
AMR to WAV converter in Java

Hello friends, Is there AMR to WAV , WAV to AMR converter available written Java? I need to do conversion in realtime. Looking for open source, free or paid. Thanks. ...

How to get a volume measurement of iPhone recording in dB, with a limit of at least 120dB

Hello, I am trying to make a simple volume meter for the iPhone. I want the volume displayed in dB. When using this turorial, I am only getting measurements up to 78 dB. I've read that that is because the dBFS spectrum for 16 bit audio recordings is only 96 dB. I tried modifying this piece of code in the init funcyion: dataFormat.mSa...

Create mp3 previews from wav and aiff files

I would like to create a program that makes mp3s of the first 30 seconds of an aiff or wav file. I would also like to be able to choose location and length, such as the audio between 2:12 and 2:42. Are there any tools that lets me do this? Shelling out is OK. The application will run on a linux server, so it would have to be a tool that...

Is there a library for ball hitting sound detection

Hi I'm looking for a library to detect when ball hit in a audio of a tennis match. I read this topic but I think there is a suite library for this job. please guide me tanx ...

HTML 5 video or audio playlist

Can I use a <video> or <audio> tag to play a playlist, and to control them? My goal is to know when a video/song has finished to play and take the next and change its volume. ...

How to stream a WAV file?

I'm writing an app where I record audio and upload the audio file over the web. In order to speed up the upload I want to start uploading before I've finished recording. The file I'm creating is a WAV file. My plan was to use multiple data chunks. So instead of the normal encoding (RIFF, fmt , data) I’m using (RIFF, fmt , data, data, .....

Library for analyzing mp3s

IS there a library for analyzing mp3 files and create some sort of hash, and then sent that hash to a db like Do you know a java library that could help me ? also please mention the sites that could work with that library. Thanks ...

Which format is best to use for high quality online audio and video?

Hi, I'm currently creating a site for a musician. They are wanting to include the best quality video and audio files possible. After a bit of research I'm thinking: FLAC is the best option for audio. FLV or MPEG-4 is best for video. Can anyone in the know confirm or correct this? Thanks ...

Are OpenAL and OpenML comparable?

Hi geeks, I'm wondering if there is any common feature between OpenAL library and OpenML. As many of you may know, OpenAL is designed to be a portable 3d Audio library that is aimed at game development. But what about OpenML, Is it an alternative to OpenAL, or it just can handle media formats (audio, video, ...), and can't do 3d audio st...

iPhone SDK: Set audio route and also mute audio when mute switch is turned on

Hi, I have an application where user can record sound and also play the sound either in the speaker or the ear piece. To route the audio I set kAudioSessionProperty_OverrideAudioRoute in the following way: if(loudSpeakerOn) { audioRouteOverride = kAudioSessionOverrideAudioRoute_Speaker; } else { audioRouteOverride = kAudioSessi...

getting error while converting wav to amr using ffmpeg

hello friends I am using ffmpeg to convert amr to wav and wav to amr.Its successfully converting amr to wav but not viceversa. As ffmpeg is supporting amr encoder decoder, its giving error. ffmpeg -i testwav.wav audio.amr Error while opening encoder for output stream #0.0 - maybe incorrect parameters such as bit_rate, rate, widt...

how to set autoplay=true in google audio player?

i am using google audio player in website and i want to set autoplay=true by default,when a page loads. ...

GWT audio recording

Are there any options for recording audio in a GWT application ? Options seem to include flex, perhaps a java applet or some other form of flash ? ...

AudioQueue ate my buffer (first 15 milliseconds of it)

I am generating audio programmatically. I hear gaps of silence between my buffers. When I hook my phone to a scope, I see that the first few samples of each buffer are missing, and in their place is silence. The length of this silence varies from almost nothing to as much as 20 ms. My first thought is that my original callback function ...

Adjust OSX System Audio Volume in Python

I would like to adjust the system audio volume in OSX from a python script. This question about implementing keyboard shortcuts tells me how to do it in applescript, but I'd really like to do it from my python script without using os.system, popen, etc. Ideally I'd like to ramp up the volume slowly with some python code like this: se...

Is there any Good opensource not C\C++ library for playing with FLV container?

Is there any Good opensource not C\C++ library for playing with FLV conteider? So I need it in AS3 but Java or C# will be fine=) I need to be able to put in flv audio track andsome bitmaps (with some exact timestamps relativly to my audio track) So Is there ay or I have to implement all bymy self just reading spetificatiopon? ...

How to play an audio file ONLY while user is shaking iPhone?

I've read a number of posts regarding how to detect shakes but I'm not sure: What is currently the best way to detect shakes? and - How to play an audio file ONLY while the user is shaking the iPhone? Anyone have an advice, examples/tutorials or sample code? Thanks ...

Play an audio file using RemoteIO and Audio Unit

I am looking at Apple's 'aurioTouch' example for the iPhone and I would like to play an mp3 or wav instead of using the built in mic. I am very new to the audio portion of iPhone programming, but I think I need to modify the SetupRemoteIO(...) function and replace the AudioComponent named 'comp' with a custom AudioComponent that plays a ...

Create Audio file on iPhone/iPad from many other audio files (mixer)

I am trying to create something similar like Piano app on the iPhone. When people tap a key, it play a piano note. Basically, there will have only 7 notes (C) at the moment. Each note is a .caf file and its length is 5 seconds. I do not know if there is any way to save the song user played and export to mp3/caf format? The AVAudioRecord...

Looping HTML5 audio on the iPhone

I'm trying to make a HTML5 webapp that simply plays a sound over and over and over again, on my iPhone. I don't know any Obj-C to do it natively. What I have works fine, but the sound only plays once: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>noisemaker!</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset...