
controller and restful application

Hello, I have a MVC web application (Ruby, Rack, Apache) and I want it to be restful. I have a dispatcher that will get incoming URI and call the appropriate controller. In my mind, a controller is there to handle every actions linked to a single model, I am wrong ? The thing I am not sure about is a case like the following: If a user h...

Architecture of player hand in JavaScript card game

So, i'm attempting simple card game. I have player "class" with draw function, and public members deck and hand, both are Arrays. I need to draw a card from the deck, put it in hand and show it in player "hand" area. I'm concerned about the way I do "flip" and "play" buttons (through closures). Here is the code: littlegame.player.prot...

server side development and job requirements

Recently, I have been reading job listings. I have found that there are many who are looking for "strong candidates with server side development". I am primarily a C++ developer for the Window platform. What do the listings mean? Software using the client-server architecture? And if so, are there common complete frameworks for develop...

ASP.NET Design Consideration

We are developing a Medical Data Analysis Application. We have a discussion to go for either NHibernate or DB4o.Can you please give a suggestion for choosing the efficient one. ...

Domain Driven Design - data centric module inside larger DDD system

We're developing a DDD based system. For a particular module (the publisher) in that system, we will receive data from other objects and perform transformations on them, then write out data files. The DDD design being developed has many custom collection classes for data...all of these objects simply contain rows of data, but they have...

Machine architecture or computer architecture

Please what is the difference between machine archictechture and computer architechture . Berkley give a webcast on machine architecture and I am thinking it might be related to computer architecture am I correct. If not is this same thing about system architechture (i.e machine structure and system architecture) ...

couchdb: designing a logging system

I am contemplating the design of an event logging system based on couchDB. What would be a good way of storing each event? one document with events as 'attachments' one document per event one document per event-type, events as attachments Other? ...

C# file-based services and concurrency issues

I am designing the architecture for a set of WCF services. Due to the nature of the deployment of these services (remotely deployed onto a number of unmanageable systems on client sites, therefore we cannot afford the administrative overhead of database servers), the data store has to be file based (we are leaning quite heavily toward X...

Need advice in designing tables in SQL-Server

Hello all! I have a quote that contains items (store in table QuoteItem): QuoteItemId, QuoteId, ItemId, Quantity etc. Now, I need to be able to create a group of chosen items in the quote and apply a discount on it. Well that's simple, I create two more tables: Group: GroupId, DiscountPercentage GroupQuoteItem: GroupId, QuoteItemId ...

Object Construction at Client or Business Layer?

Something I've noticed from looking at multiple .NET starter kits is that business object construction is often handled at the client level. Then, the business object is passed to the business layer for manipulation, serialization to the database, etc. Shouldn't this code be abstracted to the business layer, so that the client only needs...

Conditional use of services in a domain object

So suppose my sandwich shop has two service interfaces, IMeatGetter and IVeggiesGetter. Now I have a domain object, Sandwich, with a property IsVegetarian. I want a method to select all the possible toppings, like void GetToppings { if IsVegetarian select (veggies) else select (veggies union meats) } Is it correct domain...

Efficient Classifieds Mysql Structure

I am restructuring a classifieds MySQL db where the different main sections are separated into separate tables. For example, sale items have their own table with unique ID's, jobs have their own table with unique ID's, personals have their own table as well. These sections all share a few common characteristics: -id -title -body -listi...

Server architecture question. (WCF+NServiceBus)

First of all i will describe current state: Server consists of several WCF services, hosted in one or several win services on diffirent machines. Service responsible for recieving data from diffirent devices. Communication with devices is implemented using sockets. Service instance mode - singleton. Data broker service - respons...

How should presentation tier (JSF) interoperate with services tier (Spring)?

I know that there are many different architectures exist. In this question I consider 3-tiers architecture (presentation-services (busyness logic)-data access layer (DAOs). And I want to concentrate on how presentation tier works with services tier. The problem I met is standard. I have stateless services layer, and I think it should be...

How would ning database structure be?

I was just wondering how woudl the database structure of NING would be. would it be creating seperate tables for each of the site created in it? or would it be using same table for different modules with a website id column in each table? if i would need to search about this kind of database stucture? and reference to read about? ...

How use a relational database as a document-based one?

For make a document managment system, I'm looking at document stores like MongoDB, but because I have more experience with regular databases (Firebird, Sql Server, Mysql) I wonder if is possible model a document store on top a relational one. The advantages about a document store, schema less: Fit well to the task of store arbitrary m...

What is MVC in Ruby on Rails?

Could someone please explain MVC to me in Ruby on Rails, in layman terms. I am especially interested in understanding the Model in MVC (Can't get my head around the model) Thank you in advance. ...

How might twitpic handle photo sent over email. Postfix with a post-processing routine ?

Do you think perhaps twitpic uses a dynamic email addresses? I would like to build a different service but with the same concepts. User sends an email with their submitted photo and the image is added to the users account. I'm looking for a place to start. I was thinking that perhaps an email server would handle the image with a post p...

Gearman architecture queries

Hey All, I am new to Gearman. I have following queries about optimized Gearman usages: 1) I think worker expects job as a "string". Can I send an Array or Hash as Job to worker? If not, is JSON the best Job format to send Array/Hash? 2) Can I attach rails application routes as worker for Job Server? 3) How do you check if a worker ...

If you are forced to use an Anemic domain model, where do you put your business logic and calculated fields?

Our current O/RM tool does not really allow for rich domain models, so we are forced to utilize anemic (DTO) entities everywhere. This has worked fine, but I continue to struggle with where to put basic object-based business logic and calculated fields. Current layers: Presentation Service Repository Data/Entity Our repository la...