Platform with WMI?

I am trying to figure out if there is a location in WMI that will return the OS Architecture (i.e. 32-bit or 64-bit) that will work across "all" versions of Windows. I thought I had figured it out looking at my Win2k8 system when I found the following: Win32_OperatingSystem / OSArchitecture I was wrong. It doesn't appear that this ...

Insightful resources for game engine architecture?

I am looking for resources that describe, in detail, the design decisions involved in game engine architecture. I am especially looking for analysis of the pros and cons of different design decisions at the lowest levels of the engine. The ideal resource, for example, might compare an inheritance-based object hierarchy to a flat, compone...

File Structures -- Why use (Zend) MVC?

I'm relatively new to PHP and have been writing a project using what I believe is a fairly basic file architecture - all files and sub-folders within one main site folder accessed separately. Within the project, I've been using the Zend Framework as more of a library than an actual framework. I'm happy with Zend and using it like this ma...

Handling security and be decoupled

I am trying to design an application in 3 layers : 1) Data access layer 2) business layer 3) UI I try to keep classes decoupled so on the business layer I have created interfaces for the Data access classes like this : public interface ICountryRepository:IRepository { Country GetCountry(int ID); int CreateCountry(Country ob...

What's your perspective on Monopoly City Streets as a programmer/dba?

Monopoly City Streets is the latest MMORPG by Hasbro. If someone asks you to build a similar game, how would you go about it? What technology/language Hardware specs and scaling Database and its architecture Security or cheat prevention Other things... ...

MVP vs. Presentation Model, which one is better?

UPDATE MVP vs. Presentation Model, which one is better (for desktop application) - in terms of maintainability testability complexity flexibility separation of concern - changing one component (view, controller, model etc) has minimal impact on the others. performance (optional) memory usage (optional) ...

Controller/Static State Class in WinForms Application - Where to put?

I'm writing a WinForms application and want to have an "MVC-Type" Design. Actually it's more MVP or MVVM,. The plan is to have a Central Controller which does all the actual work, so that the Forms just render out ViewModels and handle user input, but everything that actually does something goes through the Controller. I just wonder if...

High scalability technology stack

I'm building a webservice that is going to be under ridiculous load (thousands to ten-thousands of queries per second). My normal stack of apache, PHP, memcache and some DB will be able to handle it with a nice load balancer infront and lots of machines, but I'm wondering if there are better solutions. The endpoint will be hit by a beac...

Detecting Changes in Entities within an Aggregate Root

I am looking to see what approaches people might have taken to detect changes in entities that are a part of their aggregates. I have something that works, but I am not crazy about it. Basically, my repository is responsible for determining if the state of an aggregate root has changed. Let's assume that I have an aggregate root calle...

What should a good Technical Product Roadmap look like?

I've been asked to work on a technical product road map for a suite of products. Can anyone provide recommendation as to what this should include and how I should present it? I'd probably need to cover some lines that will disappear and convergence between other products. I'd also like to find a good way of presenting this in a diagram...

Is it bad practice to return partial views that contain javascript?

Hi all, The replies in this post sound very convincing, however, this post is just over my head and was hoping for some help: I have code in my partial view that looks like this: <%@ Control Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl" %> <div class="messageBox1"></div> <% Html.BeginForm("BusinessAdd", "Home", FormMethod....

Where does Data Services fit in an N-Layer Arch ??

I dont like accesssing data directly from the UI layer. I am somehow failing to understand where to use a data service in an N-Layer arch software. EDIT: I am struggling with the concept of a service as a DAL. I would assume it isnt too efficient although it looks scalable. ...

Live UI update of model changes when the model contains plain data structures only

Please consult me with your opinions on the following topic: I have a model - a structure of the objects. Such as: Event, containing participants Current task Assignee of each task The model is going to be pickled on the server and transferred over the network to the client GUI application. Because of the pickle I'd want to keep the...