
Validate API with Authlogic

I'm using Authlogic for authentication in my app, using the standard User and UserSession models. I'm building an API into my app, and I want to authenticate API access with a single access token. In my app, every User belongs_to a Company, which has_many users. The API is for access to resources belonging to the company, so I'd like ...

authlogic rails help

Im trying to set up my app to work with authlogic.. the thing is, other than the fields authlogic is supposed to use I want to keep in my database other attributes Like Name, Last Name, PIN, etc... is there a way to do this? ...

help with authlogic

I just got done setting up my app to work with authlogic following this exactly before beginning I had already created a products catalog with basic CRUD functionality. Right now I want the products catalog to only be accesible if the user is alread logged in.. so, basically if the user is not logged in it should go to the login page.....

extending email confirmation to Authlogic

I recently implemented Authlogic to my project for authentication. I followed and had it up and running. Wanting to add email confirmation, I found this and followed it: Now, when I try to sign up I get a method missing 'login=' for Us...

Why does my session expire when using PerformanceTest and not IntegrationTest?

OK, I am writing performance tests and am having trouble getting my session to persist like it does in integration tests. As I understand it, PerformanceTest is a child of IntegrationTest and any integration tests should work with performance test. However, when I take a integration test and copy it over to performance, change the Acti...

rubyonrails: how to find a session by a session_id

any one know how to find a session by a session_id on RoR? I'm using Authlogic in my project i don't know if that is correlated ...

authlogic auto_register feature using my options

I have auto registration working with authlogic using gaizka's version of authlogic_openid which I found on Github since pelle's original addition of the feature seemed to cause issues.

changing password with authlogic - validation not catching blank inputs

I am trying to create a form to allow users to change their password: View: - form_tag change_password_users_path do = error_messages_for :user, :header_message => "Please Try Again", :message => "We had some problems updating your account" %br = label_tag :password, "New password:" = password_field_tag "password" %br =...

Authlogic-oid with ONLY OpenID

I am implementing an internal site, for which I want our company's OpenID server to be the only means of registering and logging in. To be more specific, I don't even want a normal email and password/salt to be stored for the users in this site. I am using authlogic with the authlogic-oid plugin, but I am getting these errors whenever I...

Authlogic, is it secure enough out of the box?

I've managed to setup authlogic, and quite nice it appears too. Is it secure enough out of the box? I haven't really configured it too much. I'm going to be using it on a school website where the headmaster basically logs in with username and password to edit notices on the website. So it needs to be secure, but it ain't a bank or an e-...

Sending registration verification e-mails using Authlogic?

Is there any way I can get authlogic to send email to my subscribers after they have registered so that they can confirm their account? ...

please help with rails authlogic

Im trying to follow this tutorial. Its about adding email confirmation after registration... The thing is when I submit the form I get this error NoMethodError in UsersController#create undefined method `deliver_verification_instructions!' for # I looked at the code and indeed there is no such a method on my user model.....

undefined method `confirm_password' - does this imply AuthLogic isn't triggering for my request?

Hi, Pretty much have the Authlogic example type rails app setup. I'm getting the following error when I click on the registered link. From a generic point of view I can't quite see how the view "form.label :confirm_password" is support to run without raising an issue, noting that this field does not exist in the User table in the data...

which authentication method is best for a client app having to interact with a web application that has authentication?

Hi, Just wondering what people would suggest for an approach for a WinForms client that will have to interact with my web application (ruby on rails, which will use AuthLogic for authentication). For example options such as: * authentication each HTTP request, * gets a token for the session until it times out * other? This can be t...

Simple Authlogic Question: JSON login?

Working from the railscast #160 base code I've set up a very simple site that allows me to log in, out and register an account. (Its almost identical except that I've removed the 'username' from the users migrate table and relevant views so only an email address is required) I'm now trying to create a new log in action so that I can log...

AuthLogic one time password (persistence_token) - what config is required to use this?

Hi, Can anyone confirm what config exactly is required to make the one time password (persistence_token) work? From what I can work out so far it is the following, however this isn't working for me so I must be wrong: pass an additional URL parameter of "user_credentials=xxxxpersistence_tokenxxxx" question - are there any other URL p...

Why is link_to not taking me where I want it to?

Hi, I have a model 'Asset' and, on the show page, I have this: <%= link_to_remote 'test', :url => { :controller 'looks', :action => 'whatever' } %> The 'looks' controller and 'whatever' action both exist. Now when I go the the show page for the second Asset and click the test link I get this error: Processing AssetsController#2 (...

How do I clone a github project to run locally?

Hi, I am trying to follow this railscast tutorial for authlogic - and it points to the source here - I have git installed - how do I replicate the source onto my localhost so that I can follow the tutorial like in the screencast? Thank you! ...

Ruby on Rails + WebORB + authlogic + Flex

Hi, I'm developing on a Rails project that uses authlogic for authentication. And I have a part in that project that is realized with Flex, and I need to know how a user can be authenticated if he or she is logged in or not. I've set up a webservice called UserSessionService and was trying to get the user who is logged in, but it doesn...

How do you access an instance variable in an Authlogic config block?

Given a user model something along the lines of: class User < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_authentic do |config| config.validate_email_field = true end end I would like to be able to modify "true" to be specific to the user that is signing up. I would like to be able to do something like: class User < ActiveRecord::Base ac...