full postbacks with ASP.Net AJAX on an ASP.NET page within an IFRAME

I have an ASP.Net page that is contained within an iframe the page has an update panel, that, in isolation, works however when the page is within the iframe, the update panel always produces a full postback. I guess that the problem is the iframe itself but id like to know a) why it doesnt work b) if there is a solution beyond rolling m...

Alternatives to Multiple Listboxes?

The current ASP.NET site that I am working on calls for multiple listboxes, 3 to be exact. The first is for artists, second is for albums, and the last one is for songs. If you select an item from the artist listbox the album listbox will show the albums for that artist and the song listbox will show all the songs from that album im su...

Syntax errror

Hello! I'm having a bad couple of weeks. Everything I touch seems to break. Ok, anyway... I have a web application in Visual Studio 2008 and it's been starting to act stange. I get a error message which says syntax error (nothing more). It "points" to the first row in my file Forms.aspx. The row says <%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageF...

C# Asp.Net 2.0 - How do I check a password against an active directory password?

I'm rewriting an internal application, which currently uses its own username/password combination. People are forever forgetting it, or not changing their password from the default, so I want to use single sign on and make use of our domain. I am using .Net2.0 and I cannot find any ways of doing this outside of 3.5. How can get the lo...

Session Problem ASP.NET - SQL VS 2008

I have an odd session problem. I store a session in a global session class and access it on different pages. Anyway, most of my pages work fine except this one page which is really preplexing me. I set the session in one page and access it on the next for a SQL select / update /delete and with my FormView / GridView /Details View. Needle...

ASP.NET Treeview control and Client side javascript - Highlight selected tree view node

How to do following - ASP.NET 2.0 TreeView and Selecting the Selected Node using JavaScript I am trying this by reading this article,but it does not find getTreeNode() property on 2.0 treeview control. ...

viewstate MAC failed in 2.0 while postback the page

Hi! I have a website in 2.0 with default membership provider. It was fine til yesterday. When i add custom google search box in my website now i am getting the same error Validation of viewstate MAC failed. If this application is hosted by a Web Farm or cluster, ensure that configuration specifies the same validationKey and vali...

Changing the DateTimeMode of a few columns in a dataset after it has been populated with data

Hi, I need to change the DateTimeMode of some columns in an already populated dataset. (I don't want to change it before it gets populated as it would mean making changes in several methods throughtout the application.) Here's the stmt I am using (for a single column): copy.Tables[0].Columns["DateColName"].DateTimeMode = DataSetDateTim...

What is default session timeout in ASP.NET?

What is the default session timeout value in ASP.NET? ...

change 2 web service adress

hello i'm developing an application that includs a web service, on development time i run the service locally on my pc, than i publish the service to a remote server, i wanna know how can i take the web reference that i got and just change the adress of the service to the remote server to check that every thing is ok ... mobile 2.0

i am trying to send the value id inorder to connect 2 pages. the search page with the comments page. this is the error i get Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code Exception D...

Setting selected item in a ListBox without looping

Hi, I have a multi-select listbox which I am binding to a DataTable. DataTable contains 2 columns description and value. Here's the listbox populating code: DataTable copytable = null; copytable = GlobalTable.Copy(); // GlobalTable is a DataTable copytable.Rows[0][0] = "--ALL--"; copytab...

Refactoring large old ASP.Net solution

Hi i am in middle of refactoring old code (some of it is from frontpage era) and am wanting to move all the references to the "$Resources:resources, ” from aspx pages to Page_Render in code behind file of each page. Main purpose of this excersie is to support localization, as we have grown to other internaltional regions. Ther...

How can I prevent applicationSettings in the web.config from being inherited?

I have an applicationSettings section in my web.config in my ASP.NET 2.0 web application. This works perfectly for storing values and being able to access them as strongly-typed values. Here is a snippet of my web.config: <configuration> ... <applicationSettings> <MyWebsite.Properties.Settings> <setting name="ExcludedIt...

Web Service error 'Could not create type' when calling service from Ajax

Hi I've downloaded the Ajax Control toolkit When I create a website from the Ajax control Toolkit template, I can create a web service in a single file (asmx) and hook this up to different Ajax controls provided in the toolkit. However if I add the Toolkit to an existing ASP.Net 2.0 appliction web project I cannot create web services ...

Refer to Root of Web Site in JScript

To refer to the root of a website in asp I use an ASP control (normal hyperlinks don't work!) and use the tide ~ However I am trying to achive the same with Jscript and it does not work. I have set up a folder structure to better organise the files on my website. I have placed a Jscript file within the root of the folder structure an...

File Upload functionality in ASP.NET

Hi, I was using a File Upload functionality in ASP.NET .If the users are using the Browse button shown next to the textbox and selecting the required file then there is no issue about the file getting upload. But instead if they are directly typing the file name in the textbox instead of using the Browse button then I should be able to...

Showing Recent file

Hi, I am having one folder which contain all excel files.I want to show programmatically recent excel file in the page to download.I am using help. ...

.Net Regex match grouping and repetition question

I have the following VB.Net 2.0 in an ASP.Net app: output = Regex.Replace(output, "<p>(?:(?:\<\!\-\-.*?\-\-\>)|&(?:nbsp|\#0*160|x0*A0);|<br\s*/?>|[\s\u00A0]+)*</p>", String.Empty, RegexOptions.Compiled Or RegexOptions.CultureInvariant Or RegexOptions.IgnoreCase Or RegexOptions.Singleline) Example stuff it matches well: <p></p> <p> ...

Asp.Net Caching and memory leaks when removing items from Cache

So I'm trying to introduce some caching into my Asp.Net application. New data for the user is returned from the DB in the form of large datasets. Whenever a user requests data I insert this dataset into the HttpRunTime.Cache. At the moment I'm setting their caching time to 2-3 hours. And these are really large datasets and I put them in ...