
MVC Architecture - How to represent Lists

I'm not positive I have the right architecture for this problem. Let's say I have a Person object that has 1 or more Attribute objects associated with it. For the interface, I have a list of Person objects, a Person view, and another control with tab pages that represent each Attribute object associated with that person. How would an ...

Better to have huge Controllers, or many controllers, in MVC?

We are building a fairly large HR application in ASP.NET MVC, and so far our controllers are becoming quite large. For example, we have an Employee controller, and all employee views are included (Personal info, employee deductions, dependents, etc). Each of these views might have multiple actions or subviews (e.g. CRUD). Each action ...

Architecture Design for DataInterface - remove switch on type

I am developing a project that calculates various factors for a configuration of components. The configuration is set/changed by the user at runtime. I have a Component base class and all configuration items are derived from it. The information for each component is retrieved from data storage as and when it is required. So that the sto...

How to use lucene across multiple websites

I've got four websites that are edited via one CMS (hanging off one of the sites) like this: I'll be using Lucene to index the textual content (from database and uploaded documents) of all four sites. The index will have to be available to both the CMS...

3D Game Development tips (especially game architecture)

tl;dr version: What is the best advice (that you learned by experience and not from books) that you can give me, with regards to 3D game architecture? (as in, how to design and connect the components of a 3D game) When it comes to programming, there is only so much you can learn from books. It seems to me, many of the things learned a...

Incorporating ORM into a (semi) SOA architecture

I'm exploring the offerings of an ORM (focusing on NHibernate, considering all options) and am convinced that using one could be a great benefit for some of our projects--however I'm having a hard time picturing just how it would play in our system. My understanding is that an ORM is ideally used to glue together a database and business...


Actually i'm pretty confused about this terms and how they relate to each other. A read something about every one of them but i don't uderstant the work flow.. DTO - Data transfer object - object to transport values BO Business object - object in domain model. object to make Business logic with POCO - no idea, i've read a definition on ...

Requirements and technical design as a single effort?

I've been working on a large, multi-year project as a web architect. So far, my responsibility has been to take requirements documentation provided by the customer's analyst and translate them into technical design documentation. The 'powers that be' suggest that I take over the requirements documentation and combine them with my effor...

Group log messages

I got a web application in which i've implemented logging (using Common.Logging), it now saves the log messages to the database. But in one part of the system, an import process, i would like to present only the log messages related to that import process (which the user instantiated) and not the accumulated log messages. below you see...

Extending an object and any child collections?

Hi, I have an class named Foo. This class contains a collection of child objects of type FooChildBase, but I also have a further class of type FooChildTwo which inherits from FooChildBase. Class Foo Public Children As IList(Of FooChildBase) End Class Class FooChildBase Public Info As String End Class Class FooChildTwo Inherits ...

What is the relative complexity of game architectures relative to other types of systems' architectures?

I always thought that game architectures were more complex than most other types of systems. Then I read some of the posts on SO and it makes me think that maybe it isn't a complex as others. It might be that I don't know enough about the domain of these other systems and that makes it seem more complex. What do you think? Do you thi...

Book on Java axioms

In this interview, Dan Pritchett mentions a book on Java Axioms, but he can't remember the name. Anybody know which one he's talking about? ...

How do I modernize this process?

I'm looking to modernize our somewhat archaic process of receiving forms and entering them into our system. I've managed to convert our tracking system (where the forms are entered) to c# .net from classic ASP, so any solution should be based on something I could do using .net so I can integrate the two. First, I'll lay out the current ...

How to split a data layer and business object layer, what are the appropriate duties of each?

If there was a line of business application layered like this, would this be an appropriate division of labor : Data Access Invokes only stored procedures, maps properties of DTOs to a hash tablse which are used to populate ADO.NET command's parameter collections. Only assembly with reference to SqlDataClient. Significant logic dealin...

How to fundamentally re-architect a system whilst preserving functional behaviour?

I have inherited an ASP.NET application that is a disaster architecturally, however it works and it is in live production use. In order to enhance the application in the future I need to totally re-architect it, but I need to preserve the existing front-end functionality - the changes that are being asked of me are more backend integrati...

Is there a good reference for how Grails was architected with Spring?

I have come to Grails without first being a Spring developer. This is great when things work but leaves me lost when things don't work as I expect, or I wish to extend things in ways unanticipated by the existing Grails documentation and reference books. I would also like to learn more about Spring best practices and with a reference I ...

Can we use Web Service Software Factory together with Web Client Software Factory?

Hi I have past experience with WCSF but no experience with WSSF We built a project on .NET 3.5 with WCSF and standard web forms (not mvc). The requirement for the next version is to provide web service interfaces for the 3rd parties to integrate with out product. How do you think is WSSF can be useful in this case, can it sh...

How to assign resources to a Task in a bug tracker application under development

What are your ideas and suggestions on how to assign Issues in bug tracker application to individual developers when a new Issue is created? If the settings should be stored in a database, what would the table look like? What will trigger the resource assignment? For example, when the user clicks the submit button, we look into the assi...

Securing your Data Layer in a C# Application

I was thinking about how to secure the Data Layer in a C# Application, the layer could in this case be either a LINQ to SQL Model Diagram stored with the Application itself containg the connection string to the SQL Server Database. Or it could be connectivity between the application and webservices. Either you need to impement some sor...

Point of Sale Application Architecture

Hi Guys, I have been asked to build a POS Application for a Restaurant. I have experience creating POS application in VB6.0 and have always wanted to create one with UX. I am looking to create one with WPF as front end. I pretty much have the process picture in mind and also screens. Said so much, I am not sure how to Architecture one....