
jQuery AutoComplete (jQuery UI 1.8rc3) with ASP.NET web service

Currently, I have this version of the autocomplete control working when returning XML from a .ashx handler. The xml looks like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?> <States> <State> <Code>CA</Code> <Name>California</Name> </State> <State> <Code>NC</Code> <Name>North Carolina</Name> </State> <State> ...

Google Closure: Setting Input for AutoComplete Dynamically

The Google Closure (GC) Javascript Library makes it very easy to create an AutoComplete UI, as this demo shows - . Basically, all we have to do is define an array and pass it on as one of the parameters. I'd like to be able to update the array dyn...

how to implement code completion in qt

i am writing an ide using qt (on c++) and i need to add auto completion feature to it so i want to know : how to do that (i am using qtPlainTextEdit) ? what the data structure i should use ? ...

Eclipse content assist improvement

Is it possible to make content assistant work as Netbeans code completion during typing "new "? I mean that Netbeans suggests all possible classes that fit to the type requirements including extending classes. Eclipse suggest only exact classes that fit to the required type. Here is example comparison:

JavaScript autocomplete upon typing

Right guys, all autocomplete plugins and functions that I've found, they only update upon keyup/down, etc. This is fine but the search only begins occurring once the user has stopped typing and if they are typing a phrase or word, the script is unable to instantly start suggesting, etc. I know this'll be a very simple fix or suggestion ...

tabexpansion doesn't fall through if overridden

The tabexpansion function only works partially when I override it like so: function tabexpansion { param($line, $lastWord) if ($line -eq "hey ") { "you", "Joe" } } The custom completions work as expected, but now I only get the default autocomplete behavior for cmdlet names, not parameters. So New-TAB works fine, ...

Testing rails' autocomplete with cucumber

Hi! I need to test an autocomplete field with cucumber. How can I do that? I tried Scenario: Using Autocomplete Given I am on the home page And there are the following users: |id |name | |1 |foo | When I fill in "name" with "f" Then I should see "foo" But then it fails because expected the following eleme...

Add a link to a JQueryUI autocomplete item

When a user starts typing on the searchbox, the suggestion page returns the latest item from all collections matching that nama, plus other data. I'd like to show that item (along its image), and a link to "see all items from this collection". I can do (most of) that with the following code: $('#search').autocomplete({ source: fun...

Javascript, autoload text box while typing....

I am trying to do this but keep on failing. I have a text box. I have also an array of cities, and i want, while typing to display the cities that the user should be able to select. Like if the user is typing : Mu the drop down should display Mumbai \n MuMu ... etc Like the Tags below is doing ! Does someone have any ideas in how th...

autocomplete on dynamic textbox using jquey+autocomplete plugin

Hi, I am using a form which has dynamic textboxes I want autocomplete functionality to be implemented on them and I am using Autocomplete Plugin and I want to bind them using live(). Can anyone help me out on how to implement it. Thanks in advance. ...

Redirecting users on select from autocomplete? [solved]

Hi, i'm trying to implement the jquery autocomplete plugin. I've got it up and running, but something is not working properly. Basically i have a autocomplete-list of employees. The list is generated from a table in a sql-database (employee_names and employee_ID), using a VB.NET handler (.ashx file). The data is formatted as: employee...

How to make JPopupMenu not take focus/mouse cursor?

Hello, I show() a JPopupMenu based on what the user types in a JTextField, however, when that happens the user typing on the keyboard will no longer write into the text field, unless with the mouse clicks again on the field, thus closing the popup menu. I want, like in Eclipse and NetBeans code completion feature, that the user may sti...

With Eclipse, in a PHP project with SVN, how to "tell" Eclipse to find autocompletion choice only in the current trunk or branch?

Hello, Using Eclipse on a PHP Project, I recently created a tag on my SVN. Since that day, let's say I'm working on a class in my trunk, when I ctrl+space in my code, Eclipse is getting really really slow (sometimes even freeze), and if I'm lucky, it will give me 2 responses for autocompletion : One referencing some method/class from th...

C code autocomplete in Eclipse

Hi, I'm a Java developer and I've downloaded the Eclipse for C (course purposes) and to my amazement the control+space shortcut (for autocomplete) did not work. I've created a new project and a new class using the wizzards and started to type "print" and then tried to find an autocomplete feature. After a bit of googling I arrived at C/C...

Trying to get JQuery Autocomplete working on Asp.Net page.

Can someone shed some light on the problem please: I have the following: $(document).ready(function () { $("#txtFirstContact").autocomplete({url:'http://localhost:7970/Home/FindSurname' }); }); On my Asp.Net page. The http request is a function on an MVC Controller and that code is here: Function FindSurname(ByVal surna...

iphone setting UITextView delegate breaks auto completion

Hi there! I have a UITextField that I would like to enable auto completion on by: [self.textView setAutocorrectionType:UITextAutocorrectionTypeYes]; This works normally, except when I give the UITextView a delegate. When a delegate is set, auto complete just stops working. The delegate has only the following method: - (void)textView...

C# TextBox Autocomplete (Winforms) key events and customization?

Hi, I was wondering if it is possible to catch key events for auto-complete list. For example instead of Enter key press for auto-complete use lets say Tab key. Also is it possible to change the colors and add background image for the auto-complete pop-up list? Currently I have my own implementation which is a separate window(form) with...

jQuery: Using autocomplete to add values to two fields instead of one

I want to use the autocomplete plugin for jQuery to populate not one, but two fields when selecting one of the autocomplete values - the name of a band is entered in the #band input field, but the band url (if exists) should also automatically be added to the #url input field when selecting the band name. Right now I simply have an un-p...

jQuery autocomplete pass null paramter to the controller in ASP.NET MVC 2

I'm using jQuery autocomplete plugin from jQuery website calling the controller url which return json in return. The problem is the parameter sent to the controller is always null. Here is the in-browser jQuery code for the autocomplete: $(document).ready(function() { var url = "/Building/GetMatchedCities"; $("#City").autocompl...

Autocomplete jQuery 1.8-UI JSON Format

I'm toying with the new autocomplete in jQuery 1.8-UI. I've provided data in the following format ["val1", "val2", "val3"] This is coming from a stored procedure but output as a string. For some reason this doesn't work at all, however, if I supply the same data using a javascript variable var data = ["val1", "val2", "val3"]; The...