
playing two streams on android

Hello, I'm looking for a way (or at least to be pointed in the right direction) to play two streams of audio on android simultaneously but each on a different channel (e.g one in the speaker and one through the headphones) I'm not even sure its possible hardware wise. Any thoughts, clues ? Y ...

Silverlight audio components

Do you know any good commertial or free audio / sound components that can be used in Silverlight (better on the client)? Desired features: visualizing (waveform, peakform etc., zoom, editing volume, pan, start and end markers etc.) editing (channels: volume, pan, mute, fading, etc., merge, cut, copy, paste, etc., effects) mixing di...

How to synchronize AudioRecord and AudioTrack

Is there any way to synchronize the capturing and playback of audio data in Android? I need to do some signal processing (echo cancellation, etc.) that needs synchronization at sample level. I.e. everey time the hardware captures an audio frame, I need the corresponding frame that was played through the speaker with high accuracy. Any...

How to open wav file with Lua

Hello, I am trying to do some wav processing using Lua, but have fallen a the first hurdle! I cannot find a function or library that will allow me to load a wav file and access the raw data. There is one library, but it onl allows playing of wavs, not access to the raw data. Are there any out there? Cheers, Pete. ...

Link to audio in XHTML/EPUB

I'm looking into synchronizing an ebook in epub format (so the content is in XHTML) to an audio file. I'm thinking of putting something along the lines of: <a class="audiolink" href="sound.ogg?t=1093"></a> into the body of the document, and then have a custom epub reader that recognizes those tags and synchronizes the audio accordingl...

Audio processing libraries for Ruby?

Any recommendation on libraries to do audio processing in Ruby. I need to do the following two tasks: Find silences, for which I'm happy to just be able to iterate over each sample in the wave. Cut and paste pieces of wav files to form a new wav file. Convert wav to mp3, which I will probably leave to lame anyway. I'm looking for the...

Is there a webservice I can use to compare 2 audio clips for similarity?

Just wondering if something like this exists ... or if there is something I can plug into a Rails or ASP.NET webapplication ...

help me pick the right iPhone audio class - MPMoviePlayer vs AVAudioPlayer vs MPMusicPlayer

Does anyone know of a good tutorial on the distinction between the MPMoviePlayer vs AVAudioPlayer vs MPMusicPlayer? I want to play audio from an mp3 file available at an external URL. Ideally it is played in an iPod-like audio view. I toyed with MPMoviePlayer but it appears to be more suitable for video, as when audio starts a "movi...

Seeking not working in HTML5 audio tag

I have a lighttpd server running locally. If I load a static file on the server (through an html5 audio tag), it plays and seeks fine. However, seeking doesn't work when running a dev server ( or if I return the bytes via a defined action url instead of as a static file. It won't load the duration either. According to t...

is background audio playing enabled in iPhone?

I was able to play the audio in background of the application in iPhone. However I would like to know if there is any service that enables the playback of audio after the user exits the application? I know that SDK 4.0 promises multitasking and background processes of the application. But i would like to know if this is enabled for audio...

How to extract semi-precise frequencies from a WAV file using Fourier Transforms

Let us say that I have a WAV file. In this file, is a series of sine tones at precise 1 second intervals. I want to use the FFTW library to extract these tones in sequence. Is this particularly hard to do? How would I go about this? Also, what is the best way to write tones of this kind into a WAV file? I assume I would only need a simp...

Capturing Mac OS X System Audio output with Python

Hello, I've been trying to "hijack" the Mac OS X system audio using PyAudio and save to a wav in python. That is, I do not want to record from an input device such as a microphone. I want to grab the sound output from any or all applications. I have followed the tutorials on the PyAudio site but these do not appear to cover my use case...

Streaming audio (YouTube)

Hello all, I'm writing a CLI for a music-media-platform. One of the features is going to be that you can directly play YouTube videos from the CLI. I don't really have an idea to do it but this one sounded the most reasonable: I'm going to use of those sites where you can download music from YouTube, e.g. - then I d...

Verizon SongID - How is it programmed?

For anyone not familiar with Verizon's SongID program, it is a free application downloadable through Verizon's VCast network. It listens to a song for 10 seconds at any point during the song and then sends this data to some all-knowing algorithmic beast that chews it up and sends you back all the ID3 tags (artist, album, song, etc...) ...

How to record sound from a microphone in VB6?

We've been recording sound for over a decade using what seems like a very clunky method using the Winmm.dll and the MCIsendString. I've read that this doesn't set the recording quality value correctly (not sure if that article was ever true or is still true). I was wondering if there is any better way to record sound, such as using th...

AVAudioRecorderDelegate Interruptions methods doesn't get called

Hi all, My AVAudioRecorderDelegate Interruptions methods doesn't get called. I set the delegate. What might be the issue here? tnx ...

UITableView with Shake and play.

hi all i am trying to make a musical app for iphone. the app is simple. there is a couple of musical note sample (caf) files. when user taps the predefined positions on uıview(like strings). app plays note sample and add a string value to a nsmutablearray about note. played note lists displays in a table. now i want to add a shake an...

Fake "user initiated" <audio> tag on iPad

I know that Apple's docs say that an mp3 within an <audio> tag on iPhone OS can't be played without user intervention (they cite bandwidth concerns, totally reasonable). However, has anyone succeeded in faking a user action to play the audio? Perhaps faking events to off screen native audio controls with JavaScript? I'm using jPlayer rig...

Help with dynamic range compression function (audio)

I am writing a C# function for doing dynamic range compression (an audio effect that basically squashes transient peaks and amplifies everything else to produce an overall louder sound). I have written a function that does this (I think): public static void Compress(ref short[] input, double thresholdDb, double ratio) { double ma...

How to detect generation loss of a transcoded audio.

Lets say you have a 96 kbit mp3 and you Transcode the file into a 320 kbit mp3. How could you programmatically detect the original bit rate or quality? Generation loss is created because each time a lossy algorithm is applied new information will be deemed "unnecessary" and is discarded. How could an algorithm use this property to det...