
ASP vs. ASP.NET ( Thin client vs. thick client )

I'm troubled by this question for a long time now. I work in the little company in Eastern Europe. We work primarily for local clients, web apps, mostly b2b and b2c-s. Our internet infrastructure is not a very good, so we often have problems with local isp-s and hosts that are stationed in companies who have information systems that we b...

Is it possible to combine Air and ASP.Net in one app?

I would love know if i could combine Air, and ASP.Net in one application and what design strategy would suit this type of application. Please. ...

SOA with WCF responsibilities and dependencies

I am moving onto a new team that has implemented a solution using SOA with WCF. The services are all very vertical, for example: a CustomerService, an AddressService, an AccountService, etc. To return the fully populated objects the services may call another service over a wcf endpoint. There are a few very high level vertical areas...

Serialization to Disk inplace of creating a simple database... Is there a pattern or industry name for this approach?

I am leading a development team of 5 or so developers and we have a need to persist a small amount of data. I am thinking we do not need to employ a full DB engine and instead we can simply serialize our data to disk. We would serialize our collections of object to and from disk as needed at runtime instead of to a DB where we have to ...

Architecting user types

Hi, I'm developing a system that has different types of users. Based upong their role, the system collects different information. I'm a little unsure how best to architect this. At the base level I have a User entity which contains just the core info for a user. Beyond this, I need somewhere to store common information (not sure whethe...

Design pattern for multiple services

What pattern(s) would be good to manage multiple API's? A scenario for using multiple API's would be a payment portal that allows clients to use different payment vendors to post transactions. So this system may need to utilize a papypal, fasttransact, x, y, or z API. ...

How should my business logic interact with my data layer?

Hi, So I'm working on making a draft of my program. This is my plan: GUI --- Business Logic --- Data You should be able to replace either GUI or the Data layer without issues. Every layer watches itself. So GUI will call methods from Business logic and the methods will always return a status and perhaps some data. How the GUI should...

Who should learn the "old" system?

I've been involved in several projects which basically involved replacing an "old" system with a "new" system. Invariably, the pattern has been that practically no one on the team building the "new" system has any real knowledge of the "old" system. Whenever I questioned this, I've been told that this is purposeful... by not knowing th...

Java, Massive message processing with queue manager (trading)

Hello, I would like to design a simple application (without j2ee and jms) that can process massive amount of messages (like in trading systems) I have created a service that can receive messages and place them in a queue to so that the system won't stuck when overloaded. Then I created a service (QueueService) that wraps the queue an...

How should I handle uploads centrally and sanely in my web app?

Hi, I am creating a web application, which is basically a very specialised CMS. It's written in PHP with Codeigniter (though the specifics are not important) and is structure according to the MVC pattern. Many entities in this webapp require the ability to have uploads, e.g pages, articles etc. I have an upload controller which works...

Zend_Controller_Router_Route Chaining Problem with more than 3 url parameters

I can't seem to figure out what's going wrong, but I'm attempting to setup module routing based on sub domain. Otherwise the routing is standard. The following works until I add more than 3 parameters in the URL: This is within a controller plugin ... public function routeStartup() { $router = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->...

How To Maintain Transaction in N-Tier Architecture

I am developing application in N-Tier Architecture. as we all know that we need to implement transactions while insert/update/delete operation. please tell me how to use transaction in in N-Tier architecture. my architecture is like this Applicationform->middle_Layre->Factory->DataAccessLayre->StoredProcedure->Table in application...

Data aggregation - multiple websites, single superuser site

I have a requirement for a set of MVC websites as follows: Multiple sites, using the same codebase, but each site will have a separate database (this is a requirement), and users will login and enter data. A single site for super users where they log in and work on data aggregated from each of the individual sites. The number...

ASP.NET Provider with Different Types of Roles

Hello, I have different types of Roles to take into account when authorizing a user. For example: John must have Position Manager and be part of the Office Supplies Department to order a new computer. Problem with Roles is Roles.GetRolesForUser("John") can only return a string array. Should I go with a custom roleProvider and custo...

Pitfalls of true client-server architecture in web applications ?

I've been researching on building web applications in a true client-server fashion. This type of architecture basically consists of : A thin server, merely a headless api that : handles security concerns processes core business logic provides data persistence A fat client, with a desktop-like design that : caches data, and ...

How to achieve library-agnosticism when building a javascript framework ?

I've started looking into architecturing a javascript framework. I don't want to reinvent the wheel here, especially regarding browser quirks, and know that for that matter, I'll have to rely, at some point, on some commonly-used libraries to handle low-level concerns. The thing is, I'm not sure how i can depend on an external libr...

How to learn about formal top-down approach to software architecture?

Hello everyone, I'm a software developer interested in information retrieval. Currently I'm working on my 3rd search engine project and am VERY frustrated about the amount of boilerplate code that is written again and again, with the same bugs, etc. Basic search engine is a very simple beast that could be described in a formal language ...

Physical organization of bounded context/aggregates

In the context of DDD how is everyone physically structuring their files/folders when it comes to bounded context and aggregate roots? Does there need to be a physical representation of these or is it more just for discussions? I've tried to find evans and nilsson say something about physical layout but either I missed it or they don't ...

Is there an advantage to using WCF to facilitate AJAX calls ?

I am currently reading through a proposal, where this person is proposing to use WCF services to facilitate AJAX calls in a web application. They say that WCF can serialize data more efficiently. I personally have never considered going this approach. I have always liked calling MVC controllers using jQuery's AJAX functionality, and th...

Why linux is called monolithic kernel

I read that Linux is a monolithic kernel. Does monolithic kernel means compiling the linking the complete kernel code into an executable? If Linux is able to support modules, why not break all the subsystems into modules and load them when necessary. In that case, kernel doesn't have to load all modules initially and maintain index of th...