
android spectrum analysis of streaming input.

for a school project I am trying to make an android application that, once started, will perform a spectrum analysis of live audio received from the microphone or a bluetooth headset. I know I should be using FFT, and have been looking at moonblink's open source audio analyzer ( ) but am ...

Bluetooth Audio not Working on iPad, Works on iPhone

I'm attempting to add the ability to use Bluetooth Headsets and Headphones to an application. I've modified the AudioSession like so: UInt32 audioRouteOverride = kAudioSessionProperty_OverrideCategoryEnableBluetoothInput; AudioSessionSetProperty ( kAudioSessionProperty_OverrideAudioRoute, sizeof (audioRouteOverride), &aud...

How can a web page play mp3 on iPhone/iPad

As far as O know, web pages play mp3 sounds by embedding invisible Flash players. Since Flash is not available on mobile webkit (iphone/ipad), how is it possible to play mp3 on this platform? ...

Java stop MIDI playback

Hi I have java application which plays midi messages from sequence. I'm doing this using jfugue library. the problem is when I'm tryingto stop playback with stop button (which call sequencer.stop() and sequencer.close()) the last played note is sound all of rest time, and I can't stop it. So I'm asking about solution about stopping all...

How can I use an audio-resampler to resample IF signals

There are a lot of audio-resampling libraries available. My favorite in Secret Rabbit Code. Audio resamplers keep the correct frequency of the resampled signals, so a 4KHz sine in the source, will remain a 4KHz sine in the destination. This time, however, I need to resample a sampled IF/RF signal. The sampled signal contains data orig...

HTML5 audio codecs, support for other formats besides OGG

I started tinkering around with HTML5 recently and am very interested in Audio tag. Though one thing immediately came to my attention, it appears that OGG is the only format supported in Firefox! I understand that this is because MP3 and other codecs are proprietary software and require a license to use. But how is HTML5 Audio (and Vid...

How to play a sound (alert) in a java application?

Hello, I am working with a SMS handling, java based software and want to play a beep / alert sound whenever we receive a message. I tried looking at the java.sound libraries and could not find anything. I do not know if going the applet way of playing a sound will be okay in a java application! Are there any predefined sounds in any ...

Redirecting the output sound to other audio devices in Mac OS X

Hi all, Am using Mac OS X 10.6. I have a sound file, say "a.aiff" which i want to be redirected to Soundflower(not my default). afplay doesn't seem to provide --device flag which it used to support in earlier Mac versions I think. So any idea of what to do? ...

What is the smallest audio file format?

I know this is not a specific programming question but I hope someone can give me a suggestion. My applications (iPhone and Blackberry applications) use a lot of audio files. I need a solution for my applications in order to save some spaces. Is it right that .aac is the most suitable audio format for iPhone? Is it the smallest one? It...

Web Music Player than can play song samples

Hey all, I am writing code for a website that plays artist music. But I currently need a player that plays only sample of songs and not full song, like Itunes and this kind of player seems hard to fun thus far. Does anyone know of one? And know of a player that can play other formats besides mp3? ...

Accessing audio out in Windows

I am looking to write an Arduino script that uses whatever audio signal is going to the speakers to create a physical visualization. The Arduino is connected to the windows machine only through USB, so I need to use USB to find out what is being sent to the speakers. How would I access this information? ...

Java Audio - How to play song during game (Application, not Applet)

LAST EDIT - TWO SIMPLE ANSWERS NEEDED. 1) I was able to get the code working with a URL (it's the code from one of the responses below). But my song is in a wav file. When I try to do File url = new File("---");, it doesn't work. Instead, in the stack trace (thanks for that tip!), it says "Failed to allocate clip data: Requested buff...

Stream audio in wifi network over UDP

Hi all, I have to implement a little software that sends an audio stream between two pc in the same WiFi network.. In little words, I get audio from device like a mic and then I have to transmit this audio in real time.. maybe I'll use Java.. To transmit data trough UDP something like this: //create UDP socket DatagramSocket socket = ...

Changing src attribute of HTML5 audio element

I am trying use JS to playback some sounds. What i want to do is have piece of music playing but after a certain time replace it with another audio file. I thought the most effective way would be to reuse the same audio object, but it seems to not kill the original sound so all gets messy. What is the best way to do this? My code is bel...

Java - Clip and Looping Sound

I finally got my sound clip to work in my java application. This is picky, but there's a minor pause between each sound loop. Is there any way to "merge" the two loops slightly so the sound seems continuous? ...

AudioServicesPlaySystemSound vibration works but not sound

AudioServicesPlaySystemSound doesn't do anything but AudioServicesPlayAlertSound makes the iPhone vibrate. AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID returns success. I'm developing on iPhone3G running iOS4. Any ideas? Peter ===== Here's how I create the sound: NSString *sndPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"first_touch" ofType:@...

Play Sound Channels

hi i am creating an audio editor. i want to play audio(wave) channels(R or L) separate. how i can do this. ...

Custom CSS for <audio> tag?

I'm building a music player web application which implements the HTML5 audio tag, however would like it to look consistent across browsers - is it possible to define my own custom CSS? And how? cheers Fela ...

Android WebView playing audio with javascript.

I'm trying to very quickly port over an html application with plays sound (with soundmanager2) to a native android app using WebView. From my research, I haven't seen any evidence that sound, such as mp3s, can be played via javascript or any other methods using WebView. My goal now is to quickly port over the html app and then eventual...

Objective-C: Parse .m3u file to get .mp3

I'm trying to stream audio in .m3u and would like to get the .mp3 components of the file. How would I go about parsing the .m3u? Thanks in advance! ...