
JQuery Autocomplete - format listing and only return a part to the text box

I'm using the JQuery Autocomplete and it's working just fine. I'm using it to allow someone to search for users out of a database by searching on last name or id number. Right now the drop down list that is created is the resultes of a SQL query and looks something like: $row_rst['lName'] . ', ' . $row_rst['fName'] . " - " . $row_rst['...

Eclipse PDT Autocomplete

Hey Guys, this sounds a bit stupid, but i try for several days now to get autocomplete working. i have a clean install of pdt and one with plugins like aptana and subversion, but none works with autocomplete. what do i have to do that i get a list with all functions, variables, etc beginning with "str" for example when i type "str"? Do i...

jQuery UI combobox Ajax options

Hi, I need to customize the combobox widget build from the jQuery UI Autocomplete Currently drop down options are predefined from the SELECT tag OPTIONS or from a JSON array. //getter var source = $( ".selector" ).autocomplete( "option", "source" ); //setter $( ".selector" ).autocomplet...

jquery plugin - autocomplete

please help me to choose the best plug-in in my particular scenario, I am building a page where user will enter his/her first or last name initial and it will populate the name and I have around 25k records in my db. what do you guys recommend? ...

jquery autocomplete & masterpage

Hi everyone, first time posting here, so hello to all :-) I'm pretty new to the jQuery thing, but I got the autocomplete function running quite well on a simple aspx page. Now I wanted to use the same function on an aspx-page with a masterpage, and it doesnt work anymore. this test function works fine: $(document).ready(function (...

Does anyone know about a WPF conponent that acts like the gmail to field?

Where the To-field is a textbox that also contains a dropdown, where each new contact is added to the text field? Similar to the facebook to field, where a box is created for each receiver. Is there such a library or component out there? Thanks ...

jquery Autocomplete : autocomplete does not stop if string does not match

I used the auto-complete function in jquery. It's data source are the results from a php-back-end. $("#ice_id").autocomplete("ice-ver.php", { extraParams : { flavour_id: $("#flavour_id").val() } }); Let us take following example: We type in the flavour ID 3992 ...(and 3992 exists in the database and is properly returned by the php b...

Quick example of multi-column results with jQueryUI's new Autocomplete?

I just found out that the jQueryUI now has it's own built-in auto-complete combo box. Great news! Unfortunately, the next thing I found is that making it multi-column doesn't seem nearly that simple (at least via documentation). There is a post here where someone mentions that they've done it (and even gives code), but I'm having troub...

AutocompleteTextView: on "NEXT" highlight next TextView, on "DONE", make keyboard disappear

hi all, I have two AutocompleTextViews and I want to switch to the next if the user presses "NEXT", and make the virtual keyboard disappear when he hits "DONE" at the second AutocompleTextView. So far, the buttons "NEXT"/"DONE" do nothing at all.... Unfortunately I found no resources addressing this problem. Any suggestions? thx ...

Grails - Development advice - Where do I find Plugin APIs / Troubleshoot errors / Make life easy for myself

Hello fellow Grails Developers! I was wondering if you could help me with what must be a very common issue. I have come from a world of Java and eclipse where JavaDocs and APIs are at your fingertips. Grails has some great features and plugins but I find their inner workings completely undescoverable and that makes me sad. Take for exa...

Autocomplete textbox in Windows Phone 7

I'm creating my first Windows Phone 7 application, and I'm struggling to find an autocomplete textbox. Is there an easy way to add one to the toolbox? Or do I need to create my own control? ...

Netbeans PHP autocomplete

Hello, how could I add an autocomplete for PHP build-in functions like htmlentities or var_dump? The autocompleter work for my classes but there's not autocompletion for functions like mentioned above. ...

What would you use for auto completion in Rails app?

I want to use auto-completion in a number of fields (5-7) in my forms. There is a screencast on auto-completion with Prototype library by Ryan Bates ( On the other hand, I have noticed that quite many guys suggest jQuery for this task (

Avoid multiple autocomplete calls by wrapping it with SetTimeOut

Here's my issue : using an autocomplete jQuery plugin, I'd like to avoid multiple ajax requests when user strikes his keynoard by surrounding the $('#query1').autocomplete({ serviceUrl:'/actions/autocomplete?population=salon', minChars:3, maxHeight:300, wi...

Auto-Complete Suggestions in Source Code Editor

Hello, Most IDEs (Eclipse, Netbeans, Intelij) provide contextually smart suggestions about the current statement you're writing. We would like to do the same thing (In Java for Java). We considered tokenizing the input and building our own abstract syntax trees, but quickly realized that could be a month long project in and of its sel...

How to structure an index for type ahead for extremely large dataset using Lucene or similar?

I have a dataset of 200million+ records and am looking to build a dedicated backend to power a type ahead solution. Lucene is of interest given its popularity and license type, but I'm open to other open source suggestions as well. I am looking for advice, tales from the trenches, or even better direct instruction on what I will need a...

Idea: CodeIgniter codecompletion in Eclipse

I just figured out that all code completion for Eclipse is stored in plain files located here (example): .\eclipse\plugins\org.eclipse.php.core_2.1.1.v20090921-1100\Resources\language I tried adding global variables like $_POST, $_GET, $_SERVER to the end of basic.php but without any luck (did try to restart Eclipse). Is there a w...

Formatting the jQuery UI autocomplete results in a table

I'm now using based on some previous recommendations and it's working well for me. I am looking to format the results in the auto-complete list in a table. Right now my results are something like: Last name, first name - id number - status code When there is a list of names nothing lines up ni...

Removing input background colour for Chrome autocomplete?

On a form I'm working on, Chrome is auto-filling the email and password fields. This is fine, however, Chrome changes the background colour to a pale yellow colour. The design I'm working on is using light text on a dark background, so this really messes up the look of the form - I have stark yellow boxes and near-invisible white text. ...

jQuery Autocomplete plugin (Jorn Zaefferer's) - how to dynamically change the list of displayed values?

I'm using Jorn Zaefferer's Autocomplete query plugin, I have options set so it shows all the values when you click in the empty text field, a bit like a select, and the option is also set so that the user can only choose from the list of values used by the autocomplete (so...