
Auto-suggest with quick response using PHP/KohanaPHP + MySQL + jQuery

I need to know how to execute this in the best way possible so that the suggestions will load really quick and secured. I want something like how the Related Questions work here after typing a question title. ...

How to add search functionality to an AJAX-driven auto-suggest search field

I'm using he following code the call a CFC which returns auto-suggest results through AJAX. <cfinput type="text" class="titleSearchField" name="TitleName" autosuggest="{cfautosuggestvalue})"> What this does right now is only generate an Auto-suggest list. Clicking on one of the auto-generated res...

How do I grab and use a variables coming back through ValueList from an AJAX call?

I'm trying the following code to execute a search and it's not working. On the search.cfm page, the only value coming back is the value I input into the search field (even if I click an autosuggest value, it's not coming back; only the letters I actually type myself come back). <cfform class="titleSearchForm" id="searchForm" action="sea...

Looking for a Sample of a "Related Questions" List like on StackOverflow

Many websites have a feature that suggests items based upon what you're currently typing. For example, here on Stack Overflow you are suggested similar questions as you type a question title. How can I do something similar to this? ...

Tag suggestion (not tag autocomplete)

AJAX autocomplete is fairly simple to implement. However, I wonder how to handle smart tag suggestion like this on SO. To clarify the difference between autocomplete and suggestion: autocomplete: foo [foobar, foobaz] suggestion: foo [barfoo, foobar, foobaz], or even better, with 'did you mean' feature: [barfoo, foobar, foobaz, fobar, ...

GWT: Suggest box with multiple words

Hi. I need to make suggestion TextBox where user can write some keywords ( to search across file archive with specified keywords ). But keywords can be entered sequentially with some delimiter. for example: keyword1; keyword2; key... I want to make it with GWT. Please, tell me if you know some implementation examples (may be in Jav...

jQuery Autocomplete using extraParams to pass additional GET variables

I am referring specifically to the jQuery Autocomplete v1.1 plugin by Jörn Zaefferer [source:] as there seems to be quite a few variations of this plugin. I'm trying to pass additional parameters to the server when the user starts typing because I have multiple fields that...

How could one create Google-Suggest style search suggestions with Javascript/AJAX?

How could one create Google-Suggest style search suggestions with Javascript/AJAX? References to articles would be much appreciated. I would like to retrieve the "suggestions" from a database. (Essentially just a list of keywords) Thank you. ...

Can you recommend a full-text search engine?

Can you recommend a full-text search engine? (Preferably open source) I have a database of many (though relatively short) HTML documents. I want users to be able to search this database by entering one or more search words in my C++ desktop application. Hence, I’m looking for a fast full-text search solution to integrate with my app. ...

Autocomplete causes jQuery hover to fade out (Demo included)

Demo: (I know it's a bit rusty). Screenshot: Hover over the blue rectangle to reveal the login panel. It works exactly how I'd like it to, with the exception that if you double-click one of the input forms to reveal the previously-entered usernames, by hovering...

How do I inform the search suggestions view of the DPI of my images displayed as thumbnails?

I have an activity which uses the Android search and the auto search-suggestions capability. The thumbnails I am using in my activity are all stored on the SD card (there's a lot of them) and are all in MDPI resolution. When using them in my activity this is fine as I can account for this and scale appropriately, however in the search ...

Is there an api for Google News autosuggest?

Hi there. A few days ago I was introduced to the Google autosuggest api here: I built a little Yahoo Pipe to pull out the top 5 suggestions from the 5 biggest English speaking Google sites and wanted to do the same for Google News. Changing the above url to works but only...

UITextField auto-suggest from a large database

Hi, I am trying to add suggestions for a UITextField. They show up as a UITableView below the text field that displays a few entries according to what the user is typing (like Google Suggest for example). The only method I tried so far is a select from an internal SQLite database. This works, but it is extremely slow as the database is...

AutoSuggest from a array

Hi, I have a php script which generates JS array in this form new Array( new Array("Maine", 1), new Array("Maryland", 2), new Array("Massachusetts", 3), new Array("Michigan", 4), new Array("Minnesota", 5), new Array("Mississippi", 6), new Array("Missouri", 7), new Array("Montana", 8) ); ...

Suggest list in google maps search input

We need to create search input field like it is on _ The key functionality is suggest list with appropriate results. We have not found this feature in API. Analyzing we see that suggest list is received from get request to this url

Make Eclipse intellisense/auto-suggest automatic for locally scoped and member variables/methods

Hi, Is there any way to make the auto-suggest drop down list appear for locally scoped variables and local member variables/methods without having to push ctrl+space? Like Visual Studio does? It appears automatically for members of objects after getting as far as typing 'object.' I'm finding myself typing a couple of letters and hittin...

Auto-Completion In wxPython wxComboBox

I've been trying to make a ComboBox which would suggest options as you type, much like an IDE's code suggestions/code-sense, or googles suggestions when you type in a search. The suggestions would be the items from the ComboBox dropdown, which contained the substring typed in the text box of the ComboBox. I've tried to make a ComboBox ...