
What is your experience with abandoning MVVM for UserControl-based WPF architecture?

We built an large application based on Composite Application Library and MVVM using Infragistics controls. In order to save time and make the application more straight-forward, we scrapped the MVVM requirement. We now have no Presenters or ViewModels and our Views have become simple UserControls which are created like this: BaseEditor....

Launching win32 native executable from public web site

I've been presented with an architectural challenge and am looking for ideas. Customer has an existing win32 native application that they are pretty resistant to changing in any but trivial ways. It is written in unmanaged c++ and uses at least one 3rd party dll so it is not a stand alone exe. What it is doesn't matter much, think of it...

What is a good reference for Server side development?

I am more interested in the design of the code (i.e functional design vs object oriented design). What are the best practices and what is the communities thoughts on this subject? Not that it should matter, but I am working with Apache and Python technology stack. ...

Architecture Questions : Centralized Server v/s Localized Server Approach

Hi, My question is related to Architecture of the Application on which am working right now. Currently, we are installing server locally on each box and that server get's data from the client and does some kind of processing on it and than it generates output and receipt is printed depending upon the output data, and that output data i...

How to build a Module or Plugin Based Application

Hi, Where can I find information on building a Module Based or Plugin Based (not sure which si correct) application? Example - Say I have a productiion application and and I want to add a shipping module. Basically my users can click "Add Module" from my application and select a CAB or Zipped file and my shipping module can then be adde...

latency orders of magnitude for app architecture considerations

Is there a reference which lists approximately how long it takes (in relative or absolute terms) to transfer information over network (udp vs tcp/ip), disk, memory (sequential/random access), in-process vs inter-process, etc.? Eventually I'll have to measure these, but I'll appreciate pointers to ball-park figures. Memory vs disk is no...

Designing the Data Access Layer

Hi, I'm facing a design issue regarding how to design my DAL. As we all know, in its most basic definition, the DAL means the layer that is responsible for communicating with some data repository (of course I'm not talking about the Repository pattern), usually a database. Now this is where the catch is. Some of our business objects wou...

How do I architecture an multi web-site solution?

I have a web site solution ( that runs on a SQL server database. I have several of those installations running and i want to create an administration module which can monitor and interact with them all. - and if all goes well - push/upgrade an installation to FTP/SQL. What is the best approach to architecturing this? SHould i...

3-Tiered Web Architecture: Are Layers on Seperate Machines Beneficial?

A client I'm working for has a standard in which they require the data layer of new applications to be wrapped into a web service, and placed a machine seperate from where the business/presentation layer will be hosted. Could someone tell me what the benefits of doing this are? It seems to me that this causes more problems than it solv...

Does an n-tier system make "sense" for large data set processing?

I recently became a part of the team of developers writing our "flagship" product. Its primarily a read intensive web app ( and oracle) implemented in an N-tier system. Most of the writes in the DB are done through external services (not through the webapp). Instead of scheduling normal batch jobs in the DB for data aggrega...

Message bus design - support implicit ordering of messages?

One important design decision that needs to be made when designing a corporate message bus is whether (and how) the message bus should support implicit ordering of messages. By implicit ordering, I mean the ability to deliver messages in exactly the same order as they were sent. There are several options: Don't support implicit messag...

Converting an MVP ASP.NET app to Silverlight 3 - help me choose an architecture

I've been given the ask of converting an MVP ASP.NET app to Silverlight. This will be my first Silverlight application and I'm struggling to determine how best to organise the architecture. The app is very much a standard CRUD LOB app. I will also be using a GIS component but I dont think this makes a difference to the general architect...

Don’t know enough to know if this design is a great idea or an incredibly dumb one …

Using C#, 3.5, SqlServer 2005, Trying to incorporate some inversion of control together with 3-tier architecture into my current assignment. Don’t know enough to know if this is a great idea or an incredibly dumb one: I have created a User Interface Layer, a Business Layer, and a Data Layer. The UI collects 4 values, News a...

Where should I put Comparers in an app that uses WCF?

I have an application that uses WCF for all DataAccess. It returns some business objects and it has some operations. Should this code exist in my Client or in my Service? If in the service, HOW should I implement it? Can I simply add it as an interface to my business object? Will that come through the WCF Service Proxy Code? (This is a...

Silverlight design pattern for performance - very rich client UI

Following on from this initial investigations on Silverlight architectures, I have some new requirements to consider. We expect our Silverlight client UI to be graphically heavy, with a GIS interface, multiple charts, gauges and datagrids arranged in a Widget style fashion. New widgets will be dynamically generated by the user. Suppos...

JavaScript/jQuery DTOs/Objects to hold State

I'm usually a C# developer, but writing a mostly-client side application using jQuery. It is reasonably straight forward: I have a list of "groups" which have some parameters (like a group name) and a list of "users" who also have some parameters. At the moment I try to manage that using a <li> with a specific id, so there is a lot of ...

Edge direction in network diagrams

When I draw a network diagram with, say, browser A communicates with http-server B which talks to a database C, I draw the nodes for A, B and C and edges between A and B and between B and C. Then I want to materialize the flow direction by adding arrows. On which side should I place the arrowheads? Variant 2 is the intuitive one, but ...

Refactoring nasty legacy systems via AOP or other automated means?

I've recently been playing around with PostSharp, and it brought to mind a problem I faced a few years back: A client's developer had produced a web application, but they had not given a lot of thought to how they managed state information - storing it (don't ask me why) statically on the Application instance in IIS. Needless to say the ...

How do I have plugin architecture in Ruby on Rails?

I have to built a social networking site on Ruby on Rails. The features in the site may change from time to time; so we will need to add/remove features with ease. Moreover, we may be building another social networking site. Due to these reasons, we are thinking to build a basic framework for social networking sites in RoR with the featu...

Where should I store photos? File system or the database?

Possible Duplicate: storing uploaded photos and documents - filesystem vs database blob I am starting to develop a web app, the primary purpose of which is to display photos. The users will be able to upload photos as well. The first question that came up was where to store the photos: on the file system or the database. I wi...