How do I get SelectedValue to bother returning the actual selected value

I'm using the following chunks of code to populate a drop down box on page load from content in an xml file... foreach (System.Xml.XmlNode item in root.SelectNodes(@"/markers/marker")) { string tmpValue = item.Attributes["location"].Value + "#" + item.Attributes["lat"].Value + "#" + item.Attributes["lng"].Val...

Exporting Native Excel 2007 Files From .NET

Does anyone know of resources that can help me export simple contents of a GridView to a native Excel 2007 format (i.e. the OpenOfficeXML format). I've already seen solutions like Matt Berseth's, and in fact I have been using that for a while, but it comes with an annoying warning produced by Excel 2007 as documented here stemming from...

Compelling Reasons to Migrate from ASP.NET 2.0 to ASP.NET 3.5

Forgive me if this is a repeat question. I've searched StackOverflow and did not find the answer to my question, so here goes. We currently have a web application running ASP.NET 2.0 with AJAX Extensions 1.0 and SQL Server 2005 running, is deployed on IIS 6 and developing in VS2005. All works great, but I'm trying to find compelling rea...

Correctly matching an ending tag with its starting tag in HTML with a RegEx

I'm using VB.Net in an ASP.Net 2.0 app to run some regular expressions that remove some unnecessary markup. One of the things that I'd like to do is remove span elements that don't have any attributes in them: output = Regex.Replace(output, "<span\s*>(?<Text>.*?)</span>" & styleRegex, "${Text}", RegexOptions.Compiled Or RegexOptions.Cul...

Delphi 2007 ASP.NET application crashes after installing IE8

When attempting to compile, application crashes with an error: "Access violation ... in module 'mshtml.dll' and delphi dies. tia jon ...

Calendar structure with Reservations

Hello, i try to find a data structure for a calendar, which should offer the same functionality like googles calendar (want to build a structure in my own sql-database).. It should offer one-time, multiple times, hole day, date-from til date-to, events and so on... But it's a bit hard to find out the right strucure - do you know where ...

Any tips for improving Visual Studio 2008 ASP.NET designer performance?

It's been bugging me for a while now, but the ASP.NET designer in VS 2008 can be terribly slow for editing even the simplest of pages. The machines we use are not bleeding edge, but one would think that a 2Ghz Dual Core AMD 3800+ with 3Gb of RAM and a 7200RPM 120Gb hard drive would perform better than it does. To quantify the problem, ...

ASP.NET WebService Override SOAP Response

How do you override the SOAP response object from an ASP.NET Web Service before the service finishes sending it? ...

ASP .NET: when UserControls loads ?

Is MasterPage -> Page -> UserControl the loading order of an ASP .NET request? Is there a situation where an UserControl loads before the Page loads ? I have private messages for my users and in every page they will see a message like this "You have 3 unread messages." When users view an unread message I want to change the message to ...

Having problems changing the <dataConfiguration> section of web.config in WDP

Hello, I have a web.config file that contains a section like this: <configuration> <configSections> <section name="dataConfiguration" type="Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data.Configuration.DatabaseSettings, Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" /> ...

Hashtable "default" getter?

A particular class has a Hashtable containing 1..N elements. I'm wondering if there are generic getter/setter methods for the Hashtable used in a class. I'm looking to make the hashtable values behave more like regular object properties: public class foo { private HashTable _stuff; public HashTable stuff { get; set; } public fo...

What is risk if I use aspnet_membership.

I have some doubt about aspnet_membership. My database team of my company dosen't let me use aspnet_membership. Because this feature use some storeprocedure to install some thing that break the policy of my company. they said this feature could make some risk but i don't know what risk that i'll get if i used it . Is Anyone have any ...

How do I detect the current culture of the executing thread?

I have a nice function setup for formatting dates as per But it turns out in our farm we have some blades running on a UK locale and some on a US locale so depending on which it crashes. So what I'm after is how do I test the current server locale? Somethin...

I want to make my web site point to different server dynamically

Hi everyone, I'm new to web.config and ASP.NEt. I want to make my client to point to different servers which ever is free dynamically.... Is it possible??? It's their a way to have multiple entries in web.config file which we can choose at run time??? Let me be more specific. I have multiple clients which contacts a serv...

Multiple Clients accessing server

Hi, How about if I change my concept in this way??? I have my client accessing my server for some work and the server in turn accesses other server which will do the work. Now if the client increases the server has to send all those request to the other server and that's slowing my work if I have more clients. The client accesse...

Difference between datagrid and gridview

i want to know the main difference between datagrid and gridview in 2.0 ... publish problem

My application works fine on localhost. But when I publish it to the server , it throws the exception below. It was working yesterday, but I added some simple file IO operations to global.asax and some other parts in code, i try to write log to some file in server side .. WRN: Assembly binding logging is turned OFF. To enable assembly ...

How do I implement a databound custom control with JQuery

I need to implement a custom control with checkboxlist and each item on clicked will open a div next to the item . my output would be checkboxmy items The td is a reaped items and is bound to a datasource. and onclick of the checkbox show the div1 . How do i Start? Do i implement a template control or a databound control ? in AS...

ResetPersonalizationBlob being called irregularly - how to solve?

I have provided a custom webpart personalization provider by extending the "PersonalizationProvider" class. I have also extended the WebPartsManager class to invoke "SetPersonalizationDirty", when webparts are added/removed dynamically. Now the problem is that method "ResetPersonalizationBlob" is being called suddenly even though: 1. P...

System.Net (HttpWebRequest) tracing without using files or app.config?

I want to capture certain, but not all, HttpWebRequest traffic in my application for debugging purposes. It's a web service hosted by IIS. I have read How to: Configure Network Tracing. This works great, but I don't want to direct the trace to a file, due to possible permission problems on the file system, data sensitivity, etc. I wo...