
Best Architecture for a Public Queue of Incoming Requests?

We have a web app (ASP) that has workflow in it for management to assign work to individuals. The problem is prior to signing out work. During the evening/night/early morning operations are lightly staffed so the management queue of work may not be watched closely if other critical work is being performed away from the computer (getting...

WCF Service call to multiple rows. How to architecture it?

Hi, Let's say I have a scenario where I have a Service that is responsible for retrieving the price of a single product given the ID and another Service that gives me the current stock position of it. It's okay when I'm looking only at one product, but what about a list page where I have 60 products? What should I do in this case? Call...

.NET document management system design - performance questions

I need to develop a basic .NET document management system with the following specifications: The data should be portable and self contained, so I will serialize the documents (typical formats include Word, PDF, Excel and Powerpoint) into binary data. I will then store said binary data in a SQL Server 2005 database. When a user needs to...

floating points: IEEE based, but non-standard conversion of bit values to binary

hey! So here is what we have, a custom IEEE based setup: Consider a five-bit floating representation based on the IEEE floating point format with 1 sign bit, two exponent bits and 2 significand bits. And a selection of bits that needed to be converted to binary (answers included): 0 00 00 = 0 0 00 01 = 0.01 ...

Class implementations in interface dll?

Hello, my problem: Inside an application, all interfaces are declared inside an own dll(project "interfaces", for example). Inside project interfaces, there are many class implementations, too. Now I need one of this implemented classes inside another project and get a ring dependency because this project is also a reference in projec...

Structuremap (or any IoC, really) architecture question

I'm going to use structuremap for a project I'm working on. The basic gist is that I have a repository pattern with an NHibernate implementation, but I want to use StructureMap to load the repositories in case I ever decide to switch to a Linq2Sql or other type of implementation. I know how to initialize structuremap, but my question is ...

Given disk is slow and multiple cores does on the fly decompression make sense for performance?

It used to be that disk compression was used to increase storage space at the expense of efficiency but we were all on single processor systems back then. These days there are extra cores around to potentially do the decompression work in parallel with processing the data. For I/O bound applications (particularly read heavy sequentia...

What are the open source alternatives to Lattix?

I have gotten the opportunity to work with Lattix in the past. I believe the paradigm it represents (a hierarchical dependency matrix) is the future of large-scale system architecture management. However the companies I work for are always put off by the price tag. Is anyone aware of any good open-source alternatives that exist? Afte...

.NET Project Architecture

Hi, I have sort of a philosophical question, which also need to consider the performance impact. We are designing a new system with many sub-services that are not related to each other, yet, some may use each other (We are using unity to avoid any decoupling). My main question is: Should we break them into separate DLL's, where each ...

Loading polymorphics objects - need pattern

I need some pretty approach to load polymorhic object I have base class and several derived classes that base is not aware of. The only thing base class knows is Type enum wich defines which actual class it is. class Order { OrderType Type; bool Load(string filename) { // load Type } } class LimitOrder : Order { // some data...

Data layout in memory

If you have the integer 128 stored in a 2 byte / 16 bit integer mode memory, how is it layed out? In binary, bigendian, I think it's this: | 0000 0001 | 0000 0000 | But in hex, that would be this: | 0x01 | 0x00 | even though 128 in hex is 0x80. What am I not understanding? ...

is there anyway i can auto generate architecture diagrams from a table of data

i have a list of applications, services and databases in a text file. the list includes which applications are consumers of which services and which services use which databases. I would like to know if there is a tool that can take this data and generate an architecture diagram. i would like to output to be dynamic so when the text fi...

Architecting a Complex iPhone Application ?

I am comming from an enterprise java development organization where we did development in nicely seperated re-usable layers. Persistency layers, Service layers, etc etc. Now, I am looking for iPhone example apps or documentation on how to architecture complex iPhone projects. Most books & apple examples show you very limited code & arch...

Entity names vs table names

We are going to develop a new system over a legacy database(using .NET C#).There are approximately 500 tables. We have choosen to use an ORM tool for our data access layer. The problem is with namig convention for the entities. The tables in the database have names like TB_CUST - table with customer data, or TP_COMP_CARS - company cars....

How should I separate entities methods ?

Good people of SO, Today I have some serious concerns on my business layer design. It is based on Entity POCO objects and I want to add logic to these entities BUT, there are 2 types of logic: Pure C# logic Persistence logic (LinqToEntities in my case) My question is simple: How should I separate these two kinds ? First, I was thi...

Java Architecture - Question about ActionListener Conventions

I am making a user interface which shows graphs and manipulates graphs. The class extends JFrame implements ActionListener. The ActionListener then calls different classes to manipulate graphs depending on the action. This worked while the class had few ActionListeners; however, now the class is becoming unmanageable. I know that in the...

Your thoughts on "Large Scale C++ Software Design"

Reading the reviews at Amazon and ACCU suggests that John Lakos' book, Large-Scale C++ Software Design may be the Rosetta Stone for modularization. At the same time, the book seems to be really rare: not many have ever read it, and no pirate electronic copies are floating around. So, what do you think? ...

Building a 'multi-site' application

I'm planning an application that allow users to create a specific type of website. I wanted to link account names to ''. Going to '' will serve up a website. I haven't a clue on how to map this. I'll be using Code Igniter as my development tool. I would like to give users the ability to add a registered...

Business logic and services

In a three-tier/multitier architecture (UI/Logic/DAO/Domain model), can services be considered as belonging to the business logic layer or are they situated as something separate ? ...

SOA Architecture Real-World Samples with .NET

Hi, Any SOA Architecture (n-tier) Real-World Samples with .NET for getting started ? Thanks. ...