
Which Integration strategies are there?

We are having a discussion about Integration strategies. The main argument is about what is a strategy and what is a technique. For example Hub-and-Spoke is a strategy, but REST is a technique. Or maybe not? What would be your list of integration strategies? ...

C# polymorphism issue

Hi, I have a BL class named:A , DTO class named:DTO . Now assume I want to add some more properties in my DTO. So I derive a new DTO class from my existing DTO and add properties to it.Below is the code: namespace TestConsole { class test { static void Main(string[] args) { B b = new B(); ...

C++ Templated return

Hey Folks, I have a program which is built on "Entities", which hold "Components" (composition FTW). Components may include many different types including scripts, assets, etc. I would like to build an Entity function called Entities have a map of strings, and actual Components, such that the Components can be searched for by type na...

Source Control: Testing different variants of code

Hi, I new to source control, but i like the thought that i can step back to one point. I read that only code that is ready for release should checked in the repository. If I want to play a round a little bit with one piece of code, to try different things. I can't step back to e.g. variant number 2 of my play stuff. It's not in the re...

Should we create local web services within an Asp.Net application which are called by the application itself?

Hi, I've moved to a new project team and while going over the codebase, found that the team have created a number of local web services which then get called by server code in other web pages within the same application. I'm somewhat puzzled by this architecture, as I'd thought local web services were something you'd then access from t...

"Software Parts" Database

I manage a small team of .net developers in what is chiefly a mainframe shop. My boss is trying to integrate my team more closely with the other development teams. One issue that has come up is that the mainframe programmers have what they call a "parts" database. This is a simple database in which you enter a software part (object, unit...

Program architecturing steps

What is the first step in program architecture, Database or Class structure architecting? ...

ASP.NET MVC and Service Oriented Architecture

Hello, I would like to know how do i incorporate a feature like wcf within and MVC application. My current idea of the architecture is as follows: EntityFramework -> ASP.NET MVC (Views) EntityFramework -> ASP.NET MVC with WCF endpoints -> mobile Apps. EntityFramework -> ASP.NET MVC -> Silverlight (using .NET RIA Service...

What is a good resource for making high-level software architectural decisions

What resources can I draw from to make architectural decisions for a large software project. I'm not looking for a holy war of which set up is better - but good resources to learn. When I refer to architectural decisions here I mean choosing a thick vs. thin vs. web-based client, different stacks for the server, etc. e.g. a Java s...

Cross-Cutting Concerns in SOA architecture

i have several classes in my service layer. i want to before call methods of these(every class),call they method of a spesific class after the spesific class call is that possible in c#? example at ASP.NET MVC : CONTROLLER CLASESES -> A SPESIFIC CLASS -> SERVICE CLASSES because i need to central logging,exception handling,ch...

Why does stack get truncated in Exception.StackTrace?

Why does the high part of the stack (in Exception.StackTrace) gets truncated? Let's see a simple example: public void ExternalMethod() { InternalMethod(); } public void InternalMethod() { try { throw new Exception(); } catch(Exception ex) { // ex.StackTrace here doesn't contain ExternalMethod()! } } It seems l...

I need a plugin web-technology allowing my users to persistently modify their page on my site

e.g. imagine (this isnt the real problem but it's v similar) I'm legally required to provide a 'family-safe' search engine. I'd like to permit (or turn a blind eye to) third parties supplying, or users using, plugins that I legally can't supply. The third party plugins would be downloaded by the site user & I'd have nothing to do with...

Where to put the interfaces in a component based architecture?

In a component based architecture where a large number of decoupled components communicate through a set of standardized interfaces - are there any guidelines for where-to-store / how-to-group the interfaces? Extreme solutions would be: All in the same assembly (and off you go) One assembly for each interface Both of these option se...

How do I architect this Silverlight app?

Totally new to Silverlight (and XAML), but a long-time c# developer. I am building an app that will look similar to this: Basically the user clicks on a node in the tree (Panel 1) and new content appears in Panel 3. In Winforms, I would have just built a UserControl for each node and just swap the Panel 3 based on the node clicked....

Explaining why "Just add another column to the DB" is a bad idea, to non programmers.

I have sales people and bean counters who are trying to sell customizations to clients, which is fine. But when a complex change request comes in that I send back a large estimate for, they get confused. Often they come back at me with "Why can't you just add another column?" which by another, they mean a dozen or so custom columns PER...

How to compare two distinctly different objects with similar properties

This is all in C#, using .NET 2.0. I have two lists of objects. They are not related objects, but they do have certain things in common that can be compared such as a Guid based unique identifer. These two lists need be filtered by another list which just contains Guid's which may or may not match up with the ID's contained in the firs...

Web Application Architecture?

I’m scoping a new software project and haven’t had much experience with software development. This is a multipart question. What are some recommended books for web application architecture? We are basically looking to develop several front end applications (mobile and websites) that can query a central application pool that’ll hit our...

What's a good book to prepare for SCEA step 1

Hi, I am looking for a good book to prepare for Sun Certified Enterprise Architect (SCEA) exam step 1 (see here). Can anyone, preferrably with experience taking the exam, recommend one? Or two... Thanks. ...

Are "passive" objects considered a good design practice?

I find myself very often creating an object that has no public methods and is self-contained. It typically handles events of arguments passed to its constructor in its private methods and does not raise any events or expose any public methods. I am calling this type of objects "passive" objects - objects that do not have any public meth...

How to design applications where development outsourced to India under an agile methodology

I am used to doing development while following agile practices, so short iterations, with very flexible planning, as the design can change based upon comments/suggestions. But, I recently had interviewed for a job where all their development is done in India, and since I have never done anything like that I wasn't offered the job. So, ...