
How do I compare 2 audio files, returning a percentage of difference.

Possible Duplicate: How do I compare what the user said with an audio recorded sound? Is there a way to compare 2 audio files, whereby a percentage of difference will be returned? I am using C# VS08, .net framework 3.5. Edited: difference in the sound(like for eg. Audio 1: "HELP", Audio 2:"HELP ME PLEASE", it will return the...

Crossfading - Best way of getting audio C# .NET Compact Framework?

I'm using .NET Compact Framework 3.5 and I'm wanting to crossfade two tracks of music. The time at which they would crossfade isn't known, the idea is one would loop and something would trigger a crossfade. I know SoundPlayer can play multiple tracks on top of one another and that (though I've not been able to get it to work), WaveOut ...

Procedural snare drum

So I've got something like: void createSinewave( short * array, int duration, int startOffset, float freq, float amp ) ; void createSquarewave( short * array, int duration, int startOffset, float freq, float amp ) ; Other functions "slide" a wave form from some low frequency to some high frequency, and accept two frequency pa...

Android play raw Audio from C++ side

I need to be able to stream audio from a custom file format on the C++ side of the Android system. I am working on porting a custom media player and need to be able to open a custom file and stream audio from it. This is important as I do not think porting the whole player to JAVA is feasible from a performance stand point and moving t...

resources for sound and music processing

i find it very hard to find good texts about sound and music when looking in the programming area the hardest part being "what part of it have i learnt yet?", since i have never found anything describing the part already documented against the great unknown (=things no-one has well understood yet) from sound synthesis to automatic musi...

C# Audio - How to time stretch (different tempo, same pitch)

I'm trying to make a winform app in C# (VS2008) that can load an mp3 (other formats would be nice, but mp3 at a minimum) and be able to adjust the playback speed (tempo) without affecting pitch. I really don't need any other audio effects. I tried using DirectShow but that doesn't seem to offer time stretch capabilities. I was able to...

waveout sometimes memory issue

This code works to output a piano tone for 2 seconds using winmm.dll via platform invocation services, it seems to work fine on XP but waveoutopen fails in windows 7 rc updated based on feedback from John Knoeller Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Public Class AudioStream <StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)> _ Private Structure ...

Convert Audio file into MP3 format using C#

Hello, is there any way to convert all type of audio files into MP3 format. in my website... i have one control which plays MP3 files[audio]. but i have to provide facility to upload any kind of audio file[as i am developing audio gallary] and play it in my website.. if there is better solution to upload and play audio files in the web...

Using Microsoft ACM without a sound card

Is it possible to make use of the Microsoft acmStreamConvert() method and associated ACM functionality without the machine in question having a sound device? I wish to do conversion/compression of various audio types in my application on a machine that may not have a sound card. Thanks. ...

streaming audio volume iphone

hi I'm working off of an audio streaming example from here Would anybody know of how to change to volume of streaming audio? Also is it possible to know the total length of a mp3 being streamed or the total bytes for the purposes of a progress bar? ...

implementing audio recording tool with flash and red5 server in

Hi team how to implement flash and red 5 server in to record an audio and save audio to red5 server after finishing recording we need embed code should be generated ...

intent to play playlist/album in android player

Is there an intent to play the whole playlist or album in android player? As for an album, it is possible to browse songs using ACTION_PICK: Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK); intent.setDataAndType(Uri.EMPTY, ""); intent.putExtra("album", id); activity.startActivity(intent); However replacing ...

Decoding Encoded Audio Data (MP3s, etc) on Android Without Playing It

Short version: What is the best way to get data encoded in an MP3 (and ideally in an AAC/Ogg/WMA) into a Java array or ByteBuffer that I can then manipulate? I'm putting together a program that has slowing down and speeding up sound files as one of its features. This works fine for WAV files, which are a header plus the exact binary da...

How do I make an Android audio list using intents?

Hello! I believe I'm really close but not quite. Why do you think this code doesn't work? private Uri Atarget = MediaStore.Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI; (...) Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Atarget); //intent.setType("audio/*"); startActivityForResult(intent,2); ...

How do you use afconvert to convert from wav to aac caf WITHOUT RESAMPLING

I'm making an Iphone game, we need to use a compressed format for sound, and we want to be able to loop SEAMLESSLY back to a specific sample in the audio file (so there is an intro, then it loops back to an offset) currently THE ONLY export process I have found that will allow seamless looping (reports the right priming and padding fram...

music visualization error with gstreamer

hi I am trying to visualize a music file in gstreamer using the following command: gst-launch filesrc location=file.mp3 ! decodebin ! audioconvert ! tee name=myT myT. ! queue ! autoaudiosink myT. ! queue ! goom ! colorspace ! autovideosink But I get this error : "There may be a timestamping problem, or this computer is too slow." P...

Android - Ringtone wont stop playing

I currently start a Ringtone on Android and it plays fine. However when I try to stop the ringtone it doesn't stop or atleast doesn't stop straight away, it will keep in playing until it just plays out. Here is how I set up the Ringtone: int rm = audio_service.getRingerMode(); int vs = audio_service.getVibrateSetting(AudioManager.VIBR...

playing only part of a sound using FMOD

I'm trying to play only part of a sound using FMOD, say frames 50000-100000 of a 200000 frame file. I have found a couple of ways to seek forward (i.e. to start playback at frame 50000) but I have not found a way to make sure the sound stops playing at 100000. Is there any way FMOD can natively do this without having to add lbsndfile or ...

sending audio data to javascript

hi, i was wondering if there is any way to get audio signals from a microphone into javascript (interfacing with flash, processing.js, etc.). i've seen examples of javascript receiving data (a string) from flash ( but am curious if it's possible to record from a microphone using something ...

how to store the recorded audio file in SDCard in android emulator? how???

i am working n audio recording i can store the file using file.getAbosolutPath() mehtod. it stores the file in path: /data/data/com.example.audio_demo/files/output.amr i wann store that in SDCARD.iso and how retrive that and play. any idea or example plz. thanks ...