
What kind of sound processing algorithm allows you to make visualizations like this?

I'm interested in making an OpenGL visualizer for MP3's as a pet project. I stumbled upon this youtube video which demonstrates someone showing off a visualizer being used in conjunction with Augmented Reality. Please watch that video, but ignore the augmented reality aspect of that v...

gstreamer -playing audio from a website.. buffering issue

hi, I am trying to play a sound file using : gst-launch playbin uri="some URL" where, URL is the whole url of that file. It plays this file, but there is buffering problem and I can't listen to most of the audio. Is there a simple command line argument that will solve this buffering issue. Example: use of appsrc to store a tem...

sound synchronization in C or Python

Hi, I'd like to play a sound and have some way of reliably telling how much of it has thus far been played. I've looked at several sound libraries but they are all horribly underdocumented and only seem to export a "PlaySound, no questions asked" routine. I.e, I want this: a = Sound(filename) PlaySound(a); while true: print a...

How do I use gstreamer to make an audio clip from a segment of a longer source?

I would like to use gstreamer to save an arbitrary clip from one audio file to a new file. For example, a segment from 1 minute to 2 minutes in the original. How do I do it? ...

Simple cross-platform free audio library for raw PCM?

Hi. I'm writing a cross-platform Qt-based program that from time to time needs to play back audio supplied externally (outside my control) as raw PCM. The exact format is 16 bit little-endian PCM at various common sample rates. My first obvious idea was to use Qt's own Phonon for audio playback, but there are two problems with this appr...

How do I implement audioStreamDesc.mSampleRate = audioStreamDesc.mSampleRate * 1.2; into my code?

I'm trying to make a sound mixer iphone app, but I can't seem to do speed control. I've looked over the posts, and this seems like the thing to do, but how do I implement it into the program? ...

How to get audio data from the Macbook microphone?

I am looking to write a small audio processing program, and I need some way to get audio input from the microphone in a Macbook. Buffer polling? Notifications? What class/framework should I be aware of? ...

How to implement an audio player for Android using MediaPlayer And MediaController?

I want to create an Android application that is a client for an Internet radio station. And I want it look native to Android? But im confused with Android API logic and documentation. What i've got is that I need MediaPlayer and MediaController classes. Am I right, and is there any good example of AUDIO player for Android? Especially, I...

Haskell audio output on OS X?

I'd like to be able to output audio from Haskell. I'm currently using GHC 6.10 on OS X (Snow Leopard). I've tried building the jack library (using JackOSX) and the PortAudio library, but neither of them seemed effective. Is there a relatively simple way to do live audio output from a Haskell program on a Mac? Edit: Clarity ...

OpenAl pitch values for particular musical notes in an octave

Hi, I have an OpenAl sound engine on my iPhone app. When I play a sound that I have loaded, I can control it's pitch. In OpenAl a pitch set to 1.0 has no effect. If you double it to 2.0, it plays the note 1 octave higher(12 semitones). If you halve it, to 0.5, it will be an octave lower (12 semitones). So, my original sample is playi...

Open source 3D positional audio (HRTF)?

I am in need of positional audio for my emulator RetroCopy ( . I am currently using DirectSound 3D however it has many issues when I am in the 3D world of my emulator. Instead of trying to hardcode fixes for a single platform I thought it would be better to use software positioning of my buffers that I output to ...

Interpreting WAV Data

Hi everyone, I'm trying to write a program to display PCM data. I've been very frustrated trying to find a library with the right level of abstraction, but I've found the python wave library and have been using that. However, I'm not sure how to interpret the data. The wave.getparams function returns (2 channels, 2 bytes, 44100 Hz, 963...

Is it possible to play shoutcast internet radio streams with html5?

Is it possible to play shoutcast (or some) internet radio streams with html5? So I have next code: <html> <body> <audio src="" /> </body> </html> I save it as HTML page and start my browser (Google chrome, safary or FF) But it does not play/work!( And it does not play with an...

What's the most suitable sound/audio framework for iPhone OpenGL-ES games?

I'm making a game for iPhone/iPod. My engine uses OpenGL-ES, and this means game requires some performance. (realtime games, not a static boardgame like games.) I looked at basic sound framework in iPhone, there're several frameworks,(Core Audio, Audio Toolbox, OpenAL...) but I cannot determine differences of them in detail. I think Op...

How to Add AAC/AAC+ Support into Commercial Audio Software for Free?

How to add AAC/AAC+ playback support (or even encoding features) into a small commercial software? I'm very confused by all these statements: To whom we must prepare money? How will we report them (patent holders) a...

wav amplitude in java (stereo or more channels)

Hi does anyone know how to find the amplitudes within a WAV file in Java? If the file was stereo (or has more channels) how can the data be put into arrays? Thanks! ...

How to differentiate between silence pattern and a beep pattern in sound signals in iPhone OS

I am doing sound latency test. my device will be receiving either a beep signal or a silence signal. How can i differentiate between these signals. Please help me. Thanks in advance.. ...

Android - Can I do this with MediaRecord/MediaPlayer instead of AudioRecord/Track?

I currently use AudioRecord to record audio in from the mic of an Android device and then pipe that straight to an AudioTrack that plays it out the Earpiece of an Android device. I'm wondering can I do the same but with the MediaPlayer and MediaRecorder classes instead as I need to use the AMR-NB encoding that is available on the Media ...

Saving the audio file in documents directory.

Hello friends, I am developing a application where i have to save the audio file and later mail it. Can you give me some idea regarding this like the format in which it should be saved so that it can be played later anytime and also mailed. So please let me know the step wise process or any sample code would be helpful. Thanks in advanc...

Is there anyway to get ID3 metadata from an MP3 or Vorbis comments from Ogg via the HTML5 audio element?

Mozilla Developer Center's HTML5 media guide describes an event for audio and video elements called "loadedmetadata". Is there anyway to get the metadata for files? I am writing an HTML5 extension for Google Chrome and I don't know what the metadata for the audio files I'm creating a player for beforehand. Edit: This question seems to ...