
Integration testing with Authlogic?

For the life of me I don't understand why Authlogic isn't logging me in in this integration test. I haven't had any problems w/ Authlogic logging me in in functional tests using this code. According to the authlogic rdocs (, simulating a logged-in state is the same in functional & integration tests, so i'm pret...

Authlogic edit_password_reset_url in Functional / Integration Tests

I am trying to implement some tests to validate the behavior for Authlogic password resets as explained in I am using Authlogic, Shoulda, Webrat and Factory Girl and here's my test: require 'test_helper' class PasswordResetTest < ActionController::Integrati...

Authlogic openid with multiple openid identifiers per account

How would you go about allowing a user to log in with multiple openid accounts and optionally a password, using authlogic? ...

How do I impersonate a user with AuthLogic

I need to be able to create a UserSession without having the decrypted password. How do I go about doing this? My current workaround is: In user.rb def valid_crypted_or_non_crypted_password?(password) valid_password?(password) || password == crypted_password end In user_session.rb verify_password_method :valid_crypted_or_no...

Authlogic accessing user id in session object

Hey guys, I was wondering if anyway knows how I can access the user ID from the session object in Rails using the Authlogic gem ? I have a sweeper that runs to expire a fragment specific for a user: def expire_cache_for(record) ActiveRecord::Base.logger.debug "team: #{record.team_id}" ActiveRecord::Base.logger.debug("User: #...

What is the best way to test authlogic-open-id with cucumber and webrat?

I've been having trouble using cucumber and webrat to test authlogic-openid authentication in a rails app. Following Ryan Bates's excellent screencast I was able to install authlogic with the open-id plugin. OpenID works when I login using the browser but so far I've been unable to test the app using cucumber and webrat. I've tried usin...

Can't put email address field on login form (Authlogic)

So I have Authlogic working fine with this user_sessions/new view: <% form_for @user_session, :url => user_session_path do |f| %> <% if @user_session.errors.present? %> Invalid username or password <% end %> <%= f.label :login %><br /> <%= f.text_field :login %><br /> <br /> <%= f.label :password %><br /> <%= f.passw...

how to login to an authlogic rails form from an iphone client

I have a server side app written in Rails using the authlogic plugin. I am not sure how to login to the rails app from my iphone client. I think I know how to write get/post code in Obj C, but I'm not sure what the best approach is of authenticating with my rails server. Here is what the server side HTML looks like when you go to this...

how can i authenticate users out of rails with authlogic?

in my system, users registering via rails website. i have to authenticate users from a custom application server written in ruby. error messsage: You must activate the Authlogic::Session::Base.controller with a controller object before creating objects (Authlogic::Session::Activation::NotActivatedError) ...

Rails Authlogic and GeoRuby conflict?

I have a problem with GeoRuby conflicting with Authlogic. I set up a very simple application that only lets me register and log in and out useing Authlogic. This works fine. Then I added GeoRuby to the application and I get the error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2) when the current_user is called in the view. I'm quite new to...

Tests pass using "autotest" but not "rake test" using Authlogic

My tests fail when doing "rake test:functionals" but they pass consistently using autotest. The failing tests in question seems to be related to Authlogic not logging in the user properly when using rake. For facilitating signing in a user in tests, I have a test helper method as follows: class ActionController::TestCase def signin(...

Authlogic: getting an undefined method `password' for #<User:...

Hi there, I can't seem to get my User model in Authlogic to understand the 'password' method even though I added "acts_as_authentic" to the model. This problem was also reported on the Authlogic lighthouse, but no one described how they fixed it:

undefined method 'add_acts_as_authentic_module'

Hi, i've added code config.gem "authlogic-oauth", :lib => "authlogic_oauth" to the environment.rb file in my app and got error undefined method 'add_acts_as_authentic_module' for ActiveRecord::Base::Class is there any solution to solve it? ...

Two user models or just one?

I'm working on a new project and for some reason decided to create two separate user models/controllers/sessions using authologic. The users have completely different roles on the site but the models are basically the same. The only difference is the views. I'm now wondering if I should have just created one model and added a "role" f...

Looking up role requirements

Implementing authentication with Authlogic, and role-based acl with Acl9, does a method exist, that will return what the role requirements are to access a given controller action? ...

authlogic openid auto_register feature tries to duplicate registration

I am trying to enable openid authentication on my website as well as use auto_register feature of latest authlogic_openid add-on. Everything works fine until second login. The first time user is created and logged in, but after I logout and try logging in into the system with same OpenID identifier I get user registration form with erro...

AuthLogic automatically loads errors into @base and populates those errors on a signin form

(rdb:1) @account_session = # => <AccountSession: no credentials provided> (rdb:1) @account_session.errors # => <Authlogic::Session::Validation::Errors:0x213cc78 @errors={}, @base=#<AccountSession: no credentials provided>> How do I prevent this? Also note, that credentials can't be provided in advance because that...

Authlogic and Roles

I am developing an application which users authlogic for authentication. I would like some way of giving users roles so that I can authorize certain actions to certain roles. Is there an 'out of the box' gem or plugin that suits this or would I be better build it from scratch. What would you recommend? ...

Rails Cucumber Testing With a LDAP Server

I am trying to write some cucumber tests for my application that uses Authlogic for authentication, but actually stores users in a LDAP server. The application seems to work fine, but where I am running into trouble is writing tests for it (I know, I know, I should've wrote the tests first.) It's easy to have a test database where the d...

Ruby on Rails Authlogic password not valid

I am trying to implement Authlogic. Registering is fine, it enters all the necessary details into my database.. .. but when I try to log in, it gives me the error: 1 error prohibited this user session from being saved There were problems with the following fields: Password is not valid My password is valid. I am not ...