
Ruby-OpenID: Requiring email-address from OpenID provider

I'm playing with the authlogic-example-app and I'm failing to get the email address from the OpenID provider (in my case: Google and Yahoo) when I register a user, resp. I get an empty response instead of an email address (check the comments in code below). This is how my user model looks like (everything else looks like the "with_openi...

how can I test authlogic's current_user in cucumber?

trying to use authlogic's test helpers. calling activate_authlogic. Our application_controller has a current_user_session method. when we drop into the debugger mid-story, controller returns a Authlogic::TestCase::MockController but when we call controller.current_user_session The error occurred while evaluating nil.current_user_ses...

Authlogic - Logout not working on production but working in dev?

I have only just started to investigate... but thought I would throw this to the community as well. I am building an app using Authlogic for authentication. The auth part is basically straight off the authlogic tutorials... My logoff button works in dev, destroying the session and giving the flash on the root_url. However, on productio...

Authlogic working via curl but not browser

This probably has as much to do with rails as authlogic, but I am pretty stuck. If I use curl to request a url as follows: curl http://neevor:l3ftcas3@localhost:3000/users/alerts/1.xml I get the desired result. However if I try to do the same using a browser I get: Redirected to Filter chain halted as [...

Rails: Authorization with Authlogic

I need a very granular authorization system that works seamlessly with Authlogic. I've tried these gems/plugins so far: Lockdown rails_authorization_plugin ACL9 I've also looked at, but not tried implementing: Padlock I've searched around for a good tutorial detailing how to set up any of these with Authlogic in a way that makes...

Remember me and restful_authentication

I have a rails application which uses the restful_authentication plugin. I have activated the "remember me" functionality but every now and then I am getting logged out. The problem is I can't see the pattern for when it happens. Sometimes it works in the development environment but not in production. Sometimes it works in Firefox but ...

RAILS: Authlogic gem & Userstamp plugin

I have an application that uses the Authlogic gem and needs the functionality of the Userstamp plugin. AFAIK Userstamp works very well with RestfulAuthentication, though I couldn't find anything mentioning using it together with Authlogic. Has anyone of you tried to combine them? Are there issues I should be aware of? Should I use a...

How can I use mock models in AuthLogic controller specs?

I am trying to write specs for a controller without using fixtures (instead employing mock models). This controller requires a user to be logged in, for which I'm employing AuthLogic, following the author's recommendations. describe UsersController do def mock_user(stubs={}) @mock_user ||= mock_model(User, stubs) end context...

Authlogic: Assuring that a user can't log in twice.

Is there an easy way in Authlogic (haven't found nothing browsing the docs) to assure that a UserSession can't be created if the User already has an UserSession object? In other words: I want to make sure that a user can't log in twice with the same credentials. UPDATE: Check the comments on thief's answer to find the solution to this...

Authlogic and Namespace in Rails

Does anyone have an example of setting up Authlogic with a namespace in Rails? I have an "admin" namespace, which contains many "admin" related controllers (products, categories, etc.). map.namespace :admin do |admin| admin.resources :products, :active_scaffold => true admin.resources :specials, :active_scaffold => true admi...

Create a new user with new openid login authlogic

hey everyone, I've implemented authlogic in a rails site, and I'm trying to get openid to work correctly. So far, you can login just fine as long as you have an existing account, but not so much if you don't. I'd like to be able to automagically create a new account if the identity_url is not already in the database. The problem is th...

Using Facebook Connect with Authlogic

I am trying to make Authlogic and Facebook Connect (using Facebook) play nice so that you can create an account either the normal registration way or with Facebook connect. I have been able to get the connect to work one way but logging out only loggs out on facebook and not on my site, I have to delete the cookies to make it working. An...

RESTful-Authentication or Authlogic?

I'm having trouble deciding between the two. They both seem like great plugins but I'd like to know which is easier to control. What are your guy's experiences with these plugins? Which would you recommend? ...

Implicit user creation with Authlogic and Authlogic OAuth plugin

I'm trying to write a simple OAuth consumer app in Rails. I'm using Authlogic for handling authentication and the Authlogic OAuth plugin to do the oauth thing. The oauth plugin provides a couple of helpers to render the sign in button: oauth_login_button and oauth_register_button. Together with the Authlogic logics and the plugin's requ...

rails specify method for redirect_to

During a post for a new model, I am checking for authentication via Authlogic. There is a before_filter on the create request. It is calling require_user. After the user session has been successfully created, the redirect_back_or_default(default) method is called. The problem is, The request needs to be posted to the stored uri. I ha...

authlogic i18n?

Is it possible to i18n-ize authlogic? ...

authlogic and oauth-plugin

Hi all does somebody tested - will authlogic works with oauth-plugin ( or not? ...

Crypted_password is null when using Authlogic to save a user

i'm getting a strange error on my production install when i try and create a new user using AL: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql::Error: Column 'crypted_password' cannot be null: INSERT INTO users especially strange b/c it works as expected on my local box. RUnning Rails 2.3.2 and ruby 1.8.7 on both boxes. user.rb: class User <...

Authlogic run validations on login prior to create action

I need to run the built-in validations on the login field prior to actually creating the user record, is there a way to do this in Authlogic? The reason for is when a user types in a new login, AJAX is invoked to check and see that the login in unique, valid, etc. Once that is done, the user can enter his email to claim the login, it's a...

Protecting Content with AuthLogic

I know this sounds like a really, really simple use case and I'm hoping that it is, but I swear I've looked all over the place and haven't found any mention of any way - not even the best way - of doing this. I'm brand-spanking new to Ruby, Rails and everything surrounding either (which may explain a lot). The dummy app that I'm using a...