
Is the Finch audio library for iPhone capable of doing this?

I need to: - start / stop sounds with lengths between 0.1 and 10 seconds - change the playback volume I want to / would like to / would be nice to have to: - change the playback speed - change the playback pitch / frequency - pause an sound and resume playing it later - play a sound backwards Is Finch my best friend here? ...

Which frameworks must I import to use Audio Queue Services and Core Audio?

(I think Core Audio == Audio Queue Services, not sure) ...

How are files (especially audio files) organized internally?

I try to grok that: Apple is talking about "packets" in audio files, and there is a fancy function called AudioFileReadPackets which takes a lot of arguments. One of them specifies the "start packet", and another one the number of packets which you want to read. So I imagine an audio file to look like this, internally: It's made up of a...

When I use Finch to play audio, can I actually do everything that OpenAL can do?

When I use Finch to play audio, can I actually do everything that OpenAL can do? ...

What kind of routes could I get back from kAudioSessionProperty_AudioRoute property?

Apple guy tried to be funny and wrote in the docs: ("Headphone," "Speaker," etc.) What kind of return values are possible in reality? ...

How to listen to that property?

@constant kAudioSessionProperty_AudioInputAvailable A UInt32 with a value other than zero when audio input is available. Use this property, rather than the device model, to determine if audio input is available. A listener will notify you when audio input becomes availabl...

What happens if I don't handle audio interruptions?

Is it possible to still play sound / music even if audio has been interrupted, or more precisely: even if MyInterruptionListener got called from the OS with the interruption state kAudioSessionBeginInterruption ? Yeah I know that's not good idea to do. But want to know anyways. ...

How can I find the song position of a song being played with XACT?

So I'm making a game in XNA and I need to use XACT for my songs (rather than media player). I need to use XACT because each song will have multiple layers that combine when played at the same time (bass, lead, drums) etc. I cant use the media player because the media player can only play one song at a time. Anyways, so lets say I have a...

i2s0: transmitter underrun (0)

were doing some audio stuff and I keep seeing this in the Organizer > Console. Sun May 2 20:16:48 unknown kernel[0] : i2s0: transmitter underrun (0) Are these transmitter underruns bad? I think its just when were shutting down audio input...but could a few of these cause some issues later on? ...

If I want to play the same sound 10 times per second, must I have 10 copies of that sound in memory?

I have a sound that needs to get played 10 times per second. The sound is 1 second long. So it does overlap like 10 times. However, as far as I understand the Finch sound library, I would need 10 different instances of a sound in place so that I can play it 10 times at almost the same time. When I have just one instance, the sound would...

Can I get an audio session / apply audio units to playback from MPMusicPlayerController?

Hi there, I'd like to take control of the audio coming from MPMusicPlayerController (i.e., playing from the iPod library). For example, I'd like to apply EQ to it or do DSP, reverb, that kind of thing. Is this possible? Is there an audio session that I can grab a handle on? Or, perhaps is there some way to play back files from the iPod ...

Is Objective C fast enough for DSP/audio programming

I've been making some progress with audio programming for iPhone. Now I'm doing some performance tuning, trying to see if I can squeeze more out of this little machine. Running Shark, I see that a significant part of my cpu power (16%) is getting eaten up by objc_msgSend. I understand I can speed this up somewhat by storing pointers to f...

Can I play any Buffer only once at a given time?

From the OpenAL documentation: The basic OpenAL objects are a Listener, a Source, and a Buffer. There can be a large number of Buffers, which contain audio data. Each buffer can be attached to one or more Sources My problem is, that I have one sound file which I need to play multiple times per second, at the same time. Th...

HOW-TO Make computer sing

Hi, I'm trying to develop an online application where the user writes some text and the software sings it back to the user. I can currently generate the audio file with the words spoken by the computer using espeak, but I have no idea how to make it sound like a song, how to add rhythm to it. I'm able to change the pitch and tempo usin...

How can i detect audio level of a stream or tcplistener or the audio card using C#

Is this possible using only C#? I want to be able to detect audio from: a stream, microphone or soundcard and begin recording if audio level is above a settable threshold. Thanks :-) ...

iPhone Audio Effects

Hello, I'm searching for Library, Framework or SDK for add audio effects in Objective-C, like reverber, echo etc... Somebody knowns something? ...

Mixing multiple audio channels in Flex. Using Ogg with Alchemy.

I'm using Alchemy in Flex to play some ogg vorbis. Works great, but I can only get one stream to play at a time. When I start a second stream it just sounds all glitched and you can only hear the second stream. Anyway to mix (mux) more than one stream together, and then possibly have separate volume controls for each, so the user can m...

What exactly is a "Sample"?

From the OpenAL documentation it looks like if an Sample is one single floating point value like lets say 1.94422 Is that correct? Or is a sample an array of a lot of values? What are audio programming dudes talking about when they say "Sample"? Is it the smallest possible snippet of an audio file? I imagine an uncompressed audio file ...

Low delay audio on Android via NDK

It seems that this question has been asked before, I just would like to know whether there is an update in Android. I plan to write an audio application involving low delay audio I/O (appr. < 10 ms). It seems not to be possible based on the methods proposed by the SDK, hence is there - in the meantime - a way to achieve this goal using ...

Play a beep that loop and change the frequency/speed

Hi all, I am creating an iphone application that use audio. I want to play a beep sound that loop indefinitely. I found an easy way to do that using the upper layer AVAudioPlayer and the numberOfLoops set to "-1". It works fine. But now I want to play this audio and be able to change the rate / speed. It may works like the sound played b...