
Playing portion of an audio file on iPhone

Hello! Does anyone knows how to play a portion of a sound file on the iPhone? Using the SDK, or any other library (Cocos Desnhion...). I know how to play an entire sound, but not an exact portion of it (eg. from 2,5ms to 6ms). Thanks! Vincent ...

Bug with audio reCaptcha in safari

Hi all, Can other Safari users please test for me, to see if the audio reCaptcha plays properly? On my machine, I can only hear the audio if I click the Download sound as MP3 link. I also don't get the spoken introduction at all. It works OK in Firefox and Chrome. I was alerted to this bug on my own...

Audio recording and playback in Silverlight

I have a Silverlight 4 application that records user's voice through the mic. Now, as soon as the recording is completed, I need to play the recorded voice back to the user before posting it to the server. Is it at all possible to play it back to the user without getting into format conversions etc? Any ideas are welcome. Thanks! ...

Split UInt32 (audio frame) into two SInt16s (left and right)?

Total noob to anything lower-level than Java, diving into iPhone audio, and realing from all of the casting/pointers/raw memory access. I'm working with some example code wich reads a WAV file from disc and returns stereo samples as single UInt32 values. If I understand correctly, this is just a convenient way to return the 32 bits of m...

Audio player in flex

Hi All, I want to play Audio in flex application.I am using SWFLoader for it.Is there any other way to load audio into Flex applications. Thanks & Regards, Prasanth Babu ...

Using DirectShow library to edit and save an mp3 file

I want to read an mp3 file, crop section of it, fade in & out and finally save it as a new mp3 file. I found a library called DirectShow that apparently can do this, but I can figure out how to do it. Has anyone done something like this? ...

C# cast audio form resources

i need some help regarding the following: HomeArrayPicBox[i, j].Image = (Image)Properties.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject("Scan" + i); SoundPlayer fire = new SoundPlayer(; for the picbox i can load an image from resources using cast (Image). i was wondering how to do this for audio i.e. some sort of (Au...

SDL. Current music position

Hi all, I load my music track using SDL_mixer function: Mix_Music * SDLCALL Mix_LoadMUS(const char *file); For synchronization with video I need to know current music position. How can I determine this? ...

Encode audio to aac with libavcodec

I'm using libavcodec (latest git as of 3/3/10) to encode raw pcm to aac (libfaac support enabled). I do this by calling avcodec_encode_audio repeatedly with codec_context->frame_size samples each time. The first four calls return successfully, but the fifth call never returns. When I use gdb to break, the stack is corrupt. If I use a...

Playing an arbitrary tone with Android.

Is there any way to make Android emit a sound of arbitrary frequency (meaning, I don't want to have pre-recorded sound files)? I've looked around and ToneGenerator was the only thing I was able to find that was even close, but it seems to only be capable of outputting the standard DTMF tones. Any ideas? ...

Android - How to add my own Audio codec to AudioRecord?

I currently have a Loop back program for testing Audio on Android devices. It uses AudioRecord and AudioTrack to record PCM audio from the Mic and play PCM audio out the earpiece. Here is the code: public class Record extends Thread { static final int bufferSize = 200000; final short[] buffer = new short[bufferS...

How to play .wav files with java

Hi , I am trying to play a .wav file with java. I need it when a button is pressed to play a short beep sound. I have google it but most of the code wasn't working. Can someone give me a simple code to play a .wav file. ...

How do I determine audio capabilities on Android?

I'm experimenting with Android's audio recording and playback. Is there a way to enumerate the available audio parameters on my device? Right now, when I pass a combination of parameters that the hardware (or emulator) doesn't like, I just get an error. So I am having to "guess": int bufferSize; int sampleRate; // does the audio hard...

Skinnable audio player (or something similar to Windows Vista audio control in task bar) - for the web.

Anyone know of a skinnable audio player (or something similar to Windows Vista audio control in task bar) that i can embed in my website? A player that can be customized to use a 'speaker' icon instead of a 'play' icon. When the speaker is clicked, the volume can be adjusted or turned off. The option of being able to autoplay and set ...

Chrome/Webkit audio tag bug?

I'm trying to get HTML5's audio tag to work in Chrome. The following code works flawlessly in Firefox, any ideas why it isn't working in Webkit? <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function init(){ audio = new Audio("chat.ogg");; } </script> </head> <body onload="init()"> </body> I...

audio recording problem

hi I am recording an audio and storing to the application's folder. But it's not working on production server. I am using Microsoft.visualbasic.devices namespace. ( through this code I am recording audios and listening locally but I am unable to...

Blackberry How to play sound (short[]) using the speaker of the device ?

I am using Alert.startAudio to play an array of short values, I want the same short[] to be played using the phone speaker, how could I do this ? ...

Java library for creating Audio CD disk image

Does anyone know of a library or open source project that contains code for creating an audio CD disk image? ...

Compiling a list of audio + video players (flash / javascript / otehr) that I can embed into a website.

I'm compiling a list of audio + video players (flash / javascript / other) that I can embed into a website. flowplayer: jw player: premium beat: xspf web player: yahoo me...

iPhone SDK: Change playback speed using core audio AVAudioPlayer

I'd like to be able to play back audio I've recorded using AVAudioRecorder @ 1.5x or 2.0x speed. I don't see anything in AVAudioPlayer that will support that. I'd appreciate some suggestions, with code if possible, on how to accomplish this with the iPhone 3.x SDK. I'm not overly concerned with lowering the pitch to compensate for increa...