
jquery ui autocomplete positioning wrong

using jquery ui 1.8 trying autocomplete Everything works apart from that the ui-menu isn't positioned under my input element, but rather in the top left corner. Has anyone come across this problem? Here's my html: <div id="search"> <div id="searchFormWrapper"> <form method="post" name="searchForm" id="searchForm" action=...

how to ingore comma when returning json mvc

Hi all, I'm returning JSON from my controller to my view in order to populate a jquery autocomplete textbox in MVC. The problem is, some of my data contains commas, and therefore is split by the autocomplete helper. Heres my code. Controller: public ActionResult GetData() { var data = repository.GetData(); re...

iPhone auto suggest

Hi, I'd like to make an autosuggest app that connects to a .NET web service for the iPhone. Any tips on how to do it? Alternatively, would it be a good idea to cache a list of the most frequently used results on the iPhone and access the service if no results are available? Thanks, Teja ...

add autocomplete facility for dynamically added input tag

I am creating autocomplete functionality on an input tag using following code. $('.query').autocomplete({ serviceUrl:'http://localhost/main/finder.php', minChars:2, delimiter: /(,|;)\s*/, // regex or character maxHeight:400, width:400, zIndex: 9999, deferRequestBy: 0, //miliseconds onSelect: function(val...

Eclipse auto-complete of filenames

Does anyone know if there exists a plugin to Eclipse which can auto complete filenames for files in the project. So if I type images/s [Alt+tab] it should present a list of all files located in images starting with s. Like the auto-complete for types but using filenames. It would be really cool if it worked with all kinds of editors. ...

jQuery AutoComplete Plugin not working for JSON Response (sValue.substring is not a function)

I'm trying to use the autocomplete plugin for jQuery (this one My server is returning JSON string, which I'm trying to process on the client via AutoComplete plugin's 'parse' and 'formatItem' parameters, like so: $(document).ready(function() { $('.searchBox input.textbox').autocomplete('...

Disable autocomplete on textfield in Django?

Does anyone know how you can turn off autocompletion on a textfield in Django? For example, a form that I generate from my model has an input field for a credit card number. It is bad practice to leave autocompletion on. When making the form by hand, I'd add a autocomplete="off" statement, but how do you do it in Django and still retai...

jQuery UI Autocomplete formating help, (I'm new to jQuery)

I've been using this tutorial to make an autocomplete function. (UPDATE: I ditched the jQuery UI Autocomplete route because there isn't much documentation for it.) The following code works (FINALLY). I also managed to get the suggestion links to work as well. I plan to make some type of blog post to help other noobs like myself figur...

tr1::shared_ptr, Eclipse, and autocomplete woes

Does anyone know if there is a plugin or some sort of fix to be able to autocomplete on variables of type tr1::shared_ptr? ...

How do i make a autocomplete textbox in ASP.NET(Language C#) without using AjaxToolKit ?

plz help . thanks in advance ...

In Zend studio, how to tell the ide the type of a variable, so I have auto completion?

In php we use includes. So variables defined in one file and then their scope spans included files too. Zend studio has no idea how to get the type of the variable I am using inside an included file, this is very annoying when the variable type is a big class. Is there a way to hint the ide about variable types? in included files? ...

How to implement "mustMatch" and "selectFirst" in jQuery UI Autocomplete

I recently migrated a few of my Autocomplete plugins from the one produced by bassistance to the jQuery UI autocomplete. Does anyone know how to implement the "mustMatch" and "selectFirst" with just callbacks and other options without modifying the core autocomplete code itself? ...

Taming XCode's auto-complete options

I am fairly new to XCode and the Objective-C language. When I am instantiating a class, for example an NSMutableArray, XCode will provide a whole lot of auto-complete options. Even for an empty class which simply extends an NSObject has many options, most of which seem completely useless. What is the reason for having so many auto-comp...

jQuery autocomplete: how to split the string result?

I have the following situation with an autocomplete plugin on an .aspx page. It is working fine. The result from the autocomplete search yields a product id and a product description is concatenated with it (i.e. 2099 -- A Product). I know that I need to use split() with this but where do I put it? I'm still rather new to jQuery and java...

jQuery "Autocomplete" plugin is messing up the order of my data

I'm using Jorn Zaefferer's Autocomplete plugin on a couple of different pages. In both instances, the order of displayed strings is a little bit messed up. Example 1: array of strings: basically they are in alphabetical order except for General Knowledge which has been pushed to the top: General Knowledge,Art and Design,Business Stud... button click populate Autocomplete for a textbox

Hi All, I have created a keyboard using asp:button control. Onclientclick event it will display the corresponding text on the textbox. All these are working fine. Needs: I want to add autocomplete using jquery to a textbox. if i click the button [A] it has to display all the records with a. This process is working if im using the s...

Autocomplete and User define keyboard

Hi All, I am using asp:button to create a keyboard with A-Z and 0-9 for touch screen using Java script. This keyboard is linked with one textbox. If we click one button corresponding text will be displayed on the textbox. Its working fine. I have included the autocomplete feature to this textbox using jquery JQuery Autocomplete. Proble...

Eclipse Code Templates: insert clipboard?

I have begun using Eclipse code templates and am loving 'em! But for existing code they are a bit hard to use. This is easiest with an example. I have a pre-existing bit of code and I want to wrap it in a try-catch block. Currently I create the try-catch block from the template and then cut-paste the code I want inside the try block. W...

jQuery UI Autcomplete: POST instead of GET

jQuery UI Autcomplete: How can I POST the term to the search script instead of GET? ...

Slow loading jQuery Autocomplete

Hi I am building an internal app for my company using jQuery's autocomplete and am finding it tends to start off very slow. My assumption is that the bottle neck is perhaps adding its elements to the DOM since after the first query it seems to be substantially speedier. Does anyone know of a way to pre-load these elements on page load ...