
Low recording volume in combination with AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord.

When I set: [[AVAudioSession sharedInstance] setCategory: AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord error:NULL]; …recording and playing works fine, just the playback volume is around 60% lower than when I would just play the same sound without recording and settings PlayAndRecord. I need to get high volume peaks (to check if a user blo...

Encoding Audio (to AAC) in Silverlight 4 (on the client)?

OK so Silverlight 4 is adding support for capturing from microphones (and webcams), however for this facility to be useful (in my case at least) I'd need to upload this captured data to a server to save. The AudioCaptureDevice will record PCM audio on the client, and as we all know PCM is not the most efficient encoding... the data woul...

Libraries to play .mod audio files in C++ or Delphi

Libraries to play .mod audio files in C++ or Delphi Any body know of any? ...

Real-time audio processing in Android

I'm trying to figure out how to write an app that can decode audio morse code on the fly. I found this document which explains how to record audio from the microphone in Android. What I'd like to know is whether it's possible to access the raw input from the microphone or whether it has to be written/read to a file. Thanks. ...

Soundtouch for iPhone

Hi, Has someone been able to make work for iPhone? Simple Xcode Demo would be helpful. I'd just like to play a soundeffect with some pitch manipulation. thx chris ...


I am working on an html5 audio player and everything is working fine when I server the .ogg file from the same host as the html page. When I put the ogg file in my cdn it fails and the error code is MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED For example, this works fine <audio src="/song.ogg" id="player"> Your browser does not support the <code>aud...

How to export audio-media from a MOV-file with QuickTime-API?

I want to export the audio-media of a MOV-File with the QuickTime-API and save it to an WAV-File (or something equivalent). How can I do that? I use Windows XP. ...

How to capture Audio data in Java

I want to access the audio data that my microphone is recording with Java. How would I do that? My goal is to save the audio data that is recorded and simultaneously play it to the user. ...

Android: AudioRecord Class Problem: Callback is never called

Hello Android Developers! My Android Java Application needs to record audio data into the RAM and process it. This is why I use the class "AudioRecord" and not the "MediaRecorder" (records only to file). Till now, I used a busy loop polling with "read()" for the audio data. this has been working so far, but it peggs the CPU too much. B...

Mixing multiple audio samples into single file with C#

Hi everyone, I'm looking for a library capable of creating an audio file (mp3 or wav). NAudio stands out as a good candidate, but not sure if and how it can do specifically what I need. I want to mix a number of audio samples into a single file, have them play simultaneously with control over each sample's start and end timing when "re...

How to specify the right AudioFormat for capturing audio from the microphone?

I'm using the JMF Framework to capture audio data from the microphone. I try to find the audio device for the mic through this code: AudioFormat audioFormat = new AudioFormat("linear", 44100, 16, 2); Vector<CaptureDeviceInfo> deviceList = CaptureDeviceManager.getDeviceList(audioFormat); The problem is that I don't really kno...

Loop OpenAL source with offset

The OpenAL API states that an setting an offset still causes the sound to loop back to zero for looping sources. But is there a way to loop and still have an offset somehow? I have an mp3, and since it contains headers with information at the start of the file, there's a small, but noticable, delay in looping when it rewinds. If not,...

How to do audio latency test in ipone os

How to do audio latency test in iphone os ? I don't have a clear idea about that. Now am reading a caf file like this . NSString *soundPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"tick" ofType:@"caf"]; UInt64 gTotalPacketCount=0; UInt64 gFileByteCount =0; UInt32 gMaxPacketSize =0; UInt32 size; OSStatus err = noErr; AudioFileID fil...

How to use RtAudio with Direct Sound on windows.

The RtAudio documentation says. Windows (DirectSound): The configure script provides support for the MinGW compiler. DirectSound support is specified with the "--with-ds" flag. In order to compile RtAudio under Windows for the DirectSound API, you must have the header and source files for DirectSound version 5.0 or higher. As far as I...

Converting the sample rate on-the-fly when reading a WAV file into a samples array with Java

I've got a collection of short WAV files that I would like to process in Java using various digital signal processing algorithms. I need to get an array of int valued samples for this purpose, encoded at the 11025 Hz frame rate. The source files have several different sample rates, including 11025 Hz and 44100 Hz. Here's the code I'm tr...

Is it possible to record phone calls via an Android App?

I'm a developer looking to create an Android application to record phone calls. This spawned out of my own personal need to record phone calls for my own purposes and for my records. Is it possible to do this? Is it possible to get access to the microphone and what's coming through the speaker? I'm kind of new to Android development,...

Playing audio with HTML5

I would like to support playing audio on a web page with HTML5. Currently I support IE with an embedded media player. The Javascript on the page interacts with the media player control to start, stop, skip, change volume etc. I would like to have the same control over the audio with HTML5. What kind of interface is available to the audio...

Are there any iPhone Audio Frameworks that support scrubbing and 2x?

Do any of the iPhone Audio frameworks (or open source frameworks) support scrubbing and 2x (i.e. ability to play audio at 2X, 3X the normal speed)? ...

What to do with the incompatibilities in HTML 5 audio across browsers?

Hi, I need to use HTML 5 audio to play sounds. However, the codec support is very irritating: Firefox: Ogg, Wav Safari: Mp3, Wav Chrome: Ogg, Mp3 Opera: Wav I basically need to encode in Wav and Ogg/Mp3. However, Wav's are terrible in size and that is very crucial point for me. So, I guess I should go for Mp3 + Ogg leaving Opera and...

Problem playing audio on android

Amendment: This appears to be a problem with the particular audio file I was using. Other applications on the droid such as the Astro file manager also fail to play it, and if I replace it in the package with an AAC file, it plays it without error. I encoded the problematic audio file to MP3 format from a WAV file, using LAME on ubuntu...