
HTML5 audio on iOS4 iPhone offline Web app does not play?

I built an offline Web app (at that caches itself when bookmarked on the desktop. Testing on the iPhone4 in airplane mode shows that the program runs without a network connection (except for Google map access of course). But the mp3 sound files do not play in this mode. Is there a problem with the audio tag when running in...

Added AudioFileClose to prevent running out of file handles...

Hi Zoul/whoever.... I encountered a problem using Finch - I was opening and releasing again alot of sound files and a particular point in the project sounds would stop loading - the error code form ALOpenFileFromURL... was 43 - File not found ... my solution in the end was to make sure that files were closed by adding AudioFileClose (an...

Help with audio visualizer

Hi all, Im new to this website, and mostly to any type of programming. Recently Im trying to learn C++(Game Programming), and my father wants me to make him a web-based application, that flashes the window wether there is any sound playing(I believe it's called an audio visualization), I talked to my brother, and he said that I should do...

Accessing audio samples on the iPhone

I want to code up a audio fx program that would process the samples coming in through the mic input and play them through the audio output in near realtime. But I cannot seem to figure out how to get accesses to the individual audio samples as they come in. Can. Anybody point me in the right direction and possibly some sample code? Than...

How can I replace iPod with my app icon while my app is playing audio in background?

I (and you) know how to play audio in background. But my question is like that, some music play apps replace iPod icon which is shown on the first background app page with their icon while they are playing audio in background. How can I do that? ...

Pulling an audio file into a PHP script and auto-tuning it?

I want to write a PHP script that can programatically grab a .wav file from a URL, auto-tune it, and then either save it as a new file or output it using an "audio/x-wav" header, but I don't even know where to start. Are there audio manipulation libraries in PHP that can accomplish that? ...

as3 load, play and mute external swf

I have a file to which I do not have the source - a flash header with an obnoxious sound intro and I need to mute all sounds. Without the source I am limited as to what I can do. I have some as3 code that I am using to try and load the swf into and mute(building in FlashDevelop). Here is the code in question: package { import flash.dis...

AVCaptureSession cancels background audio

Hello, Whenever I start an AVCaptureSession running with the microphone as an input it cancels whatever background music is currently running (iPod music for instance). If I comment out the line adding the audio input, the background audio continues. Does anyone know of a way to record video clips with the microphone while continuing ...

Android-Audio Recording

I would like to know The Audio Recording can be done within emulator It should be stored in some other place but not in SD card. ...

Jack/earpiece detection in iphone

Hi Anyone could tell me how to detect when a jack of an earpiece is plugged-in into an ipad or iphone? Thanks ...

Can Android do 2 channels of audio Bluetooth at the same time?

Any sample code out there for AUDIO? I have looked at the BT-chat example, but I want 2 channels of audio. One would be telephone and the other would be music... thanks ...

How can I extract peak values from auto-correlated data in MATLAB?

I have information (20,000 frames of data) about an audio track that I have auto-correlated using: [r,lags] = xcorr(XX,XX,'biased'); And it looks like this: Which hopefully is so far so good. Ideally I would like to be able to take the frame number that corresponds to the highest part of the second peak. I've read around and tried ...

finished playing audio callback with finch

is there a finished playing callback with finch? similar to - audioPlayerDidFinishPlaying in the avaudioplayer stuff? looking through the code i could not find anything that referenced it. ...

Can I programatically save the data stream sent to the sound card as a WAV file?

In Windows XP, you can configure your sound card properties via the preloaded windows software. In the recording properties, if "stereo mix" or "wave out" (or something similar) is selected as the recording device, programs that can record audio ("Sound Recorder" in windows for example) record a decent quality wave file of the audio str...

What is the algorithm to convert an mp3 file to a wav file?

What is the algorithm to convert an mp3 file to a wav file? Also, what is the algorithm to convert an aac file to a wav file? I have searched online everywhere but there is no reference anywhere. If someone could send me a link or a reference to a book with this information, I would much appreciate it. Thanks! ...

How to trigger from Python playing of a WAV or MP3 audio file on a Mac?

I'm looking for an elegant way, without a ton of dependencies as in some of the solutions I googled up. Thanks for any ideas. ...

Opening an audio (wav) file from a MemoryStream to determine the duration

Is there a way, either within the Framework or by using P/Invoke to determine the duration of a wav file that's held in a MemoryStream? I've already had a look at Managed DirectX and another similar question, but everything seems to work with paths, rather than providing any way to pass in a stream. One of the links in the question I'v...

How to stream audio from Google Docs (API)?

Hi all, Is there a way to stream audio from Google Docs (API)? MP3, AAC, etc.. Thanks, Sam ...

HTML5 Audio Player makes multiple GET requests when loading. Why?

I have been working on a jquery plugin that uses a HTML5 audio player () to play back mp3's. I noticed that in various browsers multiple GET requests were made for the same MP3 file when the audio player was loaded. I created a simple standalone HTML file to test this out. <html> <head></head> <body> <audio controls src="http://lo...

Capture the sound that is currently playing

Is it possible to capture the sound that is currently playing on your computer? It would be nice to then be able to save it as an mp3 but I think there are some legal issues with doing this, so a wav would be fine too. I looked around and there are people suggesting using things like virtual audio cables (Capture Sound output in c#), an...