
What is the difference between Registry and Repositry from SOA point of view ?

What is difference between Registry and Repositry from SOA point of view ? Which one should be used ? What are pros and cons of one over other and vice-versa ? ...

What to do if one detects flaw in architecture of the software

Currently our team of 11 people is working on a project on platform. Timeline for the project is of 8 months and we have already done 4 months. Now working on new functionalities we find that there are some flaws in the architecture of the system due to which we are facing lot of problems. Now whom to look-up for solving this ......

What structure of a team should one keep in mind when making a team at the starting of the project ?

What structure of a team should one keep in mind when making a team at the starting of the project ? Like what should be the ratio of Senior Software Engg. to Software Engg. or how many freshers should be attached to the team etc. and many other points. Please share any point that has an importance when deciding the structure of a team...

Design of a Bot class capable of returning Answer objects for all sorts of Question objects.

I'm trying to build a GraphBot class that can answer different questions about about an associated graph such as path length, shortest path between two vertices, number of paths passing through a given vertex etc. I'd like to be able to add new questions without changing any code inside the Bot, it is only responsible for receiving the ...

Is this circular dependency a bad thing? Any potential problems?

Here's the class I ended up with while building some data layer: public class DataRequest { public class DataResponse { public DataResponse(DataRequest req) { Request = req; } public DataRequest Request {get; set;} // ... here go some other fields ... } public Response { get; set; } public DataRequest() { ...

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError, mach-o but wrong architecture on Mac10.6.2

I was trying to run a project in my local machine. I tried to load this jnilib file which I got from a running instance of this project on my Mac 10.6.2, System.load(lib.getAbsolutePath()); then I got this exception thrown: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError, mach-o but wrong architecture I have check the jnilib with file command: l...

Using email instead of login name in django

Hi all, Firstly, this is not the question how to authenticate on email/password pair, but rather how to produce logical, and if you like, beautiful data structure. I want to use emails as user names in a given django project. However, I am unable to re-use fields provided by auth.User model for at least two reasons: auth.User.usernam...

Should CRUD operation go always thru a BO ?

I have an architecture wich goes like this Repository -> BO -> WCF -> Web and vica verse Repository <- BO <- WCF <- Web My question is, if I have just simple CRUD operation like just delete a record by its Id, would it be acceptable to skip the BO and go straight to the repository ? Repository <- WCF <- Web ...

MVC: Is it considered bad form to give a DTO a reference to the data access layer?

Is it considered bad form to give a DTO a reference to the data access layer? Or should you always pass a DTO between the data access layer and the application layer? EDIT: For example, imagine the following: I keep a product types list in my database. I'd like to render this list in a drop-down box in a partial view. This partial vi...

Custom behavior in a web application

I am working on an ASP.NET WebForms project, and we need the ability to configure behavior throughout the application based on the current user's "group". This applies to almost all aspects of the application, including site navigation, showing/hiding certain user controls on pages, and executing custom business logic in some cases. Ho...

Best strategy to convert array output to an object?

I'm taking array output from a command-line program and parsing it into a PHP object. Consider this example of a very simple way to do this: $output = explode("\n", shell_exec(myProg)); $obj = new MyObject(); $offset_field1 = 0; $offset_field2 = 1; $obj->Field1 = $output[$offset_field1]; $obj->Field2 = $output[$offset_field2]; This ...

Tips for learning a new framework/updating an existing enterprise application -.NET

I come across several situations which involve customizing a MS framework (Ex: Built a layer above the webparts framework to utilize it in an application) or extending an existing app's functionality. I've realized that the key point is to get familiar with the class library so that I can start writing classes that inherit from existing ...

Considering the actual data in a db, how would I choose between a RDBMS and a DocDBMS?

I'm not looking for a holy war here, I am thinking through a distributed architecture and would like input on How do I choose between a RDBMS vs. a DocDBMS? We cannot deny the power that can be had by using a RDBMS (i.e. MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS Sql Server, etc), they have been in development for more than 30 years and many issues have bee...

TDD: "Test Only" Methods

Looking for some practical advice here and any experiences people have had in a similar situation. We use a BDD/TDD sytle methodology for building our software (quite a large/complex application) The end result is.. behavioral specifications (Given/When/Then style) derived from business requirements, unit tests that reflect these and co...

Is there any real reason to differentiate between POST and GET when handling incoming data?

Lately I've been using a wrapper PHP class that fetches GET and POST data and lets me access it using a single getter function. After years of developing web applications I've never had a single good reason to care whether an incoming var was coming from POST or GET. Not only that but I got really sick and tired of having to check both a...

From where to start coding a software?

The project which I am going to start is my first project and it is very big. Though it's a great opportunity for me, I don't want me to trapped myself in a messed-code in the end so I have made a whole design of the software (software architecture) divided it into three tiers: Presentation Tier ---- (will be implemented through Java S...

Inventory Architecture in Database

Hello, This is not a question related to a specific language, rather on the correct methodology of architectural of handling inventory. Consider the following structure for storing software: platforms (platformID*, platformName) titles (titleID*, titleName) And the following is a joiner table for unique products products (platform...

Basic question about OOP

I often have the same trouble when I have to design my class for a web application. The requirements are : - maintainable (no copy-paste for instance) - layers fully separated (the business layer doesn't have to know which method of the data layer is used) - high performance : don't load useless data. First I have a table with all my cu...

How do I build something when I know I'll get it wrong?

Background I have a personal project that I've been trying to build for around 5 years. In essence it's an online game - a web application. It's not a "money maker", just something that I really want to build, so finding the funding to hire a skilled team is very unlikely. I've built two fully-functional prototypes over the years, both...

Application Email Architecture

I've inherited an ASP.NET website written in c# using an mssql 2k8 database that is sending emails based on an insert into a message table via a trigger using database mail :| One of any failures and too many things rollback, aren't logged and no email is sent... What a mess. I've written a few email subsystems in the past and I thoug...