
Global variable vs DI Container.

Can someone describe pros and cons of both methods, and when you prefer one over another? interface IService { object GetSomething(); } class Service:IService{...} DI Container.Register<IService, Service>(); class A { public A(IService service) { _service = service; } } Global class Config { publi...

Best book to learn MFC internals

Hi All, Which book you suggest by which any bit experienced MFC programmer can learn much dipper, about internal design or architecture and structures and how the whole things works. If anyone knows any book or online reference... Thanks, Bhavesh Bagadiya ...

Architectures for a Java web application

What are the different architectures for developing professional and organized Java Web Applications? I have heard about MVC architecture, what architecture else does, for example, Stackoverflow, google, orkut, etc.. use for a scalable, robust and easily-maintainable-from-the-developers-point-of-view, exist! ...

Architecture for chart reuse.

In the company that I work for we have several web-based applications that require charting of data in one form or another. We are therefore investigating different ways of reusing the efforts we put into providing charts. As far as we have come there seems to be an architectural divide in that we can either use the same charting compone...

Would an application for two people working on the same file help for pair programming?

I was talking with a recruiter about an opportunity where paired programming is used. To me there are some concerns about two senior developers working together, as I expect I would be reading while the other is working. But, as I talked with this recruiter I had a vision of a way that paired programming could be useful, if there was a...

In RUP: What RUP roles are responsilbe for creating the Software Architecture Document?

Based on the different views documented in SAD which RUP roles should should be responsible for creating the SAD? I thought from the beginning that the SAD was only for a technical audience but from what i can see in RUP it is more than that so it seems like it is not only the Software Architect that should be involved. ...

Where to look for information on Architecture of High Scalable Website like Orbitz, Amazon, Ebay, Linkedin etc ?

Dear Stackoverflow Readers, I am willing to learn about different architectures of highly scalable web applications like gmail, google, youtube, amazon, orbitz, linkedin, ebay etc. and would certainly appreciate if someone can point me to some online resource/book from where I can learn about details of their architecture and trade off...

The "state design pattern" could be considered an "architectural pattern"?

"An architectural pattern expresses a fundamental structural organization schema for a software system". There are software systems that can be described as finite-state machines (specially many real-time systems and embedded systems), if we consider the previous description given in the first paragraph for an "architectural pattern", ...

Flash Lite Optimization - attachMovie vs Timeline

Give us your opinion about how you define a Flash Lite project for a complex application with many different views. Do you use : 1) attachMovie with each different views in movie clips in the library unloadMovie to switch to another view ? 2) timeline ... you use gotoAndStop() ? the main problem of this, is when you use createEmptyMovi...

Injecting business classes into businsess classes in a three layered architecture

I have a three layered Java application consisting of a presentation layer, a business layer, and a data access layer. In my application, the business layer contains what I am calling service classes and my data access layer contains what I'm calling data access classes. I am using Spring for dependency injection and to manage database t...

Domain Driven Design Layout Question

Hi Im new to the DDD thing. I have a PROFILE class and a PROFILE REPOSITORY CLASS. The PROFILE class contains the following fields -> Id, Description, ImageFilePath So when I add a new Profile, I upload then image to the server and store the path to it in my db. When I delete the profile, the image should be removed from my file syste...

Concurrent network client in Cocoa

I'm trying to work out in my head the best way to structure a Cocoa app that's essentially a concurrent download manager. There's a server the app talks to, the user makes a big list of things to pull down, and the app processes that list. (It's not using HTTP or FTP, so I can't use the URL-loading system; I'll be talking across socket c...

How can I restructure my site without a conversion to MVC/WCSF?

I have a portfolio made in C#/ASP.NET which started off small but, as it is selling myself, it has grown in size very quickly. I started off with using ASP.NET webforms model but this has meant that some of my code is in class libraries (.dlls) and some in page codebehind. I want to fix this (no defined stucture), but without the overh...

resolving circular dependencies with dependency injection

I've seen several articles on various websites that propose resolving circular dependencies between .NET assemblies by using dependency injection. This may resolve the build errors but it's not really resolving the circular dependency, is it? To me, there seems to still be a logical error in the architecture. Am I crazy or do others a...

Sharing my Paint Brush Application over a network

I have made a very basic paint brush application in java. I want to enhance this application to be shared across users on the internet so that we can simultaneously share the instance and work collaboratively on the paint screen. [i got this idea form the doodle work env in yahoo messenger] I am not sure if this would be acheived by ne...

How can I approach making my application use event-based architecture?

It's a somewhat broad question, and for that I apologise, however I am struggling to get to grips with an approach for turning an overly complex (read: poorly designed) ASP.NET WebForms application into something more maintainable. I believe it can be transformed into something which is largely event-driven. I don't mean events as in th...

What are must have good books/online Resources for Software Architecture ?

Dear Stackoverflow Readers, I looking for some really good must have books/online resources for Software Architecture. I am willing to understand different Software Architectural Concepts and learn more about them so would certainly appreciate if someone can point me to appropriate resources. Thanks, Rachel ...

Zend Framework - Dynamically adding "code modules" or classes

I'm building a Zend-based Web app that will permit third-party extensions. Essentially, this application's database will have a generic "content store." Extensions are added to render different pieces of content in different ways. Think of a rich mail store: When the user asks for a "Calendar" item, I instantiate a Calendar class (or s...

Software Design is Trial and Error Approach, how true is this statement?

Dear Stackoverflow Readers, Please comment your votes on how true is following statement: "Software Design is Trial and Error Approach" Regards, Rachel ...

Domain Driven Design: Aggregate root & Sub Aggregate roots

In my project, i am finding the need to break my aggregate in a hierarchical fashion, with top root level aggregate, which ensures consistency of rules at root level, and then my objects under the root, can be sub grouped into various aggregates. When calculating the integrity of root level aggregate, the root validates it's own rules an...