
Best method of streaming MPEG3 encoded audio over HTTP with Java?

I've tried using the JMF libraries with the "MediaPlayer" bean, but it doesn't seem to be doing anything, or it plays a split-second of the audio track. I do have the Mpeg3 codecs installed - so that's not the issue. I was wondering if anyone has a better method of accomplishing this? Current code for using the MediaPlayer: mediaPlayer...

AudioQueue does not output any sound.

I have trouble getting sound output on my iPhone experiment and I'm out of ideas. Here is my callback to fill the Audio Queue buffer void AudioOutputCallback(void *user, AudioQueueRef refQueue, AudioQueueBufferRef inBuffer) { NSLog(@"callback called"); inBuffer->mAudioDataByteSize = 1024; gme_play((Music_Emu*)user, 1024...

How to check whether a music is playing or paused in AudioQueue

Hi, I am using AudioQueueStart for playing music and AudioQueuePause for pausing. Is there any way in AudioQueues to check whether the music is playing or not, I want to Pause music only if it is playing. ...

How to check current time and duration in AudioQueue

Hi, How to get total time duration of music in audioQueue. I am using NSTimeInterval AQPlayer::getCurrentTime() { NSTimeInterval timeInterval = 0.0; AudioQueueTimelineRef timeLine; OSStatus status = AudioQueueCreateTimeline(mQueue, &timeLine); if(status == noErr) { AudioTimeStamp timeStamp; AudioQu...

Library for playing Audio files in Linux C

I want to play audio files using my C programs in Linux. Can any one suggest me good development libraries for playing audio files in Linux? ...

Is there an event in .NET for when default audio input changes?

I'm using System.Speech.Recognition in Windows 7 to let the user control a program by voice commands. The recognition code is integrated into the program itself. Now, the recognition engine is created at program startup and recreated if the user changes the voice recognition language. This all works fine. Recently we had an issue with t...

access audio files in app 'Music'

Hello everyone I have an app need to load audio files from the archives in app ‘Music’. Is it possible? Are Audio files in iPhone stored a certain directory? Thanks interdev ...

Using the apple FFT and accelerate Framework

Has anybody used the apple FFT for an iPhone app yet or know where I might find a sample application as to how to use it? I know that apple has some sample code posted, but I'm not really sure how to implement it into an actual project. ...

How to manage and edit metadata of an audio file in Java.

Greetings!! I've been searching a lot about how to read the metadata of .aac file on Java, but still hasn't succeeded in finding somethong useful. I'm new in programming and I'm doing this as an assignment. The most of info I found was this: But I can't make a s...

How can I tell whether a microphone is available on the device (iPhone, iTouch, or iPad)?

If the device has a microphone, I would create audio device as "play and record". If the microphone is not available, only "play" audio device can work. ...

Help required with audio in MATLAB

Hi guys, I'm trying to write an .m file to extract energy features from an audio track but I seem to be having trouble in its implementation: % Formula for calculating RMS [f, fs, nb] = wavread('Three.wav'); frameWidth=441; %10ms numSamples=length(x); numFrames=(numSamples/1); energy(frame)=0; for frame=1:numFrames, startSample=...

Unknown errors during compile.

Coding in Visual Studio 2008 using Windows Audio Core APIs, I need access to devicetopology.h header file. After including it in my header file I have these errors: Ошибка 8 error C2011: _DDPIXELFORMAT: переопределение типа "struct" c:\program files\microsoft sdks\windows\v6.0a\include\ddraw.h 703 Player Ошибка 9 error C2079: "...

Is it possible to start Onepixelout player using JQuery ?

Hi ! I am using the onepixelout player and I would like to use JQuery to start playing a song. My final intention is to have an image that will start the player. Thanks ...

Changing Auriotouch Linear scale to logarithmic

I don't know if this is even possible to do, but thought I would ask, I suspect that if it is possible, it would be changed in the - (void) renderFFTToTex routine. Does anybody have any ideas about doing this or other suggestions that they could recommend? Thank you. ...

3GP/AMR mix/merge tracks

Is there an easy way to merge 2 3gp (amr) audio files into 1 single audio file? I need them to be synchronous/over top of each other not one after the other. I am using android to do this. I have heard somewhere that for some audio formats you can simply add the bytes (being careful that you dont get a too high or too low result). Is...

Display a audio waveform using C#

I've already searched at Stackoverflow and google, but haven't found what I'm looking for. So far I got the audio raw data(WAV File) and I want to visualize it. private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { FileStream fs = new FileStream("D:\\tada.wav", FileMode.Open); BinaryReader reader = new Bina...

Play audio data using QIODevice (Qt4.6 with VC++)

Hello, I'm working on playing audio from an audio stream using VC++ with the QtMultimedia library. Since I'm not too experienced with Qt's libraries I started by reading in a .wav file and writing it to a buffer: ifstream wavFile; char* file = "error_ex.wav"; file, ios::binary ); After that, I used ifstream's .read() fu...

Audio generation and analysis framework in C++

Hello, I am looking for a C++ framework that can synthesise audio and also has the ability to analyse audio input for its frequencies. What I am trying to do is create a digital transmission algorithm that can transmit data and text via audio. It should be possible to create an audiostream with different frequencies and phasing at one ...

Stream AAC on Android

Hi all, I'm working on an app for a client that requires streaming of an AAC audio stream. Unfortunately, there's nothing I can do about the stream format on the server. I'm working on Android and have discovered that Android's media player does not support raw AAC streams (which is what I'm getting). I found a project on Google Code...

MP3 byte array - convert to WAV and navigate to time index?

I have a byte array containing an MP3 stream. Is it correct to assume that this stream would have to be further decoded if I want to be able convert to a WAV? In its current byte state, is it possible to do basic functionality such as get/set position (time-wise)? ...