
Service Layer to Automatically identify database to use

I am working on a MVC application. The app is structured as follows: Web MVC Services - Business Rules Data The data layer is using LinqToSql to query the sql database. When the user logs into the application, based on the username, I can do a lookup to check which organisation they fall under. Depending on the organisatio...

IOC Container and primatives when creating wrapper

I am trying to create an interface wrapper for my IOC container so I do not have to have a dependency on a particular one. My problem is that some of the service classes I have take in a companyID which is a string. I want to make generic interface methods like T Resolve<T>() where T is the service interface. Right now I use Struc...

What's the best way to structure this kind of remote service?

I'm not sure if this is technically a web service or not but I have a Flash file that periodically needs to make a round trip to a DB. As it stands, AS3 uses the URLLoader class to exchange XML with an ASP.NET/VB file on the server. The aspx code then goes to the DB and returns whatever information is requested back to the Flash file. ...

Flex Application Framework -- PureMVC Portability vs. Swiz?

Hi all, My company is building a Flex application that we may need to port to other platforms: Silverlight (likely) Mobile (maybe -- iPhone: Objective-C , Android: Java, etc.) Desktop (maybe -- AIR, .NET, etc.) TV sets (maybe eventually) Currently, I’m looking into application frameworks to build upon and I’m torn between pureMVC ...

Name collisions between layers

So I'm developing a very cool (and very large) n-tier application. Basically I have the following assemblies: Domain Domain.Contracts Services Services.Contracts Presentation.Admin Presentation.Web Presentation.Core (shared between Admin & Web) I may implement Presentation.Core.Contracts My main issue I'm wrestling with are name c...

PHP/DB pattern question

I have an app that works with an idea of "redemption codes" (schema: ID, NAME, USES, CODE). And example would be "32, Stack Overflow, 75, 75%67-15hyh" So this code is given to the SO community, let's say, and it has 75 redemptions. You redeem it by entering some shipping info and the code. When entered, this check is preformed: if (cod...

wpf - thick client or thin client and what about when wcf comes in to play with SOA!

I usually work on web apps or faceless apps with the occasional winforms utility so I'm in need of some help to clarify my understanding of WPF and terminology. I would term ASP.NET apps as "thin client" apps because apart from some javascript the bulk of the applications work is done on the server. In the same way I would view a WPF ap...

Common and Utility Library Consolidation

Before I begin, similar questions but not exact:, I have recently starting working with our company's internal C# libraries, which include Common.dll and Utilities.dll; pretty sta...

Showing interface bundles in an architecture

I am in a early stage of a project, graphically modelling the system structure. Is there any widely accepted graphical notation for showing interface "bundles"? Interface bundles would be a collection of several separate interfaces (belonging together) which are aggregated in order to reduce figure complexity. Example would be to vis...

Best strategy for sharing a periodical task in a farm

Hello from Spain, I have an issue here. Suppose you have a business periodical task, for instance generating balance each month. That task could run in a farm, so if the computer that is running the periodical task fail it must be passed to another computer. So, how could I persist a periodical task and making it safe in a farm? I have...

Application structure using WCF

I have a WPF application which so far has been client only, but now I'm working on splitting it into a client and server side. In this work I'm introducing WCF for the client-server communication. My application has several projects, and service references are needed from more than one of these. Initial effort in doing the separation i...

Design or implementaion ?

How do you differentiate between design decisions vs implementation decisions ? To give a specific example: We are developing some web services which will integrate our application with another One of the question I asked was- do we want the integration between the two applications to by asynch or sync ? Someone suggested that its an ...

Agile development and architecture

How does a formal architecture specification fit in with agile development - if at all? I'm thinking specifically of Scrum, which makes no mention of an architecture amongst the official artifacts. Do you just let the architecture evolve "accidentally" (so to speak), do you spec it informally, or is there room for doing something lik...

Database independence

We are in the early stages for putting a design for a big business application that will have multiple modules. One of the requirements is that the application should be database independent, it should support sql server, oracle, mysql and DB2. From what I have read on the web is that database independence is a very bad idea, it would r...

ASP.NET MVC - PartialView Architectural question

This is more of a architect question rather than one that requires code. I have a page that requires me to display the status of a particular project. Let's say for the sake or brevity that there are two states, Open and Closed. When the project is open I want to display a PartialView showing me one set of details. If the project is ...

Component based game engine design

I have been looking at game engine design (specifically focused on 2d game engines, but also applicable to 3d games), and am interested in some information on how to go about it. I have heard that many engines are moving to a component based design nowadays rather than the traditional deep-object hierarchy. Do you know of any good link...

circumventing WCF with direct calls to a DLL in a single user environment

I am helping a company with a software package that will flexibly support multiple deployment scenarios. The package is written with .NET, has a well defined BLL, and utilizes SQL Server for the database. The design calls for a clear delineation between data access and services (BLL) and UI. There are at least two UI front ends at thi...

Advice on starting a large multi-threaded programming project

My company currently runs a third-party simulation program (natural catastrophe risk modeling) that sucks up gigabytes of data off a disk and then crunches for several days to produce results. I will soon be asked to rewrite this as a multi-threaded app so that it runs in hours instead of days. I expect to have about 6 months to complete...

Best storage model for forum application?

Trying to build application which will be a forum, with topics and every topic may have many discussion posts to it, and every discussion post may have reply to it. So it'll be like: [Topic: Let's talk about cell phones] \ \ \ [User A: I have nice Motorola] | [User B: I have good Blackberry] \ [Reply to User B from User C: I p...

swt tutorials or guides

Hi, I have some years experience with swing and feel comfortable that I understand the architecture. Now I need to get up to speed on SWT rather quickly. What would you recommend I study from online sources or books so I can get my head around the SWT architecture quickly ? I'm really starting from scratch. ...