
How to find the mean/average of a sound in Nyquist

I'm trying to write a simple measurement plug-in for Audacity and it's about as much fun as pounding rocks against my skull. All I want to do is take a chunk of audio and find the average of all the samples (the chunk's DC offset) so that I can present it as a number to the user, and so that I can subtract the DC offset from the samples...

Stream audio on Mac

I have been using AVAudioPlayer on the iPhone and iPad. I can't find anything that comes close on the Mac. Does anyone know where to find a library like that ? What I want is a library that can stream songs from the internet so the user does not need to download the whole song. NSSound can play songs from the internet but it does not...

How to generate dynamic audio signal

I am looking to control some electronic servo's using the headphone port as a the control signal. I need to be able to generate a pulse width modulation signal and change the width of the pulse on the fly rapidly. I would prefer to do this in C# but can c++ is also an option. Any idea's how to go about doing this? ...

Low-level audio API for Android

I'm looking for some way in Android to play in-memory audio in a manner analogous to the waveOutOpen family of methods in Windows programming. The waveOut... methods essentially let an application create arrays of sample values (like in-memory WAV files without the headers) and dump them into a queue for sequential playback. Windows tr...

Best technology to use for Windows platform?

We are on our way now to developing a project similar to Capo 2 but we are in a dilemma on what is the best technology to use if this is to be developed in Windows platform? Would C++ be a good choice? Or, can you suggest other options pls? Thanks. ...

How to add audio to video file on iphone SDK

Hi. I have a video file and an audio file. Is it possible to merge it to one video with with sound file. I think AVMutableComposition should help me, but I still dont understand how. any advices? ...

Load audio file ASAsset

How can I load a file on an ASAsset, add metadata to it and export it? Also, how may I crop it? ...

Audio sample rate timing

I am using NAudio to generate some tones for a motion control application. The audio format is 16kHz mono. Correct me if I wrong here: A hertz is one second so that means we have 16,000 samples per second or 16 samples per millisecond. The samples in NAudio are provided as an array of 1600 float values. Does this mean that I can ou...

How do I mixdown multiple audio channels in java/xuggler?

like mixing 6 channel surround down to stereo? xuggler throws: ERROR com.xuggle.xuggler - Error: inputChannels > 2; unsupported ...

iPhone: playing .mp3 from http location

I am trying to play an MP3 file from a weblocation ( The only thing that seems to work is using the MPMoviePlayerController. Is this really the only option? I searched and read that AVPlayer should also be able to play such URLs but can't get it to work. ...

iOS 4: Remote controls for background audio

I'm currently attempting to set up background audio for an app I'm developing for iOS 4. The app doesn't have a dedicated music player view controller, however, unlike other background audio apps such as Pandora, which makes the task a bit more confusing. I've set the appropriate Info.plist settings correctly and have an AVAudioPlayer o...

Can I use CORBA/RMI to make live audio streaming?

I need to communicate between server/client. I saw that CORBA is used for different languages to work like RMI, is it? In my application I will have to transfer objects between client/server, transfer binary files (which I saw that I can do with RMI) and also play live streaming from one client to another. I was thinking about CORBA beca...

What is the state of the art for embedding audio in html4?

I've been trying to find a definitive modern source for the state of the art in how to embed audio, and been finding lots of up to date info on flash video, and lots of really old and questionable articles on audio embedding (e.g. with references to IE 3.0). Also haven't been able to find anything here on stackoverflow, or on doctype. ...

Fast way of converting float of range -1 to 1 to short?

I need to repeatedly convert 1024+ consecutive 4 byte floats (range -1 to 1) to 2 byte shorts (range -32768 to 32767) and write to disk. Currently I do this with a loop: short v = 0; for (unsigned int sample = 0; sample < length; sample++) { v = (short)(inbuffer[sample * 2] * 32767.0f); fwrite(&v, 2, 1, file); } And this wor...

Can't hear System Sound in simulator or on device

Hi all, I can't seem to get the AudioServices sounds to play, either on the device or in the simulator. Here is my code: NSString *sndPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"click" ofType:@"aiff"]; SystemSoundID soundID; AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID((CFURLRef)[NSURL fileURLWithPath:sndPath], &soundID); AudioServicesPlaySyst...

How to record and Play back from Memory using Audio Queue Services

Hello all. I've been trying lately to make a game that allows the user to talk and afterwards play what he talked back in a funny voice. The catch is that the recording is done only when somebody talks near the iphone (I've managed this part I have a recorder active all the time and get it's average and peak values). The problem is wh...

disable flash audio in object params?

Is there a way of disabling the audio in a flash file via the object params? ...

Android media player needs too much data before it starts playing. Solution?

Hi So I've been doing some experiments on Android and I noticed that the Android player needs around 32 seconds worth of music before it starts playing it (or entering the prepared phase). That's in the case of music streaming, I have a server on my workstation and I'm pointing the android player to it. It sounds like a lot, is it possi...

How to convert .caf to .mp3 file programmatically on the iPhone or iPad?

Hi, is there a way to programmatically convert .caf audio files to .mp3 audio files on the iPad platform? ...

Audiorecord is blocking voice during phone call in Nexus one

I am using audiorecord to get micrphone data in a background service on android. During the time when the code is running, if I make a phone call on nexus one then the receiver cannot hear what I am saying. I tested the same code on Motorola Droid. Surprisingly, in Droid the receiver can hear what I can saying. My initialization look...