
Stopping a track (At a certain point) on Android...

I know you can 'seekto()' with Mediaplayer... (To start at a certain point) But does anyone know if there is a way to make a track (the audio playing)... Stop at a certain point? -or would an if statement on a timer loop have to be used? Please help... Thanks alot, James ...

How to learn .wav duration in Java media frame work?

Hi all, I am tyring to merge an .mov file with a .wav file using java media framework, thus I need to know their duration. How can I do this? Any ideas would be appreciated.. ...

Recording sound, -and then using/saving it... (On android)

I want to add a feature into my app where you can record sound and then use it within the app (MediaPlayer) How can I do this? -First, how do I record sound? -Second, how do I get it into a Mediaplayer? -Does it have to be saved? or can it go from being recorded -> into app straight away... Please help, Thanks alot... James ...

OpenAL and Vista: Device is always 'Generic Software'

I'm writing the audio part of a game, and I'm using OpenAL. I want to use some extensions, but the tests always fail: TRACE: AudioManager - Sound device: 'Generic Software' TRACE: AudioManager - Enabling OpenAL extensions... TRACE: AudioManager - Compressor support: NO TRACE: AudioManager - Reverb support: YES TRACE: AudioManager - Chor...

How Do I Convert text to a WAV file With Inaudible Waveform?

I am trying to create an audio watermarking system. I figure the best solution is to create an audio file (WAV) based on a unique string of text and then combine this with the original wav. The part that makes this tricky (for me anyway) is: How do I convert the text string to a wav? How do I ensure that the resulting WAV form is inau...

Archos 5 IT audio paths... (Android)

I want to import all songs (on the Archos 5 IT) into an array in my app? How can I do this? -What is the file path? -How do I get an array? Please help... Thanks alot, James ...

Why doesnt R.raw.'songname' not work on android devices?

I have some media (Audio tracks) on an app... With file path 'R.raw.test' I use some code to get it into a mediaplayer... MediaPlayer.create(Textbox.this,; And it works PERFECTLY on the Android Emulator... (Plays track on click of button) Can someone explain why, when I put it on my Archos (5 IT) it doesnt work at all? ...

Read the audio input level peak in Cocoa

I'm trying to make an audio-sensitive animation, and for that purpose, I'm looking for a way to look up the current audio level. I'm looking for the peak within a set amount of time. (Think the red bar that stays on for a second or so, on an audio meter.) I've searched around for for something like this, and the only thing I could find ...

Encoding audio in cd quality in Silverlight 4 using com automation

I want to encode an audio file (e.g. pcm wav) in music quality (wma, mp3, ogg, but not speex) using any in windows (xp, vista, windows 7) availble objects. Is any com objects (like windows media) available without an additional installation? Is there any examples how to use them to encode an audio? ...

Audio (MediaPlayer) On an Android (Archos 5 IT)

First: Does anyone know the filepath for an Archos? I'm trying to get some media/audio to play, and it just won't find it... public void onClick(View v1) { final MediaPlayer mp = new MediaPlayer(); try { mp.setDataSource("ARCHOS5:/Music/manowar.mp3"); ...

Synchronisation in id3

Hi, I am not clear about synchronisation and unsynchronisation in id3 tags. I have read the developer info, but i could not able to understand. Can you please help me in explaining the things clearly. Thanks. ...

How to produce precisely-timed tone and silence?

I have a C# project that plays Morse code for RSS feeds. I write it using Managed DirectX, only to discover that Managed DirectX is old and deprecated. The task I have is to play pure sine wave bursts interspersed with silence periods (the code) which are precisely timed as to their duration. I need to be able to call a function which pl...

How to play audio podcast file from libsyn rss feed? (drupal)

Got an established libsyn rss feed, got a new drupal website for the podcast. Libsyn provides a player but not correct aesthetic. I can upload and play mp3 files with audio module and mp3player module, and like the mp3 player's output, a simple flash player, but I don't want to be manually moving the podcast audio files (mp3) over every ...

Deleting audio from Wowza/Flex

Hi, I just wrote a simple Flex app which records something from the mic and then stores in wowza. Basically I built a NetConnection and then a NetStream, and attached a microphone to the stream. My question would be: if the user wants to discard what was just recorded, how to delete it from the server? ...

Play audio url on windows mobile

I'm going to write a function to play a mp3 file from an URL on Windows Mobile 6.0 without downloading all the stream to mobile. I read some documentation and faced some problem that. Using NAudio.dll : The dll is not compatible for Windows Mobile Using DirectShowLib.dll : have not found way to get from audio stream. Is i...

concatenating mp3 files or joining mp3 files using java

We would like to concatenate/merge/join mp3 files seamlessly using "java" in any environment. We are trying the following options at the moment ( please let us know any other options): Using JMF -- ruled out as it supported only in windows Using tritino...

Android - cant read TXT files from SDcard on real mashine?

Hello! When I run the code bellow in the virtual android (1.5) it works well, TextSwitcher shows first 80 chars from each txt file from /sdcard/documents/ , but when I run it on my Samsung Galaxy i7500 (1.6) there are no contents in TextSwitcher, however in LogCat there are FileNames of txt files. My Code: public void getTxtFile...

Library like minim for python?

Minim seems like a nice library for building music visualisers and other stuff in java or processing. Is there a nice audio library like this in python ? ...

Mobile opera have background sound support?

I make browser/html/js games. One of my biggest pains in the arse is the lack of background sound support in mobile safari. This lack of support makes high value games pretty much impossible. Does anyone know if opera mini supports html5 audio, or any mobile browser for that matter. If not, what are some alternatives methods. ...

How to use the Finch audio library for iPhone?

Is there some good getting started guide how to use Finch? ...