
css best practice questions

I have been debating using css with div's and laying out elements, and really am looking to see if the practice i've been using would be considered the best practice, or if there is something different that i'm over looking that would be better. Lets say we were placing two images on the same line, on on the left one on the right then a...

RESTful API vs Web Service API

I am looking at doing a small web application for learning purposes, using .NET. My conundrum is whether I should be exposing application logic to other sites and applications via a REST API, or a set of Web Services. I am familiar with web services, but have not worked with REST. I understand the concepts of REST, I just have no pract...

Ideas for Implementing multiple views for the same data

My question is based in structure and architecture really and I'm after ideas on the best way to implement the following: I am using code igniter (although you could presume any MVC framework). I have a custom CMS which allows for the management of 5 different websites. Users log in and switch between these sites. They can add content t...

What interesting links do you have on Meebo?

What interesting links do you have on Meebo's architecture? From Meebo's Wikipedia entry: Meebo is an Ajax-based in-browser instant messaging program which supports multiple IM services, including Yahoo! Messenger, .NET Messenger Service, AIM, ICQ, MySpaceIM, Facebook Chat and Jabber; it is based on the free and open ...

MVC Architecture. Whats in a model?

I am new to MVC but I can already see its benefits and advantages. However, I have a (probably easy to answer) design question: I have been thinking about models and debating the proper way to structure them. The way I see it there are a few options: 1) Models and table structure have a 1 to 1 relationship...meaning that pretty much ...

Why aren't more applications written in multiple languages?

Even 2 decades ago, it was possible to call code written in one language to call code written in another; in school we called assembly graphics routines from within Ada code for one class assignment. Notable exceptions are running compiled code from within scripts or executing a system command from within compiled code; but rarely do we ...

Using a View Model + Data Model in ASP.NET MVC to support typed views?

How do most developers handle Typed Views in ASP.NET MVC when dealing with large applications? We are considering putting View-specific models in the Models folder, then putting all domain objects into a separate project. This way our Controllers can easily add the domain object to the typed view, without the domain object needing to b...

MVC application. How does mult-tier architecture fit in?

I am new to the concept of MVC and multi-tiered web architecture. I developing a PHP application and am using one of the available MVC frameworks. My question is as follows: From what I understand, MVC in and of itself is not considered a multi-tier architecture. I can understand how using MVC alone is a step up from taking an unstruc...

Converting Layered applications to tier based

Hi All, I have a web application that is based on 3 Layer. I prefer to deploy this application one one server to avoid the overhead involved in communication between layers if the layers are separated out into different physical tiers. I want to know what are the different design considerations at the architecture level that I must kee...

Object hierarchy vs. "case" statements

Consider a web form with a dropdown. Based on the selection in the dropdown, some options are displayed - not many, say two or three for each selection. When the user clicks OK, the server creates a new object, type determined by the dropdown, attributes from the appropriate options. So the server has to do three things based on the d...

Cloud and Datacenter

We are in the process of design a new application which based on a hybrid cloud architecture. We want to keep the data center centralized and managed in-house. And the appserver could be hosted by one of the service providers like EC2 Amazon. I am looking some best practice around data connection between the cloud and datacenter and how ...

ASP.NET Application Suite Development - Gotchas

This may sound a bit general, but I have a startup that is working on an ASP.NET (greenfield) suite of software applications. We are aiming to spend a substantial amount of time in the architecture phase to develop a strong foundation for our software. I was wondering if anyone has any advice, anything we should focus on or any suggestio...

Queueserver --> java appservers --> cluster of calculation servers

For the problem at hand, see the title. A certain "calculation service" (cpu intensive) is served to the clients as follows: all client requests go to one machine that manages the queue and - when a server or cpu is free in the cluster - forwards the request to a java appserver. The appserver uses ejb for its workflow mangement and at on...

What does LSN mean in SQL Server?

What is the meaning of Log Sequence Number? I know that it is of type binary and 10bytes long and it corresponds to the time the transaction happen in DB. But is this a high precision date-time value that is stored in some efficient binary format or is this a function of date-time and something else (for example the serial number of tran...

What technology for a larger project ?

I'm planing a larger project,so i'm considering some technology options. The project will use the 3 tier architecture design. The presentation layer will be ASP.NET but it could be some other technology. This doesn't matter for now. My questions are: For the aplication server should i use a windows service or just a normal applicati...

Design problem causing inability to get returned proper dataType

I have an object that has properties of another object and one called DataValue, but the type that I want DataValue to return depends on information contained in the object in the other property. I'm not convinced my way is the best way to do this. I have this business object called an AssetStructure. An AssetStructure object contains...

Join-Free Table structure for Tags

I'm working on a little blog software, and I'd like to have tags attached to a post. Each Post can have between 0 and infinite Tags, and I wonder if it's possible to do that without having to join tables? As the number of tags is not limited, I can not just create n fields (Tag1 to TagN), so another approach (which is apparently the one...

Architectural question: In what assembly should I put which class, for a clean solution?

PREAMBLE: This is by far the longest post I've left here...but I think it's required in this case. I've had questions about these kinds of things for a long time: how to name assemblies, and how to divide up classes within them. I'd like to give an example of an application here, with only a bare minimum of classes to demonstrate what...

View-Specific Formatting Code in MVC

Just some architectural question: I use MVC and exclusively rely on Strongly-Typed Views with View Model Classes. As presentation is the job of the View, these Classes do not only contain some fields, but also some formatting functions, e.g., // The ViewModel contains a List<Comment> which the view.aspx iterates // through, cal...

How do programs support i386 and ppc at the same time?

I would like to know how you can support i386 and ppc architectures for programs at /bin. I run for instance bin $ file amber I get amber: setgid Mach-O universal binary with 2 architectures amber (for architecture i386): Mach-O executable i386 amber (for architecture ppc): Mach-O executable ppc How do programs support i386 an...