
echo problem in audio/video chat application

I am making an audio/video chat application, i am using Flex, Flash Media Server 3.5, Flash Player 10, and I am facing the problem of echo very frequently. I am using a headset for audio recording. ...

How do I combine/merge two wav files into one wav file?

How can I merge two wav files using java? I tried this but it didn't work correctly, is their any other way to do it? ...

How are VST Plugins made?

I would like to make (or learn how to make) VST plugins. Is there a special SDK for this? how does one yield a .vst instead of a .exe? Also, if one is looking to make Audio Units for Logic Pro, how is that done? Thanks ...

What is the best way to program MIDI for Windows?

I am looking to write a small program that receives input from an external device and then sends MIDI signals to any MIDI compatible software. What is the best way, from the MIDI perspective, to go about this? Are there any specific libraries I should look into? Thanks. ...

how to prevent MPMoviePlayer controls from hiding

I am trying to implement a custom MPMoviePlayer to play mp3 audio. I have got it working in portrait mode along with an overlay window over the native controls - thanks to other stackoverflow posts. The current issue is the song progress control shows up when the media window opens (blue bar taking up the first 40 odd pixels), but see...

background music stops after 3/4 runs in iphone app

I am playing sounds in loop in my app. So it should continue playing through out the app. but sometimes it stops after playing sound for 3/4 times.I don't understand whats happening. I am using audio-toolbox framework for playing sound. creating audio queue and then playing sounds in loop. I am also playing sound from ipod library using...

Play multiple audio files using AVAudioPlayer

Hi all, I am planning on releasing 10 of my song recordings for free but bundled in an iphone app. They are not available on web or itunes or anywhere as of now. I am new to iphone sdk (latest) as you can imagine, so I have been going through the developer documentation, various forums and stackoverflow to learn. Apple's avTouch sample...

How to embed mp3 into .exe file & Play it?

I am used to embed WAV into .exe and Play it using PlaySound(). However, using this method causes the .exe to become pretty big. Is it possible to do the same with MP3 files and how to do it? I have taken a look at DirectShow but it seems to be able to play from files only? I am developing for Windows Mobile 6 Series ...

Is it possible to capture audio output and apply effects to it?

Using .NET and DirectSound I want to be able to take all output sound that is coming from my audio device and apply effects to it. I've had a quick look at the docs on MSDN and there doesn't seem to be any explanation as to how to do something like this. I've read elsewhere that you'd be better off writing a driver to sit in front of yo...

How can I get latency info from Android's AudioTrack class?

I've noticed that the C++ classes underlying the AudioTrack and AudioRecord APIs in Android both have a latency() method that is not exposed via JNI. As far as I can see, the latency() method in AudioRecord still does not take into account the hardware latency (they have a TODO comment for that), but the latency() method in AudioTrack do...

Obtain an array of audio sample values and compare them with a threshold

I have to write an iPhone application: to start recording when I have something on the audio channel, then to stop the recording after 1.15 s, to obtain a float array with the audio levels and to compare the value to see if they are 0 or 1. Please give me some ideas...I´m a beginner. ...

Playback audio data with GWT

I am creating a GWT client application which interacts with a server and I am getting all my response data from the server in JSON format. Amongst others there are wave data on the server's database which I would like to retrieve and then playback on the client. I am able to get the wave data as an array of bytes in the JSON format. My...

Embedding html5 <audio> in a mobilesafari webapp. is it possible to load an image in place of the quicktime logo in the modal player?

I haven't be able to find a resource explaining if this is possible at all. The apple documentation found here ...doesn't mention such feature...

How to reverse an audio samples?

How can i reverse an audio samples with iphone sdk? I'll try to make a "dj scratch" effect. I'm talking about speeding up and slowing down and reversing the audio samples in real time. ...

Any audio hosting/uploading API ?

Hello. Is there any REST API to upload & host mp3 and audio files and get a direct link like IMGUR API for images? Thanks ...

All Audio frequencies.

How can I get(Is it possible?) all audio frequencies are now playing in the system for writing some sound visualizer? Is there any library c++ or c#? Thanks in advance ...

Monitoring an audio line.

I need to monitor my audio line-in in linux, and in the event that audio is played, the sound must be recorded and saved to a file. Similiar to how motion monitors the video feed. Is it possible to do this with bash? something along the lines of: #!/bin/bash # audio device device=/dev/audio-line-in # below this threshold audio will n...

I just don't get AudioFileReadPackets

I've tried to write the smallest chunk of code to narrow down a problem. It's now just a few lines and it doesn't work, which makes it pretty clear that I have a fundamental misunderstanding of how to use AudioFileReadPackets. I've read the docs and other examples online, and apparently I'm just not getting. Could you explain it to me? ...

Access to iTunes Sound Check Results on iPhone

I would like to propose to the user some songs whose volume doesn't exceed a certain level. Is there any way to access to the results of the 'Sound Check' option, from the iPhone ? If not, do you know if I can calculate that with the audio tools in the iPhone SDK ? Thanks a lot. ...

Signal amplitude against time in Java

I'm racking my brain in order to solve a knotty problem (at least for me). While playing an audio file (using Java) I want the signal amplitude to be displayed against time. I mean I'd like to implement a small panel showing a sort of oscilloscope (spectrum analyzer). The audio signal should be viewed in the time domain (vertical axis ...