
iPhone PlayAndRecord silences all system audio??

Hi, In my iPhone app I am trying to record audio and play iPod music at the same time, so I set the audio session category to kAudioSessionCategory_PlayAndRecord. But when I set this, all system audio (including vibrate) doesn't work anymore, although the iPod audio still does work. Does anyone know if this is a bug in the SDK or somethi...

Channel Audio from .mp4?

Hi there. I am at a loss here after searching around with no results. I am attempting to channel the audio specifically from an .mp4 for use in a driver. I am aware that there are programs which extract the audio from .mp4's, but I am looking for another approach without using external applications such as those.. is there any directi...

Audio -- How much performance improvement can I expect from from reducing function calls by using buffers?

I'm working on an audio-intensive app for the iPhone. I'm currently calling a number of different functions for each sample I need to calculate. For example, I have an envelope class. When I calculate a sample, I do something like: sampleValue = oscilator->tic() * envelope->tic(); But I could also do something like: for(int i = 0; i ...

Channel Audio from .mp4?

Hi there. I am at a loss here after searching around with no results. I am attempting to channel the audio specifically from an .mp4 for use in a driver. I am aware that there are programs which extract the audio from .mp4's, but I am looking for another approach without using external applications such as those.. is there any directi...

What language/API to use for a standalone live-input audio visualizer app?

I develop with Actionscript and was glad to see that AIR 2.0 was going to give access to mic input data. I planned to use this to create a visualizer set to the tempo of the incoming live audio. After doing a few days of google research it seems unlikely that it will be possible to analyze the data of the mic input in Flash/AIR. If anyon...

Most suitable way for audio streaming using AudioQue ?

I am writing an application, which sends audio data to server in real-time. I have done this task but, some time it make error. I believe, this is due to the bad architecture of my program. The program content is as follows: --For audio recording I wrote AudioRecorder class, which has implemented AudioCallBack method which is called by ...

Capture Sound from Mic/Headphone and trigger action at perticular frequency

I am using .NET 3.5. I need to Capture Sound from Mic/Headphone and trigger action at particular (not exact) frequency (Need to perform some action when player hits ball with stick while playing golf). So, 1. How to capture sound from Mic/Headphone using .NET 3.5? 2. Trigger action at particular (not exact) frequency? Any ideas? ...

How do I convert a G.726 ADPCM signal into a PCM signal?

I usually look to SoX or Window's built in audio libraries for this stuff, but it appears that neither have G.726 codecs. So I have a sequence of bytes that I know are encoded as G.726 although the bit-rate and whether it is mu-law or A-law is not known at this time (experimentation will determine those parameters), and I need to decode...

Android, store a couple of wav files.

I'm generating about 6 wav audio files at runtime. I want to store them in internal memory. Is a blob to sqlite the right/recommended way? ...

Is there a PHP library to generate an waveform images out of an audio file?

Maybe something like this exists already? ...

Where to start learning about audio or video codecs ?

Hi, I am very much confused to know what happens inside the codecs. I want to learn about the elements inside audio encoders and decoders. Would be very happy if you can provide me some links where i can find some good study material. Thanks precisely i would like to know how the codec parses the a media file. ...

Javascript Upload to self

How can i upload a file and get its contents in javascript. For example, i want to upload an mp3 and play it in the html5 audio tag without having it on the server. Is this possible? ...

Client-side framework for web-app with good audio support

I'm trying to create a client-side web app that generates music procedurally using some user-input parameters, so I'm looking for a framework (e.g. Flash, Silverlight etc.) that has the capability to play audio at a specified pitch. Whether it is playing a WAV/MP3 file, using MIDI output, or just playing beeps doesn't really matter -- I ...

How to get video and audio streams from web cameras with Java?

How can I get video and audio streams from web cameras with Java (in a cross-platform way)? For example, we have a computer with 3-4 USB web cameras; we want to get their streams and make them visible in the user interface. How can we perform such a thing? I need code for a simple app which would find ALL cameras on the computer and let...

Visualizing volume of PCM samples

I have several chunks of PCM audio (G.711) in my C++ application. I would like to visualize the different audio volume in each of these chunks. My first attempt was to calculate the average of the sample values for each chunk and use that as an a volume indicator, but this doesn't work well. I do get 0 for chunks with silence and differ...

How to mute an audio stream

Hi there Is there way to mute an audio stream or at least control the volume? cheers ...

Generating an LPCM buffer in memory for AVAudioPlayer initWithData

I want to generate a sound wave programmatically and play it with AVAudioPlayer. I have the code to encode my waveform as linear PCM, 44100Hz, mono, 8 bits per sample. I am not clear on what kind of envelope I need to wrap around this buffer so that AVAudioPlayer recognizes it as PCM. ...

options for producing audio with GWT

What options are there for producing audio in a GWT app? I'm thinking of making a simple game, but I'm disappointed to see that there's still not much progress on audio support directly in GWT (yes, I realize that's largely due to lack of underlying browser support; looking forward to HTML5!) This blog post says that "audio support in ...

Blackberry - Player with custom data source

Hello I must create a custom media player within the application with support for mp3 and wav files. I read in the documentation i can`t seek or get the media file duration without a custom datasoruce. I checked the demo in the JDE 4.6 but i have still problems... I can't get the duration, it return much more then the expected so i'm su...

Iphone progressive download audio player

Hi! Im trying to implement a progressive download audio player for the iphone, ie using http and fixed size mp3-files. I found the AudioStreamer project but it seems very complicated and works best with endless streams. I need to be able to find out the total length of audiofiles and I also need to be able to seek in the files. I foun...