
IsDirty implementation for WPF

Hello Does anyone have an IsDirty implementation they find particularly useful? Ideally I'd like to support Undo but not have to lug a framework like CSLA in. I'd also prefer an implementation that favors composition over inheritance. I'm working with WPF with a ViewModel slant right now (INotifyPropertyChanged). The last SO question I...

How to organize integration tests?

When writing unit tests, I usually have one test class per production class, so my hierarchy will look something like that: src/main -package1 -classA -classB -package2 -classC src/test -package1 -classATests -classBTests -package2 -classCTests However when doing integration tests the organization becom...

How should I secure a SOA with inter-service communication between data centers?

For my pet project I've decided on a services based architecture (yeah the buzzword SOA) because I can scale each service independent of others, distribute them geographically where they will be used more than other services, etc. The trick is that some of the services need to communicate privately with each other (and publicly with en...

Architecture of complex UI depending on user rights

Hi, I'm developing complex UI application with several forms and widgets. The behaviour of the UI heavily depend on user rights, i.e. editors should see more widgets and forms than viewers, and admin should see all UI elements. Moreover, forms must be customized also. There is no actual problem with the layout, since layout could be cu...

Limiting Access to a DLL in .NET

I write in-house software for a company. I always want to leverage OOP techniques as best as I can. In this thinking, I want to create a Data Access Layer (DAL) isolated in its own .DLL. What can I do to limit the access of the DAL DLL to only my business logic layer DLL? The last thing I need is someone in the company with a littl...

Discount strategy in shopping cart and orders

I am trying to implement a system that can handle multiple discounts applied to my cart/completed orders. I have applied a strategy type pattern to encapsulate the processing of the discounts within the discounts. I have come up with the following: an abstract discount base class with subclasses making up the concrete discounts. These ...

SAP PI Components vs. Different Stages/ENV

We are in the process of integrating PI to our system landscape. I read in the SAP Best Practices for Naming Conventions that you should include the stage/environment in your Business System Names. ex: BS_SOMEJMS_P (as P for Production) My question is; in different components, such as Receiver Determination, you include the Business ...

Integrating two systems to talk to each other - how can web services decouple the integration?

Hi, I am trying to integrate TFS 2010 with DotSvn. I need to fool Svn into thinking I have checked into it when I make a checkin into TFS. So I need to make a windows service which executes the main method every 5 minutes, get all the checkins commited into TFS, and then make checkins into DotSvn. The typical C# approach would be to wr...

How do you design, sketch, and blueprint a complicated piece of software? What are some workflows or tools that can be used to do so?

Hi, I have been programming for a couple of years and am now studying computer-science at university. Every time I have coded something, I did so by starting up my editor and improvise. Writing methods, classes as I go. Off course, I think about it beforehand, I take out sketch paper and write my ideas down, do a little list of things t...

What kind of architecture is good for my JavaScript software?

Hi, I am writing a software for a website where people can manage the website content. The interface is similar to Windows with all those windows floating around, click-able components, type-able text fields, etc. The admin interface is written in JavaScript, HTML and CSS. I'm wondering what kind of architecture should I apply to my adm...

Help with Class Design

I have a class that has to take product information from one system's database and save it to another system's product database. I'll call a product from the first system Product A and the other Product B. Product B's data depends on settings selected from a user. So Product B may have a GetDescriptions method that looks at a user se...

Logic on DAL class??

Guys, I have a conceptual question.- I have a Class named ClientDAL that inserts an object on the DataBase (Im using LINQ2SQL).- But before insertinng that class checks that it is not already on the database (check if it exists already on the DB) so I have a try and a if incrementing the ciclomatic complexity.- My question is, ClientDA...

generate visio diagram on the fly with dotnet

is there a good way of generating a visio diagram of an architecture (with a decent layout) if i have a list of client apps, services and databases? i would have thought there would be a decent way to generate this on the fly. ...

Should I use the same url to login admins and other registred users in Django?

I am quite new to Django, so it may be a stupid question, but, nevertheless: I need Django admin part to edit contents on the site, and also I want to have authentification, that will allow registred users to leave comments. I have the following idea of implementation it: have 2 different tables(admins and other registred users) and us...

Can anyone recommend a good online course to learn Software Architecture principles?

I would love to delve deeper into software architecture. Specifically I am interested in learning more about... API Design Documentation (i.e. UML) Project Management Estimation Technical Team Management Risk Management Architectural Patterns These are all things an architect typically does (in my experience). Is there a good single ...

Good architecture for 2-tier(client-server) desktop application using linq-to-sql

Hi, Our present architecture - UI,BusinessLayer,DAL(generated linq-to-sql).In the DAL layer, we have added validation logic for entities in partial class. We are directly using entities generated by linq-to-sql in businesslayer(which is bunch of classes - class\form).Also, in these bll classes,we create linq-to-sql queries. I feel we co...

Should I run everything in a background thread?

I am designing an application which has the potential to hang while waiting for data from servers (either Database or internet) the problem is that I don't know how best to cope with the multitude of different places things may take time. I am happy to display a 'loading' dialog to the user while access is happening but ideally I don't ...

Encrypted Session Token for Silverlight App

I am building a Sivlerlight app that calls methods on a WCF middle-tier application for its data. I don't want the middle-tier to have to lookup the user/pass in the DB for every call, so I want to use an encrypted token created by the server to be passed from the client to the server as evidence that the requestor is valid. I was wond...

Domain Driven Design: Domain Service, Application Service

Can someone explain the difference between domain and application services by providing some examples? And, if a service is a domain service, would I put the actual implementation of this service within the domain assembly and if so, would I also inject repositories into that domain service? Some info would be really helpful. ...

Master Data Management - Data redundance

Hi all, I am currently developing a system that holds all relevant master data like for example a customer, or information about an operational system that exists within our system landscape. The assigned IDs to these entities are unique within the enterprise. When some system stores e.g. customer related data, it has to hold the maste...