
App freezes while muting the phone

Hello, I am trying to toggle the microphone of Android mobile. App. freezes if I run the mute and unmute in a loop, With a delay of say 500ms. Is there a specific reason mobile behaves this way? (Motorola Droid is not even able to mute the phone) however all other mobiles are able to do it. This runs in a loop for 20 times audioService...

How to implement an online audio library (store audio in database or file)

Hi there, Can anyone shed some light on how to implement an online audio library? In my project, the audio files will be wav files, and they are short in length (a few seconds max). Should I put them into the database or just leave them in the file system? I'm thinking when I play them back in the browser, I have to write them in a fil...

Android AudioTrack buffering problems

Ok so I have a frequency generator which uses AudioTrack to send PCM data to the hardware. Here's the code I'm using for that: private class playSoundTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> { float frequency; float increment; float angle = 0; short samples[] = new short[1024]; @Override protected void onPreExecute() { ...

Issue with HTML5 audio control in Visual Studio 2010 and ASP.NET MVC

I am trying to add HTML5 audio control to my page. Here's the code: <audio src="../../Content/BattleNet_MusicLoop.ogg" controls="controls" autoplay="autoplay" loop="loop"> Your browser does not support the new HTML5 audio element. </audio> When I click debug, I can see the audio player for about a second and then it turns dark gret w...

Loop streaming .ogg audio - OpenAL

Dear all, I have problem looping a streamed ogg vorbis file. This is the code : fslStream_OGG::fslStream_OGG() { className = "fslSound"; iMemSize = 0; iLength = 0; bSourceRelative = false; bIsLooping = false; bForceStop = false; bActive = false; source = buffer = 0; current_gain = 1.0f; outer_gain = 0; snd_info.uiChannels =...

Uploading Audio Files with ASIHTTPRequest

Can anyone please give me a tutorial on how to upload Audio Files onto a server using ASIHTTPRequest? I'll need to build a JSON and get the audio data into the JSON then send it to the server. If this is too vague please don't hesitate to ask for more info. let's say i use AVAudioRecorder class. What would i use to send that audio file...

How to make audio sound batter? (C + FFMpeg audio generation example)

So I found this grate C FFMpeg official example which I simplefied: #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #ifdef HAVE_AV_CONFIG_H #undef HAVE_AV_CONFIG_H #endif #include "libavcodec/avcodec.h" #include "libavutil/mathematics.h" #define INBUF_SIZE 4096 #define AUDIO_INBUF_SIZE 20480 #define AUDIO_REFILL_THRESH 409...

What Are Linear PCM Values

Hello All, I am working with audio in the iPhone OS and am a bit confused. I am currently getting input from my audio buffer in the form of pcm values ranging from -32767 to 32768. I am hoping to perform a dbSPL conversion using the formula 20LOG10(p/pref). I am aware that pRef is .00002 pascals, and would like to convert the pcm va...

Mp3 audio sequencer and mixer in C#

I want to create a VERY simple audio sequencer in C# that would work mostly with MP3 files or optionally any other compressed format, like Ogg or FLAC. Not WAV. User arranges audio files into a grid with multiple channels/tracks (i.e. multiple audio files playing simultaneously) The whole mix (all audio files in the grid) can then be p...

iPhone: Change playback speed with Audio Units

What are the different ways to change the playback speed of audio on the iPhone, when using Audio Units? What are the advantages / disadvantages of each solution? I have a mixer unit and an IO unit. Do I need to add another unit (eg. converter unit)? What audio unit parameters should I set, on which (input or output) bus on which audio ...

Example of using Audio Queue Services.

Hi, I am seeking an example of using Audio Queue Services. I would like to create a sound using a mathematical equation and then hear it. Thanks. Sagiftw ...

iphone sdk: Is it possible to play audio playlist in the background in iOS 4

I tried to implement this. My original post is here So after some testing I begin to doubt whether it's even possible. does anyone know whether it's possible to use AVAudioPlayer to play multiple tracks in the background? I myself haven't found a...

Ways to identify (musical) scores

I'm searching ways to identify scores, when someone is playing i.e. guitar. How can I manage that? I've heard that midi stores music data as musical scores. I wonder if it's a good solution. ...

iPhone AudioSession properties

Hi all, I'm developing an app that should have the following properties regarding the audio: can record and play sound at the same time can mix the audio output with other app, e.g. iPod audio output at speaker when earphone is not plugged in audio output at earphone when it is plugged in I used the following code. AVAudioSession *...

audio noise reduction

I have one doubt regarding audio processing for noise reduction. Is there any free ware and share ware DLLs available for noise reduction in .wav audio files or any sample codes using c#, or vb? ...

Phone as Bluetooth Headset

Hello, I need my phone to act like a Bluetooth headset. I am planning to run a J2ME application in Phone to make Phone as Bluetooth Headset. Any idea how to do this? ...

How to convert flash with dynamic data into AVI video

hy, after i upload some images and one mp3 files on my site it will make a slideshow (.avi file)! but nothing fancy, only a simple slideshow! i want to make a stereotyped in flash to load images and mp3 file and make a nice slideshow with some effects! the problem is... how i can save the swf file? (later to convert .swf file to .avi...

opencart mp3 preview

hello, stackoverflowers. my client has an opencart e-commerce site. i am tasked with responsibility of creating an audio preview. it allows users to listen to a small portion of a mp3 file, like 2-3 minutes, before paying and downloading the whole file. kinda like itune thingy. i am thinking when a file is uploaded, i extract the first...

How do you playback live audio in an iPhone?

Say you want to playback exactly what the iPhone mic is picking up in real-time. Which framework/class would be used? Any nudge would help, can't figure it out. Thanks. ...

iPhone API - Sending electric signals thru audio jack.

Anyone know if this is allowed by the iPhone's various Api's or even if Apple allows this? Example: Plug something in the audio jack and use it as a "taser" (this is just a hypothetical/proof-of-concept example). ...