
Architecture and packages

In a layered architecture, you have a presentation layer, logic layer and data layer. So far, I've been grouping classes into domain, service and dao packages. This represents the model with POJOs/JPA Entities, the business logic and data access layer. I suppose the domain and services could be grouped to form the logic layer but that...

Python, PyTables, Java - tying all together

Hello all, Question in nutshell What is the best way to get Python and Java to play nice with each other? More detailed explanation I have a somewhat complicated situation. I'll try my best to explain both in pictures and words. Here's the current system architecture: We have an agent-based modeling simulation written in Java. ...

is wrapping log4net in a transversal layer to reduce coupling an antipattern?

is wrapping log4net in a transversal layer to reduce coupling an antipattern and have that injected into a public property an antipattern, how do you use it? Thanks, Oscar ...

Basic ORM strategy in PHP: How could it look like?

Basic ORM strategy in PHP: How could it look like? ...

What is the difference between design and architecture?

What is the difference between design and architecture? ...

Similarties of ASP.NET and Java web application

I would like to know what are the equivilents of these features of C# compared to a similar java built web application. Would a java based web application still be created in this fashion: html files, javascripts, css business logic, rules, etc. web.entities person, account, cart....

Scaling out: division of labor or redundancy?

This is something I've always wondered about. I understand that horizontal scaling is about adding more machines into the mix. But I can think of two approaches to this. Suppose I have 20 servers I want to use (plus a database). I can: Make all 20 servers run as application servers. Make different servers do different parts of a ta...

From which classes should I derive my custom DataAccessLayerException and DuplicateEntryException?

I want to add DataAccessLayerException and DuplicateEntryException classes. But I'm in big doubts of which classes should I derive from? For example DataAccessLayerException (will be used as a wrapper for exceptions thrown from data access layer) may be derived from Exception or DbException. But I'm afraid that DbException should be the ...

designing application classes

Besides using the Single Responsibility Principle, when designing classes for an application one is writing, what should one keep in mind, to keep the code maintainable, reusable and adhere to OOP principles? I'm finding it hard to design the classes of applications I'm trying to write, because when does one decide what (functionality) ...

What is wrong with this class? (design wise)

Following up from this question: What is wrong (from a design point of view) with this class: I'm trying to refactor this class and it's abstract base class (Logon) and the fact it's actually horrible design. I wrote it myself (pretty much when I was a newbie). ...

Are there any architect certifications?

Are there any architect certifications which improve my skill and are recognized around the world? ...

Can ActionScript and Flash handle complex dynamically-loaded modules and architectures?

I'm looking to start learning ActionScript and Flash to write a potentially very complex game engine. I come from a background in relatively advanced software architecture and as such am wondering if a few things (which I consider important for my engine) are possible with Flash: First, I want to modularize my game so that it can be bo...

A upgradable approach to design a web application system

Many poeple have online startups in their head that may potentially attracts millions, but most of the time you will only have minimal budget (time and resource) to start with so you want to have it delivered within a year's time. Short after launch, you are bound to perform one or a series of upgrades that may include: code refactor to ...

Requirements Smells

We've all heard and debated about Code Smells, and occasionally you hear people talking about "design smells", so I've been thinking, why not take it one step further? If you deal directly with customers or have to interpret functional requirements, you'll be familiar with the sensation: It sounds like a really bad idea, it's probably c...

Web architecture: MVC, Lazy initialization, Data transfer Objects, Open Session In View, is there a concensus approach?

What flaws do you see in the following design, (and what would be your ideal architecture suggestion) for a typical web 3-tier application? My current blueprint approach is very roughly this (assuming Java, Spring, Hibernate, JSP) Controller Stateless, potentially wrapped with a read only transaction (to avoid lazy init exceptions),...

Lazy Loading of Collection - how to get the items?

I have a simply Class that is intended to be a simple POCO - it just holds data. With one exception: It contains a Collection of Notes. I want to lazy-load this collection so that I don't have to fetch the Notes on Pages that don't need them. The stub for this is this: public class MyDTOClass { private ICollection<Note> _notes = n...

Object-oriented programming & transactions

A little intro: Class contains fields and methods (let me skip properties this time). Fields represent a state of the class. Methods describe behavior of the class. In a well-designed class, a method won't change the class's state if it throws an exception, right? (In other words, whatever happens, class's state shouldn't be corrupted)...

DB-intense "unit-tests" in times when hardware is cheap

I was thinking about well known article "Hardware is Cheap, Programmers are Expensive" by Jeff Atwood and a recommendation of "Keep the Build Fast" by Martin Fowler. My tried approaches: I've suffered from too slow tests which was caused by intensive use of database. I like that it is cheap.. at the beginning. I've tried a multitiered...

How to decide the right design pattern for a .NET client app that will eventually share code with a web app?

I am new to design patterns, but I have been trying hard to implement some in the last year. I started at a new organization, and all the code was contained in the form. Since I got here, I've been trying to use an MVC approach for our .NET 2.0 application. Other developers have started to see the need for this approach, and we are ...

Experience with Architecture Description Languages

Being familiar with graphical modeling tools, I recently thought about the concept of architecture description languages (ADL) where one describes architectures in a textual form in order to comprehensively document it. I see advantages in this approach since it is a formal definition of an architecture stored in a single place without...