
ASP.NET MVC, Model and ViewModel separation of concerns?

Hello, Lately, I've been exploring what's the best way to organize presentation layer of ASP.NET MVC application when underlying Model is complex. What came up till now is MVVM architecture with their ModelView objects. However, I'm not sure what are the best practices when this kind of architecture is in case. Does ModelView objects ...

Seeking suggestion for my graduation project in Web development

Hello . I have to confirm the detail of my gradutaion project recently. My setup a goal for myself, that is it should have values( maybe as a opensource project or tools that can be use by others). Can you suggest some ideas or projects pertaining to one of : Web architect, Social Media, Ruby, ROR, Testing. Thanks!:D ...

Why is amount of bits always(?) a power of two?

We have 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit and 64-bit hardware architectures and operating systems. But not, say, 42-bit or 69-bit ones. Why? Is it something fundamental that makes 2^n bits a better choice, or is just about compatibility with existing systems? (It's obviously convenient that a 64-bit register can hold two 32-bit pointers, or that a ...

How have you combined the advantages of the direct View-to-Model approach and MVVM in your WPF projects?

In our application we have many Model objects that have hundreds of properties. For every property on the model: public string SubscriptionKind { get; set; } ...100x... we had to make an INotifyPropertyChanged-enabled property on the ViewModel: #region ViewModelProperty: SubscriptionKind private int _subscriptionKind; public int Sub...

Navigation in MVVM based application

we are designing a xbap application that has complex, user configurable navigation flow that depend on state of the model\user security etc and some other environmental factors. The application is having a container view that loads user specific controls inside a Frame, i am wondering whats the preferred practice for having the navigati...

How should I use django models from other applications?

What is the proper way to use models from other django applications in my application? For example, should I simply go into the other application's models and add my functionality effectively coupling the two applications? Should I subclass the models using a django proxy model to add my application specific functionality? This method, ...

Business objects synchronization between WCF services

Hi everyone ! I am moving my architecture from coupled one to SOA (WCF) loosely coupled. I have several services which communicate with each others. How would you synchronize the business instances between the services? I see two scenarios here: All the business objects are created in only one service, let's call it MainService and ...

How to create a context that you can access?

Is it possible to create a context that is accessible from a set of windows but not from a different set? For example, two web request are running in their own context and objects like ServiceSecurityContext.Current are pointing to different instances. My application is a Word like application with a PlanWindow that open a plan documen...

Prefetching data in with Linq-to-SQL, IOC and Repository pattern

Hi, using Linq-to-SQL I'd like to prefetch some data. 1) the common solution is to deal with DataLoadOptions, but in my architecture it won't work because : the options have to be set before the first query I'm using IOC, so I don't directly instanciate the DataContext (I cannot execute code at instanciation) my DataContext is persis...

Is invalid user input a valid reason for throwing an exception?

According to the .NET Framework General Reference: Error Raising and Handling Guidelines exceptions should not be thrown during 'normal' operations. Is invalid user input to a web form, say the user enters a duplicate name, considered normal? !! IMPORTANT !!: I'm sure we pretty much all have an opinion on this, please include a reference...

WCF for local and network mode application - plus question about .NET Client Profile

I'm building a WinForms application where I'll need it to work "locally" (just like Microsoft Word, saving and opening files from the file system) and also in a multi-user environment (communicating with a server in the network, via TCP/IP). In terms of architecture I'm thinking of these logical layers: Presentation (windows forms) Se...

How to design applications for cloud computing where multiple clouds may be involved

I just finished looking at this question: But, I am not certain what I should do in designing an application for safety engineers, so a high uptime is important. So, if my application is written in ASP.NET, using SQL Server, it would seem that my b...

3 Tier Architecture vs 2 Tier Architecture

What are the examples where we really need 3 Tier Architecture ? Can Most of the Application which are using 3 Tier Architecture be done using 2 Tier Architecture ? Note: I am trying to see value of 3 Tier Architecture, I feel most of the application that there are 3 tier right now can be done in 2 tier and so I am looking for examples ...

Component-based architecture vs. Distributed system

Can we describe a component-based architecture as a distributed system for an example EJB is a component based architecture as well as it has qualities to become a distributed system? So how can these two concepts combine together, or to differentiate. Thanks. ...

How should I best structure my web application using job queues [and Perl/Catalyst]?

Hi, I'm writing a web application using the Catalyst framework. I'm also using a Job Queue called TheSchwartz. I'm wanting to use a job queue because I'm wanting as much of the application specific code decoupled from the web application interface code. Essentially the whole system consists of three main components: GUI (Catalyst ...

Sharepoint with ASP.Net Web Application

What I need to do is create a web application that can run inside SharePoint. It needs to be more involved then a web part and include many pages and a database. I know you can create a SharePoint application that goes under the Action bar, but I would like to create something that is run like how a site is. I would want a few tabs to...

Building SQL Query with SQL Data Adapter? Generating query off of configuration section

I'm not sure if I'm approaching this the correct way, but am very open and appreciative of any suggestions. I am building a chart off of data in a SQL database. The chart has 'Age' and 'Percentile' or those are the 2 fields I am most concerned with. I have a config section in my web.config called 'Percentiles'. This is so the percenti...

How can I figure out which architecture I'm compiling for in GCC?

I want to write code that compiles easily for either 32 or 64 bit linux under gcc. I guess I'm looking for something like #ifdef IA32 subl $0x4, %esp #endif #ifdef X86_64 subl $0x4, %rsp #endif ...

Message Design Patterns

For message based passing systems, what are your "message design patterns" e.g. Limit directed messages (i.e. specific destination) Avoid long cascade chains (i.e. react to MsgA with MsgB, MsgC etc.) Have a system "heartbeat" message Other examples? ...

JSON in non-Javascript applications

I'm looking to persist and retrieve a large amount of key-value pair(s) type data over the wire. Is it appropriate for me to use JSON for this purpose against XML? Is JSON used in non-Javascript applications? Are there advantages using JSON for this purpose over good old XML? ...