
Multi-column Autocomplete for jQuery?

Is there an AJAX autocomplete for jQuery that supports multiple columns? I mean multiple columns like a database table, not just splitting a list up. It would search off the first column, but the rest would be visible in the dropdown. Does such a thing exist? ...

jQuery default/placeholder input text and problems with saved information

Hey Guys, I'm new to jQuery and have an annoying problem. I have some login fields that are filled with default text when the field is empty and then removed when clicked. My problem is that when the user has their username/password saved (with browser), if they return to the page the login fields are filled with the users saved input ...

HTML Meta CACHE-CONTROL Vs input element autocomplete

Hi, This question refers Where does setting the CACHE-CONTROL HTML meta tag come into the autocomplete argument? Is it necessary to explicitly set autocomplete=off for sensitive inputs if you have told the browser not to cache anything by setting CACHE-CONTROL=NO-CACHE? I assume that if the browser has been told not to cache anything, ...

Tag suggestion (not tag autocomplete)

AJAX autocomplete is fairly simple to implement. However, I wonder how to handle smart tag suggestion like this on SO. To clarify the difference between autocomplete and suggestion: autocomplete: foo [foobar, foobaz] suggestion: foo [barfoo, foobar, foobaz], or even better, with 'did you mean' feature: [barfoo, foobar, foobaz, fobar, ...

Autocompletion based on filenames in a directory

Hi there, I want to have a function in my zsh for faster accessing my todo-files. It should look inside the folder ~/tasks where i put my todo-lists and stuff. Now i want to type task p and when I hit tab, it should use the files in that directory for autocompletition. Can anyone point me some direction? Or share some snippet to work wi...

Jquery Plugins/Autocomplete Special Char problem

Hi; i use that plugin for autocomplate; but i have a problem with spacial chars. if a special char first char of a word, this char has being ignored and if its not first char, chars before that has being ignored. for example: "şlk" cant found but if i type "lk" "şlk" found and if i type öd "aöd" f...

Netbeans autocomplete unusably slow/nonfunctional in Netbeans 6.8 Latest

I'm running a 2.5Ghz C2D with 4GB RAM, so there's no reason hardwre-wise why Netbeans should be peforming so poorly. Using the latest Netbeans release and grails plugin (installed via the plugin manager), automcomplete is either too slow to use or doesn't work at all. If I'm within a class, and I attempt to auto-complete a field, it tak...

Customize jQuery.aptags plugin - mouseclick submit from .ac_results list

Hello, I am using jquery.autocomplete.js and jquery.apitags to select a few elements from a div (.ac_results) This works great, and I can select multiple elements etc. However the jquery-aptags plugin does only fire when enter is pressed. This might confuse some users if they use the mouse to click instead of the arrows/enter on the key...

jQuery Autocomplete plugin - How to dynamically update data list?

Hi, I am using the jQuery autocomplete plugin for a smart input box. I want the first parameter in the input box to be autocompleted from one dataset, then once that has been selected change the dataset for the second parameter. So if I have the following: var foo = ['a','b','c']; var bar = ['x','y','z']; $("#input_box")....

groovy&grails and extjs with netbeans and autocomplete for extjs possible?

Hi everyone! I am using groovy and grails with netbeans. Is there a way to use autocomplete in ExtJS ?(with the .js files in webapp) I read, that netbeans supports autocomplete with ExtJS, however it's not working in my project ... I am using Netbeans 6.8 greets ...

Why scala 2.8 REPL does not auto-complete some method (i.e. forall, exists)?

I started the scala REPL an write the following code: scala> val a = Array(1,2,3,4) a: Array[Int] = Array(1, 2, 3, 4) scala> a.`<TAB>` asInstanceOf getClass isInstanceOf toString scala> a.exists(_ == 1) res1: Boolean = true Why I don't have "exists" listed when I press <TAB>? ...

jQuery autocomplete. Doesn't reveal existing matches.

Hello fellow engineers. I have come across a problem I just can't solve. I am using autocomplete plugin for jQuery on an input. The HTML looks something like this: <tr id="row_house" class="no-display"> <td class="col_num">4</td> <td class="col_label">House Number</td> <td class="col_data"> <input ty...

Detect Autocomplete

Hello, I have some forms that have inlined labels. I have some javascript (jQuery) that detects when focus has changed or when a user is entering text that changes the class so that the inlined label disappears and isn't blocking the user's view of their entered text. The problem I'm having occurs when the browser autocompletes the fo...

How can I configure zsh to autocomplete branch names while using 'git checkout'?

When I say 'git checkout ' I want zsh to autocomplete names of my git branches. Is that possible? ...

From AutoComplete textbox to database search and display?

Hello everyone, I have a small problem so I would be grateful if anyone could help me in any way. Thank you ;) I have this little "application", and I want when someone type in a AutoComplete textbox for example "New" it automatically displays "New York" as a option and that (AutoComplete function) works fine. But I want when user type ...

Autocomplete and Dynamic Parameter Passing

The code below works fine using jQuery UI 1.8 and jQuery 1.4.2 $("#sid_entry_box").autocomplete({ source:"autocomplete_sid.php?database="+database_name, minLength:4, delay:1000, enable:true, cacheLength:1 }); The database name is passed as a get parameter of the php call. In this application, there are two databases selecte...

Jquery Autocomplete Increase Number of Items to display

I have being using jquery autocomplete. By default it is showing 10 items in the dropdown, i want to increase its number to 20 or customise it according to requirement. i have tried many ways of cache length but none of them is working. pls suggest a way. ...

How do I prevent my ContextMenu from being constrained to its container (Win Forms c#)

I wrote a custom Control (an auto-complete TextBox (below)) in which a ContextMenuStrip is programmatically added to the form. My problem is that when the control generates a list longer than the height of it's parent container (Panel, GroupBox, etc) the bottom section of ContextMenuStrip is hidden. I have tried calling .BringToFront(...

emacs & icicles: auto-completion from a dictionary?

I just installed icicles with emacs, and so far I am liking it a lot. I'm not entirely sure if this is possible, but I would like to implement (or use, if it already exists) a feature in icicles that would auto-complete words from an English dictionary. So, if I'm writing something and need a word that rhymes with floor, I can type in ...

Silverlight 3 AutoCompleteBox: ValueMemberPath/ValueMemberBinding null

I am using an AutoCompleteBox defined as: <Controls:AutoCompleteBox Margin="4" Grid.Column="1" Width="120" VerticalAlignment="Center" ItemsSource="{Binding Routes}" ItemTemplate="{StaticResource RouteItemDataTemplate}" ValueMemberPath="Name" Style="{StaticResource Auto...