
Playing Multiple sounds at the same time in Android

I am unable to use the following to code to play multiple sounds/beeps simultaneously. In my onclicklistener I have added ... public void onClick(View v) { mSoundManager.playSound(1); mSoundManager.playSound(2); } ... But this plays only one sound at a time, sound with index 1 followed by sound with index 2. How can I play atleast 2 ...

Which audio library to use?

I want to build a .Net application for processing audio, and distribute it using ClickOnce deployment. I need access to a raw audio pipeline. Which audio library should I be using? I've heard the managed libraries for DirectSound are a dead end. I need as little as possible to be installed on the client's machine. Anything outside of the...

Reading a WAV file into VST.Net to process with a plugin

Hello, I'm trying to use the VST.Net and NAudio frameworks to build an application that processes audio using a VST plugin. Ideally, the application should load a wav or mp3 file, process it with the VST, and then write a new file. I have done some poking around with the VST.Net library and was able to compile and run the samples (spec...

How to draw audio waveforms on a UIView ?

Hi All, How to draw audio waveforms on a UIView ? ...

Framework/Algorithms/Library for server side estimation/recognition of audio file similarity?

I want to implement an android app which compares recorded audio files with our sound database and reports a similiarity metric. The app will work somehow like Shazam but is matched against our database audio files. Can anyone point me to an open source project which implements adequate algorithms to do the sound recogognition/comparisio...

iPhone SDK: Audio Queue control

Hi all, I am new to the audio queue services so I have taken an example from a book called iPhone Cool Projects where it describes how to stream audio. I want to extend this to being able to play a continuous playlist of links to mp3 files like an internet radio. The problem with the example code it that it does not detect when a str...

iphone audio plays on simulator but not on device

The following code plays well on the simulator but the audio doesnt play on the actual device. I have tries aif, wav and mp3 ... all three with the same behaviour. Please sugest what could be wrong. SystemSoundID aSound; AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID(CFBundleCopyResourceURL(CFBundleGetMainBundle(),CFSTR("drop"), CFSTR("wav"), NULL), ...

How can I get it the Free Music Archive audio player or is there a better alternative?

I'm looking at free streaming audio players for web browsers that I can use in a project. I really like the audio player used on Are they using an open source audio player and can I get a hold of it? Or is it closed source? Also if there are any open-source audio players that anybody knows about I'd love to...

How to Play Audio On Your Website PHP / Flash?

Hi, I'm just wondering how, and which audio player I should use to allow my visitors to play audio files on my website. Thanks! ...

Architecture of chatroulette

Could somebody explain to me the architecture behind chatroulette? I was thinking about a similar project that would only implement Audio support (for starters). Is the best way to set this up a flash server? If so, how should I go about getting into flash, will I need flex 4? I have some beginner experience with c++, c# and java but I h...

Spectrum Analyzer for line-in?

I'm looking for a small control (and the code behind that analizes) that shows me the incoming sound of my line-in/microphone. I'm using winforms with c# and the control might if possible fit my toolbar. ...

android: adding audio files to android emulator [update] permission denied

For debugging purposes, I wanted to have a couple of mp3 files located somewhere "in" my android emulator. Is there anyway to directly push files from my OS file system to the storage system of android? If so, which directory does android keep audio files? if not, how can I access an SD card via emulator? [update2]: The problem in up...

Python frequency detection

Ok what im trying to do is a kind of audio processing software that can detect a prevalent frequency an if the frequency is played for long enough (few ms) i know i got a positive match. i know i would need to use FFT or something simiral but in this field of math i suck, i did search the internet but didn not find a code that could do o...

How to get the default audio format of a TTS Engine

In Microsoft TTS 5.1 or newer. The SpVoice.AudioOutputStream property says: The AudioOutputStream property gets and sets the current audio stream object used by the voice. Setting the voice's AudioOutputStream property may cause its audio output format to be automatically changed to match the text-to-speech (TTS) engine's preferred audi...

audio feedback for compile errors

So in my build system, I have g++ -fsyntax-only running continuously. Now, I know of text -> speech systems like festival, but I'm wondering, is there any project where it focuses on reading back compile errors back to you? (So I can be hacking away in vim, and get n audio feeback of errors as I go along). Bonus points if the software ...

Play stereo sound as mono sound for different channel using

hi I want to play a stereo sound in the following manner using It’s a stereo track: Make it possible to hear only the L or only the R channel or both channels simultaneously. If you play only on channel put the audio out in mono so that you can hear the one channel in either speakers or headphones Thanks in advance for any hel...

capture voice in flex using fms

hi i want to capture voice and play voice in flex using fms any give ideas or program regards radha ...

API for Speex codec in Flash/Flex

With AIR 2 allowing access to mic data, it's possible to save/process audio locally. Adobe provides a WAVWriter example but is there any API access to the Speex codec? ...

What are the possible ways to play audio from octave on a Mac?

playaudio() dies because there's no /dev/dsp. None of the outputs from saveaudio() in various formats seem to be playable in QuickTime or VLC. Ideal of course would be something like playaudio(), saving a file and playing it is a work-around that's hideously sub-optimal, but better than nothing. ...

audio processing in iPhone

I am writing an iPhone application to apply filters to audio input and output the result in real time. I am new to audio processing but using audiounit, the correct approach? I found out how to output data using audiounit but couldn’t figure out how to capture input audio. Is there a sample application showing how to connect input and...