I need to turn off ControlState for dynamically generated controls !

I have turned off all the viewstate settings but there is still viewstate in the page, i need to switch the control state off also. ...

ASP.NET runtime error : Ambiguous Match found

Recently, my team converted ASP.NET project from .NET 1.1 to .NET 2.0. Everything is pretty good so far except for one web page. This is the error message I got when I tried to open this page: Server Error in '/' Application. Parser Error Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service t...

Why is my language switching automatically in ASP.NET 2.0?

I am working on an ASP.NET 2.0 web solution which currently runs en-GB and zh-HK languages as the 2 current languages for the site. Others will be added at a later date. One of the requirements is that the user can choose to override the language displayed to another language. Therefore users in Hong Kong can view the site in English an...

Passing page's server controls as parameter in custom user control

Hi , I want to pass the page's server controls(especially gridviews,datalists,repeaters) as parameter to my custom server control. My purpose is to make a html to pdf export button as a custom server control.Programmer will add the my custom control to a page and select the control from the usercontrol properties which he/she wants to ma...

JavaScript file not reloading in browser when modified on server

So I have this ASP.Net 2.0 website that uses functions contained within a JS file. When a webpage loads the js file loads fine. But when I change something in that file on the server the changes are not propagated to user's browser. It keeps working according to the out dated file. How can I force the browser to reload the modified file ...

windows Authentication

My application uses windows authentication mode. I have a scenario where i need to move the excel file from one server to another server.Is it possibel to move the files did i get any security problems b'coz i am using the windows authentication mode. Please help? ...

how to generate a next row when next button is clicked in

i have one dataset which have five records according to my secanrio i have two buttons on screen.(button name(next,back))if i press once in next button in the data set of the first record should be shown (only display).if i click back button it should show previous record pls help me. ...

How many concurrent request IIS 6.0 can resonse

Hi i have website, which i am making plan for hosting at Windows Server 2003. Here i would like to know that how many concurrent request IIS6.0 can server? Actually in my website the number of registration at the time of deployment is around eight thousand and the growth rate is about 100%. Is there any standard formula by whic... Ajax with Master page

Hi, I am working in with .Net Framework 2.0 and VS 2008 Team System I have a master page page and n number of content pages. On the master page i have put a ScriptManager tag and on content page I have an UpdatePanel. But whenever and event like button click is fired form the content page, whole page is post backed. How do i so...

Make a new line in a GridView

Hi, I've an ASP.Net 2.0 Gridview control that I can bind a List<T> too, for a specific field in List<T> like "Old" and "New" I want to place new line characters that will break the text into separate lines e.g.: Column1=Value1 Column2=Value2 to become: Column1=Value1 Column2=Value2 ...

Check box not retain the state

I have a check box in the webform; it is not retain its state when i click in the back button and again comeback the page using next button. ...

How to send Row values in QueryString through link button in Template column?

Hi Everyone! I have a situation here. I have a gridView control and there are four columns in it. The fourth column is a template column containing a link button. What I want is that I want to get the values of the row against which the details link would be clicked. e.g I have a Employee Name Details Peter Details ...

Setting a 2.0 webmethod as a GET method

But default you have to issue an HTTP POST to any web method in an 2.0 web service. How do u call a web method with HTTP GET alone. In some cases I'd also want to pass arguments to an HTTP GET method. Is this possible in the context of web services? ...

How do you extend the MembershipUser class?

I want the class inheritance to look like this... Person -> MembershipUser -> User Person & User are my own classes. What is the syntax in ASP.NET 2.0 for MembershipUser to inherit my Person class. If I have to create a new class that first inherits MembershipUser, then I have the problem of double inheritance. ...

Setting ViewStateUserKey gives me a "Validation of viewstate MAC failed" error

I have the following in my BasePage class which all my ASPX pages derive from: protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e) { base.OnInit(e); ViewStateUserKey = Session.SessionID; } I also have a machineKey set in Web.config. I don't think this error is because of a web farm because this happens on my dev machine too. My host ...

Links become undefined after file download in Firefox/Chrome/Safari, not IE

Using ASP.NET 2 I have an aspx page where a linkbutton posts back, generates a pdf file, and uses the following method to send the file back to the client Dim r As System.Web.HttpResponse = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response r.Clear() r.ClearContent() r.ClearHeaders() r.AppendHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; f...

how shold user send mail from my website to me in 2.0

in my website i want to give a link through which user can send mail to me. ...

classic asp/ website - global.asa not working

Hi, I've recently been given a website written in classic asp to configure and set up - although it also appears to have pages written in The problem I'm having at the moment is that it doesn;t appear to be picking up settings from the global.asa file such as Application("ConnectionString").... As when I try to write them out...

how to check string contain emailid or not??

hi all, i m looking for checking emailid in content of message body. i do not want to allow any one to send message that contain email address as a part of message. so how can i achieve this in c#?? Please help me if any one has an idea about this !!! ...

Can I show an alert from Global.asax on a page that's experiencing a SQL Timeout?

In Global.asax, is there a way to handle SQL Timeouts elegantly, and display a message on the requesting page explaining the error? I know Global.asax has the Application_Error and Error events, but I'm not sure which (if any) I could use to accomplish this. Related, can I access the page instance which raised the error that Global.asa...