Global.asax Event: Application_OnPostAuthenticateRequest

Hi, I am using Application_OnPostAuthenticateRequest event in global.asax to get roles and permissions of authenticated user also i have made my custom principal class to get user detail and roles and permission. To get some information which remain same for that user. following are the code void Application_OnPostAuthenticateRequ...

Any reason why an ASP.Net 2.0 application with no code would take 2 minutes to load on first run?

Hi all, I've asked this on server fault already but to no avail. So I'm hoping another ASP.Net Developer would have come across my issue. I've got a Windows VPS running II6 and I'm migrating my ASP.Net applications across to the server. When I navigate to one of those applications it takes approximately 2 minutes to do anything. I creat...

Roles for "Hhtpcontext.user" in Formauthentication

In global.asax, where should i write code to assign role in httpcontext.user? What i have read in site is that it should be part of "Application_onPostauthentication" event of global.asax but i am not getting that if i write there then it is execute for each request of user. I think this should fetch one for one authentication a...

[ASP.NET] Multilingual Login page: After logout

Hi i have language selection option at my login page. aFTER select language on login page the user is successfully redirected in second page in the selected language. But when i logout from site then again login page redirected in browser language. But here i need to show loginpage in the language which user have initially selected fro...

ASP.NET Response time of Login page

Hi in my application, i have one intermediate page(index.aspx) between login.aspx and default1.aspx. The job of index.aspx page is to check authenticated user role and then just redirect request to valid defaultpage i.e default1.aspx, default2.aspx, default3.aspx. For this type of requirement our loginpage rendering time is m...

Router Port Forwarding and HttpContext.Current.Request.Url

Here's the scenario. We have a router that port forwards requests for our different test sites. For example forwards from the router to a web server that is on port 80. The test web sites are virtual directories of one web site running on IIS6 (Windows Server 2003). Part of our application send out e-mails th...

ASP.NET 2.0, AppTheme: How can we utilize AppTheme in best way for my ASP.NET WEBSITE

Hi, I am writing website which will going to be host on public network. I don't have very much knowledge about AppTheme specially utilizing theme, css and skin in 2.0. Previously i have worked with asp and 1.0 where i only write css class and write attribute class="***" inside every control where i want to have c...

Secure Login credential without using SSL

Hi, I am new in SSL, whatever i read and know that its paid digital certificate and after using SSL in website https:// the data transfer is secure at network layer. In my application i don't have much security concern except loginname and password. Is there any way to protect Loginname and password without using SSL https:// ...

formating datetime column in a DataSet.

Hi, I have a dataset that is populated by reading excel file. The dataset stores the data from the excel. The date in the dataset in in the format "2\2\2009 12:00:00 AM" but i need the data format converted to "2\2\2009" . I want to change the format of all the data in that particular column. Please help. ...

Link to CSS directory with ~

I have a CSS link that looks like this: <link href="../../css/WW/parts.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" /> But now I want the CSS directory not to be linked to as "../../", but as "~/", i.e from the top of the project. So I changed the CSS call to: <link href="~/project/css/WW/parts.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" /> Bu...

AJAX auto complete with options for selecting query type

I want to use the AutoCompleteExtender control but i want to use it with a drop down list or radio buttons that let me select the search type. i.e. search by name or search by ID. Now the search bar is on the master page while the content is on a 'contained page' (i'm not sure of the correct terminology). Currently (i'm modifying existin...

prettypopin Modal with ASP.NET buttons

I'm using prettypopin Modal(Stéphane Caron) to Edit my FormView. Looks like it's only working with regular submit button. <input type="submit" value="Submit" id="buttSubmit" /> But it's not working with any .net buttons(asp:button, asp:LinkButton). Does anyone has any suggestions? Or can you recomend any other jQuery Modals, for edit...

How to set the Temp path ie. the value returned by Path.GetTempPath() ?

I was trying to run a 2.0 site under impersonation and something seems to have gone wrong. I undid my changes in the ASP.Net IIS Configuration applet. However now I am stuck with this error System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the temp directory is denied. Identity 'MACHINE\ASPNET' under which XmlSerializer is running...

How do you manually modify a bound object with a FormView?

I am using a FormView with an ObjectDataSource. When the save button is clicked, I would like to modify the data bound object before it gets set to the ObjectDataSources Update method. I tried the FormView's Updating event as well as the Object Data Source's Updating event but I can't figure out how to access the data bound object. For...

IIS 7.5 and ASP .NET 2.0

Are there any known issues with IIS 7.5? I'm getting the following error when I try to browse/start/view any page on the site. HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error The requested page cannot be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid. Module IIS Web Core Notification BeginRequest Handler Not yet ...

Add button to a image

How do you add a image to a button when you click it and diplay the image and click another button and the image will go off and diplay the other image in Micrsoft viual web devloper in ...

Get userID of current user logged in from server using 2.0

How to get userID of current user logged in from server using vb? ...

ELMAH Filtering Programmatically not working

Elmah always kick in. How to filter programmatically: Here is my Global file: /// <summary> /// Handles the Filtering event of the ErrorLog control. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="Elmah.ExceptionFilterEventArgs"/> instance containing the eve...

Is ultidev cassini good for hosting ASP .NET 2.0 (Ajax 1.0) based web app (intranet)

The server needs to be installed on Windows XP and has to host an ASP .NET 2.0 + ASP .NET AJAX 1.0 based web application. What is the simultaneous connection limit? (as opposed to 40 in IIS on XP) Are there any other limitations/short-comings that I need to be aware of? ...

tabIndex Attribute and AJAX

I've seen some posts about tabIndex issues, but I was unable to find one like the scenario below that I need to fix. So here's the lowdown on the project. It's an ASP.NET 2.0 web app using AJAX 1.0 Extensions and jQuery. I'm looking for any ideas from any programming language to handle a scenario like this. So first off, I know how to...