
In which layer would you implement transactions using asp.NET TransactionScope?

I have a service, business and data access layer. In which layer should I implement transactions using asp.NET transactionscope? Also, is nesting Transactions a good thing because I had problems with that? ...

How is a block diagram organized?

I would like to understand the exact hierarchy of a block diagram. If a block A is on top of block B does it mean that A is in some abstract manner build using B? A concrete question: I have a component C that calls components D,E to achieve its goal. Is C on top of D,E (since it uses them) or are these different unrelated blocks? Wh...

ASP.NET MVC - Respository/Service/Controller

Should a Controller ever need to call a Repository directly, or should it always run though the service layer? Or are there other options? ...

Is Using Db4o For Web Sites a judicious choice?

Is using Db4o as a backend datastore for a Web site (ASP.NET MVC) a judicious choice as an alternative to MS SQL Server ? ...

How to manage multiple clients with slightly different business rules?

We have written a software package for a particular niche industry. This package has been pretty successful, to the extent that we have signed up several different clients in the industry, who use us as a hosted solution provider, and many others are knocking on our doors. If we achieve the kind of success that we're aiming for, we wil...

When an operation needs to pass more than just the result, do you tuple/throw/or getContextual?

I’m trying to refactor some “sending out an email” code by dividing the steps (validate, attach related content, format, send) into separate classes that can be more easily tested, logged, and updated. As part of this I’ve got to figure out a way for the operations to communicate validation or transient errors (“that item was deleted”)...

Should POCOs be derived from DTOs or better not?

Hi, When creating an n-tier solution, I don't want to expose my business objects, but use DTO's instead of this. On the other side, I don't want to doubly define objects and write copy-code all the time. Now my idea would be to write DTOs that contain all necessary fields and properties, but no logic (only state). Then I would derive ...

SOA architecture data access

In my SOA architecture, I have several WCF services. All of my services need to access the database. Should I create a specialized WCF service in charge of all the database access ? Or is it ok if each of my services have their own database access ? In one version, I have just one Entity layer instanced in one service, and all the other...

Is this Repository pattern efficient with LINQ-to-SQL?

I'm currently reading the book Pro Asp.Net MVC Framework. In the book, the author suggests using a repository pattern similar to the following. [Table(Name = "Products")] public class Product { [Column(IsPrimaryKey = true, IsDbGenerated = true, AutoSync = AutoSync.OnInsert)] public int ProductId { get;...

Framework Comparison and Overhead

I am working on a Facebook game which is developed using Zend framework. Right now I don't have lots of traffic and already seen quite a large # of data usage / CPU time. Actually, I'm not good at Zend. I good at coding from scratch for both PHP & JS. so, I am curious about the performance of Zend framework. becuase I'm thinking about...

Framework Comparison and Overhead

I am working on a Facebook game which is developed using Zend framework. Right now I don't have lots of traffic and already seen quite a large # of data usage / CPU time. Actually, I'm not good at Zend. I good at coding from scratch for both PHP & JS. so, I am curious about the performance of Zend framework. becuase I'm thinking a...

How does x86 handle store conditional instructions?

I am trying to find out what an x86 processor does when it encounters a store conditional instruction. For instance does it stall the front end of the pipeline and wait for the ROB buffer to become empty before it stops stalling the front end and execute the SC? Basically does it force the processor to become non speculative... Thanks ...

Modular Architecture - ASP.NET MVC

I've searched (google and SO) about this topic and couldn't find a thorough answer to my question(s). I'm building an ASP.NET MVC 2 application that will be distributed to other people (with source code). These people will need to create modules/plugins that use the application's base. The base is a simple ASP.NET MVC Application with ...

Game Programming - communication between game objects in 2d

Hello, recently I have been trying my hand at coding a game in C#. I'm not using XNA for this, as I thought I would learn more if I coded the game from scratch (although I am using a multimedia engine). I'm trying to design a 2D RPG game - a bit ambitious I know, however I have a reasonably well understanding of at least the basic parts...

Rewriting the system... keep the old schema?

Suppose we have a system (in production) written in an obsolete technology and difficult to adapt to changing business needs. The decision has been made to rewrite it in a newer technology. Should we start fresh with a new database schema that will accurately reflect the data models of the new system but accept the risks and costs of de...

Amazon architecture

Hi. I'm doing a report with the theme "Amazon Architecture". I need to explain how Amazon works internally. For instance, they uses an ESB to communicate with all suppliers. How is an order processed? Does anyone knows where I can find this kind of information? ...

Database architecture change from local to distributed

Our company has a product which relies on local database to work (it allows more client to connect to same database and share data between them). DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Now, we need to create a single database, accessible through internet (i am not interested in the how, for now), which will allow more users to use it as if ...

Chunky interface meaning

In the book of application architecture design, which I'am reading, I've found the following statement: "To reduce round trips and improve communication performance, design chunky interfaces." Can anybody explain me what does "chunky interface" mean? ...

Looking for advice for implementing a versioning feature in our application.

I am starting a project to create an "object versioning" feature for our software (.NET 3.5 / SQL Server 2008), basically it needs to do this: a user is looking at a customer: last name is "Smith-Johnson" 2 addresses (saved in different table) 1 product purchased 1 employee contact (saved in different table) 200 mails (saved in differ...

Design Real-Time Product Stock Management

Hi, I need to design a real-time product stock management engine (C# & WCF) but i don't know how to proceed in order to handle concurrency access and data integrity. Here is some of the features the engine should be handle : Stock Incoming products Order preparation Move products from one place to another ... May i use MSMQ in ord...