
Can you have a plugin architecture in ASP.NET?

Is it possible to load external "web-parts" in an ASP.NET website? I would like to make stand-alone dll's containing a User-Control or Page to include in a main site. Like a plug-in architecture for websites. The only examples I can seem to find bind the user control to the main project, you need to have a "hard" reference to the contro...

Use types referenced by a referenced project in C#

I'm new to splitting up my applications into multiple solutions (in other words I just got into the real world), I have a situation where I'm fully seperating the logic from the UI into a seperate project. Where I'm falling down is my glue code. As a simple example. Project car references projects containing door,radio etc Project gar...

help with c# pattern.

Hello and thanks for any assistance. using .Net 3.5 C#; Say i have about 10 methods that all follow the same pattern Using 3 as an example: public Customer CreateCustomer(Customer c) { .. } public Car CreateCar(Car c) { .. } public Planet CreatePlanet(Planet p) { ..} the internal logic of each method has the exact same pattern. ...

New transport and reader type in Twisted

I'm trying to add a new transport to Twisted, which will read data from a stream - either a file in a tail -f way, or from a pipe, but I have some problems with Twisted architecture. I've got the transport itself (implements ITransport) ready - it handles all file opening. I've got streaming functions/deferreds ready. How do I put it to...

DDD Projects Structure With WCF

Hi, I'm starting a new WCF-based project which is composed by an "Engine" and some desktop applications. But i found it difficult to make my project structure. Engine (Windows Service, which host WCF Services for Desktop applications access and host all my business logic) Desktop Application (Only Presentation) Shared MyProject.Core (...

A better design? Same object, different possible states

Hello, I have a very simple application which consists of an ASP.NET front end site, with a WCF Windows Service doing the heavy lifting back-end logic. The user has one simple page where he selects some parameters and pushes a 'submit' button. The page calls the WCF service and passes it the parameters. The service instantiated an inst...

Best practices for legacy compatibility

From my experience, commitments to backwards/forwards compatibility are the gilded cage of the software engineering industry. I have particularly observed this to be the case for document file formats and programming languages/APIs. Customers and partners hate it when their existing data or code breaks; however, if you never break compat...

Why don't win32 API functions have overloads and instead use Ex as suffix?

The win32 API has for example two methods StrFormatByteSize and StrFormatByteSizeEx. Even though both the methods symantically do the same thing and the Ex counter part only offers a new parameter to slightly change the behavior then couldn't they have two overloads of the same function? Is it a limitation of c/c++ or what is the possib...

How is Twitter's MySQL database architecture designed? Try your best.

No one knows. And even if you work at Twitter, you probably won't let us know the secret. So, let us all post our theories on how this communication tool database is designed! It definitely can't follow the standard replication architecture, right? It's got to do some sharding, partitioning, etc, etc. Let me know what you think! ...

Model an information system which communicates with other information systems in an uml-diagram?

Hello, i have written a software that is generating a data output based on the communication protocol HL7, but this isn't really important for my question. I have to develop an integration concept to integrate my software as a subsystem into an enterprise information system which communicates with other information systems in other inst...

Can I use a rich domain model with WCF?

Is it possible to use DDD and a rich domain model if your application is like: windows client (WPF) windows service And communication happens with WCF? I'm used to have DTO's with only data state, and have business rules inside the Service layer, but everyone keeps telling me that I should have a rich domain model where data state ...

POCO objects with lazy loading

Hi! I'am new to ASP.NET MVC, IoC, POCO, etc. So I want to know is it OK to use such kind of architecture. This is my demo project. Project.Core (this assembly referenced by all project) public class User { public string Name {get; set;} public List<UserGroup> UserGroups{get; set} } public class UserGroup { public string Tit...

design pattern asking for advice: push model v.s. pull model

Hello everyone, My application has several workers (working on different things as different processes) and some resources (working unit). Different workers need to process on all working unites. For example, I have workers like W1, W2 and W3, working unit U1 and U2. Then W1 needs to process U1 and U2, the same as W2 and W3. The restric...

Mapping vs. service layer, or business logic position

I got a Product and a collection of Payers. The Payers can pay for the product in three different ways, either but manually set the percentage, by Payers income or by the value of the Payers respective holdings.How the product is paid is determined by an enum on the Product. In my persistence layer i got three classes, Product, Payer, a...

MVC, where to generate ViewModel classes?

where should the ViewModel creation take place? In the service layer, in the controller? public class ObjectA { public string Name {get;set;} public IList<ChildB> Children {get;set;} } public class ObjectAViewModel { public ObjectA ObjectA {get;set;} public IList<ChildB> SelectableChildren {get;set;} } what if some properties on ...

System stories for agile architecture

While trying to apply agile principles to our development process, in particular scrum principles and XP-like user stories, we faced a problem about the architecture. Maybe we are still too much linked to the architecture-centric development, however we are trying to maintain a strong component based development, mixed with the agile mo...

Architecture question regarding exporting to MS Project

I have a small web application that allows you to create Projects and Tasks and apply estimates, work, etc to them. I am writing an export feature to allow you to download them as an MS Project file. It's really just an XML file. I will be writing an import feature afterwards, which allows you to reschedule Task start and stop d...

Ajax architecture in Django application

I am trying to find the optimal architecture for an ajax-heavy Django application I'm currently building. I'd like to keep a consistent way of doing forms, validation, fetching data, JSON message format but find it exceedingly hard to find a solution that can be used consistently. Can someone point me in the right direction or share the...

Looking for architecture diagrams

For a presentation I'm making I'm looking for diagrams of the common architecture types - 2 tier, 3 tier, n tier, messaging, etc. I know I can create something in PowerPoint in several minutes, but I want them to look nice... I also need them to be in a free license (such as creative commons) ...

DB Architecture : Linking to intersection or to main tables?

Hi, I'm creating fantasy football system on my website but i'm very confuse about how I should link some of my table. Tables The main table is Pool which have all the info about the ruling of the fantasy draft. A standard table User, which contains the usual stuff. Intersection table called pools_users which contains id,pool_id,user...