
Multiple class libraries in business layer, or one?

My ASP.NET application uses only 1 SQL Server 2000 database and no more than 50 tables in it. And I copied an instance of the database to run on my develop PC, so I need to switch the connections between dev and release. The problem is, I had created multiple class libraries in my business layer, and each class library has a LINQ to SQL...

Is there any site where to look for a data modeling inspiration?

Here's my problem: I'm about to design and implement quite a big sales module on top of an existing business (web) application. What I need is basically this - a complete e-commerce layer without the public part of it (I don't need a cart, payment gateways etc.). I'm going to build this thing from scratch since I'm not willing to hack an...

Windows App or Local Web App

Hi All, newbie on site. I have a new project, requirement are: Organised groups of users at multiple geo locations answer test questions using this software. We cannot rely on consistent internet connection, in case it goes down during test. My question's are: Q1. Based on assuming no internet connection, I guess I have 2 options?:...

Allowing for high level of variation in Actions and Views and Models

I am designing a product management system. I am wondering the best way to handle a large amount of variation in each Action/View in my application. The app handles 20 categories and 12 Target Markets, each of which affect the data that needs to be collected for each product. For example, the "QuickAdd" action takes in the core data like...

Architecture of Liferay Project?

Hi all, I have to design High Level Architecture for Liferay Project. Is there any sample document for Portal Architecture related to Liferay / J2EE? Your swift reply shall be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance Gnaniyar Zubair ...

Linq to Sql - DataContext design issues and considerations in ASP.NET MVC application

I am using "Single data context per atomic operation" approach while using Linq to Sql in an ASP.NET MVC application. So far, I have been using a singleton datacontext, which I learnt has many issues, so I refactored the code to use single datacontext per atomic operation. An example of a controller action is now as follows (refactorin...

Infrastructure: models as an external to an application to avoid stored procedures

My thoughts: I absolutely despise stored procedures for various reasons: cost, scalability, and compatibility. Cost: I can get 2-3 good light weight web application servers for the cost of one good MySQL server. Scalability: Sure I can cache query results, but when using stored procedures I lose the opportunity for a much finer ...

ASP.NET Application - Architecture and Class Diagrams

Hi, I am new to ASP.NET Development. Could anyone please refer a document/tutorial/link which gives a sample code, architecture, class and sequence diagrams for 3 / 4 / n tier based simple ASP.NET application/example? It would be of great help to me. Many Thanks, Regards. Aarti. ...

Implementing Business Logic in 3 Tier Architecture

I have a web application I am working on and so far I have the data access layer finished. Each table has its own class that creates objects of rows of that table, so each object represents a row of a table. The functions each object has is basically CRUD operations. The question I have is, what is the best way to implement the business...

Are partially updated values when multithreading still a concern on modern CPUs?

From the Wikipedia article on Read-Copy-Update: The reason that it is safe to run the removal phase concurrently with readers is the semantics of modern CPUs guarantee that readers will see either the old or the new version of the data structure rather than a partially updated reference. Is this true for all modern CPUs (ARM, x86, ...

.NET: How do you decide how to structure your Namespaces?

I'm wondering what guidelines you guys are using for determining the structure for your Namespaces. When do you decide something warrants it's own Namespace? I read in a forum discussion or article that a best practice is to go for a shallow tree with as few child Namespaces as possible but can't remember the reasoning behind it or the ...

How to structure Javascript architecture to compliment a PHP MVC web app?

I am working on a new JavaScript architecture for a web app iteration. The previous iteration had lots of inline code, scattered includes, no directory structure for .js files and everything was in the global namespace. I am aiming to: keep the script includes in the footer, keep everything in an application namespace/object, add organiz...

Advice re. Windows Forms application - "local" and "network" modes

Hi all, I've started to build a Windows Forms application. The application will work in two different modes: local (1 user, opening and saving files just like a Microsoft Office application) network (multiple users, all accessing a shared database in another host of the network) For the local mode I am planning to use a SQLite embed...

Help me with architecture to encapsulate my databases (maybe DI/IoC?)

I'm building a Windows-forms application that does some analysis that depends on 3 different databases. Two are actually geographic databases (ESRI) and one is a standard CRUD-type repository of information. Let's call them GeoRefDatabase, GeoResultDatabase, and RulesDatabase, respectively. There will be different types of analysis clas...

Improving Work Procedures - Programmer To Developer Woes

I finally plucked up the courage to go and formally complain to the heads about my boss. What's really scary is that the claims I have made are serious enough to be taken to the CEO in a couple of weeks. I've been asked today to procure some documents referring to some points I have outlined and wanted some real-world developer input o...

What are the specific security risks of this web services architecture?

I need ammunition to try to promote WS-Security for a set of externally-available web services that interact directly with our production customer service application. My vision is to implement IPassword provider and authenticate with our AD store. The architecture recommendation that came down from on high is SSL, with an IP filter on t...

How to build a multi-view portal application in ASP.NET MVC

I was just watching Scott Hanselman's presentation on ASP.NET MVC in San Francisco. After thinking about it for a while, I was stumped as to how to best approach building an ASP.NET MVC-based site that has a [portal|modular|multi-view] structure (pick your favorite definition). To give you an idea of what I'm after, my company builds a ...

How far can one take SimpleDB, OpenID and the Cloud?

I have an ASP.NET MVC app (non-transactional, social) I am workong on. I started using the .NET authorisation provider which does the job, but with the Cloud's lining getting more shiny by the day I was wondering just how much I can push up. Ultimately I want to do away with my ISP-hosted SQL Server database and to progressively start u...

Where do you put classes that are neither Controllers, Models, Helpers or ViewModels?

In an ASP.NET MVC application, what do you do when you have unique classes that aren't controllers, helpers or view-models? For example, say you have a class of utilities that are useful for processing map/location data. These utilities may be used by more than one controller. Would you create a top-level folder/namespace for them and...

Flex 3 ,ASP.NET and WCF

I want to create a web app. I want to use WCF for distributed transactions, ASP.NET at the middle, and because Flash is so popular, I want to write the front end with Flex3. Does that sound like a good architecture to you ? are there any benefits including WCF ? Can Flex interact nicely with ASP.NET ? or should I go Silverlight ? ...